So I thought we had escaped the stage of taking the diapers off and playing with poo. My two are 3 and 1/2, both potty trained but still in diapers. They are both in the same room at night and we have been going through painful bedtime antics for a while, getting better and then escalating. Lately they started taking off their diapers after they pooed and putting the poo on the carpet while in their room supposedly going to sleep. We tried the stick (taking away tv privileges) and the carrot (lollipops, stars for treats) approach but nothing worked for more than a day or night. I then decided that dealing with wee was better than poo, so put them in big girl/boy pants (not fully proper pants but cloth training pants) at night, and would deal with wet beds. That worked for a while, but tonight poo on the bedroom carpet again. So my question, have any of your LO's gone thought a poo phase, if so how long did it last? I need to prepare myself for how long this will last for. Also any suggestions about how to stop this that have worked?
How long before they do it? Do they try to take the diapers off at other times? My boys loved to poop at nap time- before they went to sleep. So for a while I had to lay them down 1/2 an hour early then go in and change them. If you have a video monitor I would watch or listen for clues they are taking it off. You can duct tape the diapers all the way around and cut them off the next morning.
I'm so sorry that u are dealing with it. It's a frustrating issue. We had pooing issue at nap time when they were like 2 or little older. But it was like 1 month. They took clothes off pooed and peed then covered with pillows ugh. Now at 3 yrs and 2 months, we don't have any potty issue. My kids are fully trained day and night. We said bye bye to diapers for good. I think the fact that seeing other kids used bathrooms at achool was really big help. I would just put them on toilet for 5 mins before bed time, or check on them maybe 5/10mins after u tuck them in??? Hang in there. This will pass.
It tends to be about 10-20 mins after we say night night. They are potty trained during the day so are not in diapers at any other time. I have thought about the duct tape option, but they can be very determined and I'm sure they would just see it as a test to try to get the duct tape off! I think I need to go in about 15 mins and check. Last night I had a gut feeling they were doing it, but left it another 5 minutes. Need to listen to my gut! They've been doing this for close to a month now, started 2 days after I got the carpets professionally cleaned!! Maybe they might be getting close to the end. At least last night they didn't run their toy cars through it and instead covered it with wipes
My SIL use to put her daughter's sleeper on backwards so she couldn't unzip it but with two that might not work for long since they would unzip each other. What about inside out and backwards so they couldn't find the zipper pull? It would be a bear to get on and off but easier than cleaning poop off of everything!
Do they poop on the potty during the day? Mine were late to be potty trained due to stubbornness/refusal and my son still can't make it through the night without wetting so he wears a pull-up to bed. Pull-ups don't hold as much as diapers do, so I told them it was ok if pee happened in the pull-up but they were expected to poop in the potty. We put the little plastic potty chairs in their room and told them to use them if they had to potty after bedtime, so as soon as they got over the fear of pooping on the potty they never pooped in pull-ups. Now at 4 we leave their door open at night and they take themselves to the potty several times in between lights out and falling asleep.