poll: when did you start potty training boys, and why?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bridgeport, Jun 3, 2008.


When did you start training boys?

  1. before 18 months

    0 vote(s)
  2. 18 to 20 months

    0 vote(s)
  3. 21 to 23 months

    0 vote(s)
  4. 24 to 26 months

    0 vote(s)
  5. 27 to 29 months

    0 vote(s)
  6. 30 to 32 months

    0 vote(s)
  7. 33 to 35 months

    0 vote(s)
  8. 36 to 38 months

    0 vote(s)
  9. 39 to 41 months

    0 vote(s)
  10. after 41 months

    0 vote(s)
  11. other - not sure what it would be, but I've been burned before

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    Maybe this data already exists on here somewhere, but just for the heck of it, let's do a new poll. I'm just wondering when everyone started training their boys, and why? The poll is multiple choice, in case you started at different times with different boys, or in case you had several reasons why you started when you did.

    We have in our heads that we'll do this sometime after their second birthday but before their third, but I'm wondering if that's truly the norm or not. And I'm guessing a lot will depend not on the date on the calendar, but on their signs of being ready...so I'm wondering when yours showed those signs.

  2. Cindy H

    Cindy H Well-Known Member

    With my now 7 year old we started when he showed signs like telling me he was wet or dry. He did not want a wet diaper on. He could stay dry over long periods such as nap time. He could produce on the potty before bathtime which is the time I try all of mine. HE was 2.5 before this happened. But when he trained he did it in a weekend for M&Ms. I was going to wait until after the baby but he did it before with lots of daddy encouragment.

    My now 5 year old pretty much potty trained himself. He followed brother in there and then would bring me his diaper to put back on. I actaully tried to put off potty training him, thinking he would not be ready. He ahd a surgery coming up and I did not want to regress and do it twice. But he was ready and we did it at 26 months. My easiest to train.

    With the twins, one is ready. We tried a week ago and went naked for a few days. He was doing great...only 1 accident a day and he was going on his own without me prompting him. but after that he has decided he does not want to wear underwear. He still goes but insists on having a diaper on and he does use the diaper but more still makes it in the potty. His Brother...cannot produce on the potty but wants to sit like brother. I only let him try because I am in there anyways. THe twins are 27 months.

    So I definitely think you watch for readiness and encourage when they want to try...pushing does not work.

  3. Debb-i

    Debb-i Well-Known Member

    We bought potty chairs around their 2nd b-day. The boys would try it out here and there but nothing consistent. It was more for sport. I never did a potty training "boot camp" type thing. Basically waited for clues that they were ready.

    Ben's interested sparked around 32-33 months. Within a couple days, he was daytime peed trained. It was too easy. However, it took him another 2 months to fully poop train. He had alot of fears and constipation. We went to underwear at night shortly after 3yrs. I had him wear a pull-up to bed for a few months until it was consistently dry. His brother is a different story! I started to wonder if he would go to kindergarten in a diaper. Ben being trained had no effect on his interest and no bribes seemed to help. Finally, at close to 3.5 yrs, due to mixture of things ( a training video he liked coupled with a visit to their new preschool), one day it hit...and he trained. For him, he pee and poop trained at the same time and master it within a couple days. He also wore a pull-up at night for a couple months.

    Here's the data I came across. Per the American Academy of Pediatrics, the average age for a girl to train is 27 months and for a boy...35 months. Between alot of young nephews and all of the boy's friends, I would say that the majority did NOT train until just after 3 yrs old. The youngest I can think of is my nephew who trained around 30-31 months. But every kid is different. There's a wide range. Again, from input from my circle of friends and family with boys...the magic age was 3. Good luck!
  4. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    I guess technically we started at 21 months after they showed interest in their older twin cousins' potty training efforts. We started with just buying a couple of small potties, placing them where they could be seen and used, and encouraging them to use their potties instead of the floor. They were already taking off their clothes and making messes on the floor -- sometimes clearly showing awareness and intent in the process. After seeing them use the potties with the older kids, I gave up on trying to keep them dressed for a while. We had a long period of time with being totally trained when naked but forgetting all about it when wearing anything at all. In early February (so 28.5 months) they finally "got it" and training was pretty much instantaneous. We're still using diapers for sleep times but they are dry after naps most of the time now and dry in the morning on occasion.
  5. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    I started after they turned 2, but they were also showing signs of being ready by taking off the diaper whenever they pottied. They were a couple of months shy of being 3 when they were completely trained. :)
  6. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Moodyzblu @ Jun 5 2008, 06:53 PM) [snapback]812687[/snapback]
    I started after they turned 2, but they were also showing signs of being ready by taking off the diaper whenever they pottied. They were a couple of months shy of being 3 when they were completely trained. :)

    We were pretty close to this. Sat on it but never really showed interest. I bought underwear for this 3rd birthday and he wanted to wear them that week so he trained by his 3rd birthday. It only took 3 days though, so waiting paid off.
  7. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    My kids have all been completely potty trained (not including nights) before age 2. There has never been any stress or hassles over it, just pure and simple, start, do it, yay! I didn't wait for any signs, I just told them what to do and they did it. They didn't talk yet, but they don't need to to communicate the need to potty. I started introducing it at 18 months, except for Alex-who wanted to sit and go on the potty at 16 months (the only one of the 5 to attempt anything on his own).
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