*POLL* When did they go to preschool?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by MNTwinSquared, Feb 12, 2008.


At what age did your kids go to preschool?

  1. 2 years old

    0 vote(s)
  2. 3 years old

    0 vote(s)
  3. 4 years old

    0 vote(s)
  4. 5 year old

    0 vote(s)
  5. Never went

    0 vote(s)
  6. Other (Please explain)

    0 vote(s)
  1. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    At what age did your kids go to preschool?
    Were they ready?
    How did you decide where they went?

  2. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Jackie, I voted 3 because that's how old they'll be when they start.

    I decided because I want them to have more than I can give them (or am giving them currently.) I actually gave the deposit check today.

    They are excited about "going to school" - they saw the school and have NO idea what they are in for, but it doesn't start till September, so we'll be fine! I totally think they are going to be ready!!
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm going off my oldest DD. She started preschool at 3 years and 10 months because she was an Oct. b-day, so she would be starting K a year later. She was definitely ready to go.

    My twins will be 3.5 years when they start. I think at 3.5 they will be ready.

    Most preschools around here are for ages 3 and up. There are only a few that do 2 year olds, so that really isn't an option for us.

    For my oldest DD, I called around to a few schools and took a tour of them. I was teaching part time at the time and had to be to work at 12:15, so I need a school I could easily get her from at 11:30 and take her to my Mom's house. That was how the decision was made for her. For the twins, since I won't be working, it will be a bit easier. I also have 2 sisters in town and their kids have gone to 2 other preschools and they have been happy with them so I will also check them out when I start looking for the twins.
  4. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Mine started at 3, and they were very ready to go. I decided on mine based on the recommendation of freinds, and also that they offered more than one class at a time--it gave me the option to separate the boys--which I did. They told me that for 3's the general policy is to keep them together, and split them as 4's unless the parent requests otherwise, and they follow the parents request. Mine would feed negatively off each other--if one was upset, the other would have sympathy cries, and they were fine apart. Another thing I liked about my preschool, because I ended up in that position, was that they weren't afraid to refer a child for an special needs eval if they needed it--some preschools will withold info--at least around here, because they want to keep the child in the slot and get paid for it.
  5. Marieber

    Marieber Well-Known Member

    My girls started this past September a month after they turned 3. I was worried they might not be ready, but they definitely were/are. They LOVE school!

    We decided based on recommendations from people we trust and availability. We did end up with what I think is the perfect place for us - close to home, great teachers, great program, 6:1 student teacher ratio, not too "academic." The ultimate recommendation actually came from our SEIT instructor (EI) who we love to death.

    It was also good that they didn't need to be potty trained because that could have disqualified us from a few programs.
  6. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    Mine were all 2 yrs old when they started. 3-days a week M, W, and F 9am- 12pm. They get lunch and come home and take a nap.

    I love love love it. LOL

    My kids were ready to start when they did. I don't think they would like it if it was any longer..but this 3 days a week is perfect for all of us.

  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Mine were almost 2 (a month shy) when they started going 1 morning a week. They were ready and LOVED it. They were in the 1 year old class and could have gone at 1 if their bday was before Sept. 1st. So now this year they are 3 and are in the two year old class 2 days a week.
  8. avaoliviamom

    avaoliviamom Well-Known Member

    Mine went at 1 month shy of their 3rd birthday. They will have 3 years of preschool because they miss the cutoff date of October 1st.
  9. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Sofie was 2 when she started 2 full days in September (turned 2 in May). The next school year she did 3 full days until we left the States late last year. Now she goes to a morning program 4 days a week.
  10. HRE

    HRE Well-Known Member

    Mine go 2 half days/week at 3, then 3 half days/week at 4. I did it for social reasons. They didn't learn anything educationally that they weren't learning at home, but they did learn other social things. They have all loved it so far!
  11. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I voted "other".

    My kids were in daycare until February of last year. They were moved up to the preschool class at 1 year 10 months. I took them out of daycare to become SAHM at the end of Feb.

    They will be starting pre-school in September of this year at 3 1/2 years old. I chose the school based on its reputation and advice of other moms. We went on one visit and they really liked it. My deposit check has been cashed so I guess we are in.
  12. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    I voted 2. The girls started a Toddler class at a very good school in my area this past September. They go for two half days a week from 9-12 and love it. They are learning so much more that I would have been able to teach them.

    Next year they are already signed up for the pre-school class for two days a week but from 9-2 since we are planning on moving and will have a bit of a commute to take them and pick them up. The following year they will goto pre-K at the same school.

    I didn't really look around much when I picked the pre-school the girls would goto. My cousin already had her kids there and loved it and the school has been around for over 50 years. DH and I did go to check it out on a class day before signing the girls up and it was a very nice setting and the girls even had fun that day too. It will be quite a commute once we move but I really like the school and want to keep that the same till they start kindergarten.
  13. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    Mine started this past fall at 2 1/2 for two mornings a week. They love going to school and have learned quite a bit and have made their own friends. It's great to see. Next year, they will go every morning. They are in a home daycare when not in school. We just transitioned this from being with a nanny full time. They seem to have taken to it immediately. I think the socialization is wonderful for them and they are building up immunities so that when they do start kindergarten they hopefully won't have as many illnesses. I think it was wonderful to have them home for the first couple of years, but now they are ready to tackle the world.
  14. mpleonard

    mpleonard Member

    I'm voting for other. My twins started a parents morning out program when they were 10 1/2 months old. They go two days a week from 9 - 12. It was a little hard at first but they love it now.
  15. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    I voted 3 but my boys aren't in preschool yet. I am assuming they will be able to start in Sept - the only obstacle between now and then is potty training! They must be potty trained (needing no help to go to the bathroom) for preschool here.

    It is a 5 hour per week program- it isn't daycare/full day/etc type thing.

    If our family ed class is any indication, the boys will love it!
  16. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    I started P and P at a little over 2. It is a small class, two mornings a week at our church. The reason I had them start at 2 was to give me a chance to get some things done with out taking 3 little kids everywhere. They had a hard time the first month of school, but now love to go and see everyone.
  17. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    My boys will be starting in Sept. and they will be nearly 4 then.
  18. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    John went at 3 because he was an only child and needed some socialization. Our twins will not go til 4, when they have the first program at the school John attends now.
  19. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    A good question was brought up... potty training! My two are nowhere near potty trained. I'm being talked to about a 'stepping stones' program through our school district (we've gone to mommy & me classes since the twins were 4 months old) where the first half the mom is in the class with them and then the 2nd half they are in by themselves. They do fine when we seperate now in the mommy & me classes.
  20. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Mine started at age 2 years and 9 months. We chose this particular school because this is where we did our Mommy and Me class and they kids were very comfortable with the staff. I decided to start them 2-days a week since they really enjoyed Mommy and Me. They just seemed ready to DH and myself and I figured it was only 6 hours a week. Good for them to get out and learn how to participate in group settings and have some fun.
  21. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    My boys started at 3. They went three days a week last year & this year go 5 mornings a week 9-12 basically in the VPK class. They did have to be able to go to the bathroom by themselves in order to start. Some kids there were only 2. The boys have been in different classes both years & really enjoy it.
  22. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Justin did not go, and he had to work hard the first quarter of K, but was not the only one, and he did well.

    Hannah did not go and went into K already reading.

    Both J & H had plenty of social time with their friends through playgroups, so that was not a concern, and we worked on pre-k skills at home as well.

    Josh will go this Fall. I am not able to give him as much one on one time as I did with J & H. And since we have a free pre-k program here for all 4yo's now, I am going to send him. I think he will really love it! It is 5 mornings a week, from 830-1150.

    I will probably send the twins when they are 4 as well.

    Here in FL, there is a website that you can go to and it tells you how well the K's did coming out of each preschool on testing. I think that is part of the VPK program though. I toured a couple and found one that was nearby, clean, had friendly teachers, and a well-rounded program. My friend's daughter is going there this year, and she likes it, so that helped my decision as well.

    Good luck Jackie!
  23. Emerald

    Emerald Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(JicJac @ Feb 13 2008, 01:31 AM) [snapback]618883[/snapback]
    At what age did your kids go to preschool?
    Were they ready?
    How did you decide where they went?


    M&T were 3 1/2, turning 4 in January last year. This year they were 4 1/5, going on 5.
    Our city schools offer a free Pre-K program, and we decided to enroll them because we thought they would like playing with other kids their age, it was from 12:30-3 Monday-Friday, and gave me extra time with A each day and for her to have a nap and me to have some time to do housework and other things that do not get done when kids are awake here.
    M&T love school. Absolutely everything about it. They were definately ready, and it worked very well for us because it was not too long a time each day.
    Next school year (2008-2009) our school program changed at the beginning of this year to only accept 4 yr old, so A will have to wait another year before going. M&T start full day K in the fall, so we have not decided on if we are going to find a private preschool program for the afternoons for her, and DH can go back to working days, instead of the nights he has worked since M&T were born.
  24. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    My girls never went. They do a 2.5 hour Tuesday school at church that has some learning aspects (ABCs, 123s, Art, Games, Bible) but it's not really preschool. They also have Sunday school and Little Gym. They started Tuesday School after turning 4 and that was a very good age to send them because they could get more out of it than just playtime.
  25. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone for your responses!
  26. Mothership

    Mothership Well-Known Member

    my oldest never went... with me being a teacher and their daycare provided being a former speech pathologist, I really didn't see the need. DD had to work hard in the beginning of K (that's mostly because she is purely developmental and will not do anything until it's time), but she is reading at a level 3 (end of Kindergarten level, DRA-wise) and doing fine... so I won't be sending the twins either. I love where they go, and I am so skeptical of who watches my kids that I am happy staying put.
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