Poll for kids who have a lovey

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by thea7, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    I'm curious about lovies, one of my kids has one and the other doesn't. My DD has a lovey but my DS couldn't care less. I bought each of them a lovey when my kids were 6 months old, but my DD didn't bond with her lovey until she was almost 12 months old; my DS never bonded. I wanted to hear what other kids are doing. I'm also curious to hear what your kids lovey is. My DD's lovey is a small blanket with a head of a duck in the corner of it; it's name is "Duckie." She can't sleep without it. Thanks!

    misha and cyan 15 months old
  2. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    Both my girls have 'blankies' they are just cmall cloth nappies, they cuddle them all the time, had them since birth when we separated them into separate cribs they raelly helped as they smelled like one another.
    we would wake up in the morning and find them snuggled up to it with their noses burried in it hehe.

    I let my girls take them anywhere, they feel more comfortable holding them...its fine with me.
  3. greatexpectations

    greatexpectations Well-Known Member

    both my girls have those little blankets with the teddy bear or doggie head on top. They've been using them since about 5 months old or so. One HAS to have hers to go to sleep because, oddly enough, she sucks on the silk side; the other could probably sleep without hers, but she likes it to go into her crib.

    I remember they were so young and actually falling asleep with those things covering their face! [​IMG] But, we were suckers for seeing how comfortable they made them to sleep that we just went in later and removed them. We stopped doing that after a while, though, and realized they were just fine with them anyway they wanted.

    I envision them using them as long as they want. Right now, they only need them in their room for naps and bed. But, for long rides when they will need to nap in the car, I take them along.

    We have substitutes as well and those can be anywhere ... and when they are they hug on them, but don't carry them around or anything. Not yet, anyway. They use those fine when we need to wash the others.
  4. firsttimer

    firsttimer Well-Known Member

    I have a boy and a girl....both are attached to their loveys. I think Brendan is a bit more attached.
  5. kerilynh

    kerilynh Well-Known Member

    Dakota has an easter bunny from last year. It goes everywhere with him. He sucks his thumb while holding it. Logan has a very hard to find baby gund blue puppy dog. He didn't bond with that until about 10-11 mnths old. He unfortunatly sucks on the tail which makes for a very dirty dog. We finally found another one but he inspected that thing up and down and knew that it wasn't the "original" and he threw it at me. With Dakota I found new easter bunnies at walmart. The same ones too, but different color, and he knows the difference too unfortnuatly.

  6. RNjaime

    RNjaime Well-Known Member

    My boys got attached to their blankies around a year old. We let them go anywhere, but they mostly stay in the cribs and on the couch around bedtime. Occasionally if we're going on a long trip we'll take them in the car too.
  7. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    My boys have the little blankets with stuffed animal heads. They couldn't care less about them until after 12 months. Now they like to snuggle the lovies (and it doesn't matter which one) when they're tired. They will carry them around some and bring them to bed on occasion but as long as they have a blanket with a satin edge, they can sleep. I think if the lovies disappeared tomorrow, they wouldn't notice. If they see it, though, they want to snuggle it.
  8. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    We change the girls blankies regularly and so thus Jazz isn't attached to any one specific blankie but has to have a blankie to go to sleep unless she goes to sleep in the car then she doesn't need a blankie.
  9. Silvarra

    Silvarra Well-Known Member

    My oldest had a stuffed duck named "Waddles", Amanda has her puppy, and Vicky attached herself to her own foot. She snuggles it up to her nose when she needs comfort, it's hilarious!
  10. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Mine both have loveys that are those satin/fuzzy blankets with a head -- Sarah's is a bunny and Amy's is a ducky. My SIL bought them when the girls were born, but I didn't start putting them in the crib till 6 months. Amy kind of likes hers, but she's still more attached to other things (mostly terrycloth drool bibs).

    Sarah is very very attached to her bunny, starting at around 7 months. She likes to suck on the ears. I brought it to daycare for naptime and she starting going down for naps much easier, so I bought a second one just to keep at school. I switch them every week and wash them both, and she seems to consider them equally acceptable, thank goodness.

    Amy's drool bibs are allowed anywhere in the house but not out of the house. Bunny and ducky are allowed only in the crib (or, at school, only for naps).

    Silvarra, that's so funny about Vicky being attached to her own foot! I guess at least she can never leave it behind somewhere (although when she gets older, it will be harder to get it up to her nose!). [​IMG]
  11. Sue1968

    Sue1968 Well-Known Member

    I gave both boys a pancake bear when they were 6 months old to help with very frequent wakeups (every 20 minutes - argh!). Ben took to his right away and has used a succession of the pancake stuffed animals. By the time he was a year, he and "blue dog" were inseparable. (He won't even accept new 'blue dogs'. It has to be the original.) He used to carry it around but about a year ago, it became a "crib only" thing and he's gotten used to that.

    For Adam, I tried everything to get him attached to a lovey. It helped Ben so much with going to sleep and staying asleep but I never found anything that Adam loves that much. He likes animals and blankets in his crib but the only thing he's really in "love" with are his binkies and I don't really think that counts as a lovey. I think we're going to ditch the binkies soon anyway, but Ben can keep blue dog.
  12. candctwinfactory

    candctwinfactory Well-Known Member

    I gave Chloe and Cole lovey stuffed animals when they where around 9 months. They were small and very soft. Chloe has attached to hers, but she can sleep without it. In a pinch, and Cole doesn't mind, we can give her Cole's and that works for her, she just needs to hold it. It's mostly a crib lovey, but some mornings she likes to carry it downstairs for morning milk.

    Cole didn't latch on to his animal, but does love his blanket. Again, I don't think he needs it to sleep, but sure loves to cuddle up with it. It stays in the crib.

    If we are heading out on overnight trips, I bring their usual crib contents so it feels more like home and hopefully sooths them!
  13. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    Both girls sort of have one. They both got a bear blanket when they were born, it's a small blanket with a bear head on it and the silkyness around it. Katrina bonded with it quickly but we ended up getting her a new one, it was pink when she was probably around 18mths or a little younger. She would take it everywhere in the house and in the car, but wasn't aloud out at stores or anywhere just my moms house. She slept with it and was very attached to it. Well my hubby let her take it with her to the hospital one night for x-rays (she fell down the stairs a few months ago) and he lost it. Well we looked everywhere and we went out and bought a new pink teddy. It's not the same but thankfully she accepted it but still says everynow and then that she wishes she had her old pink teddy. Now Kira never bonded with the blanket she had she loved the cloth diapers (we used them as birht clothes) and then around 16mths or so she switched to those or the recieving blankets. She now loves recieving blankets she has two that are the same but if they aren't around she will take anyone doesn't matter color or size. Kira isn't as atached but loves it especially when Katrina has hers and is playing with hers. Katrina will not sleep without her blanket and will scream and cry till she gets it but Kira it doesn't matter she's more easy going about it.
  14. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Just my Zack has his 'bippy' (what we call it) it is a burp rag, the big square shaped ones, and he has to HAVE one, anywhere we go he takes it with him. It has little puppies and designs on it, he grabs ahold of the tag and rubs it in between his fingers at naptime and bedtime.
  15. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    I voted, but not completely b/c it wouldn't let me vote for boy and girl. Both of mine have 2 loveys that stay in their cribs (with protest sometimes). They probalby got pretty attached around 9-12 months I'd say. Now they HAVE to have them to sleep and for long car trips. Catherine's has had to be repaired various times and last night I had to wash it at midnight when she threw up on it!
  16. Marian

    Marian Well-Known Member

    I couldn't really answer this, since they both have a lovey (stuffed puppy). They both started getting attached to it between 6-9 months old (faster with Alex, my boy) and they are only allowed in the crib or in the car or when they are experiencing something new.
  17. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for everyone's responses. It is so interesting to hear what different kids are doing. Sorry if you have b/g twins and couldn't vote; when I was setting up the poll I didn't realize you wouldn't be able to vote twice. Thanks everyone!

  18. twinzmom2b

    twinzmom2b Well-Known Member

    THis was an interesting poll. Both of my girls have lovies. Morgan has a 12x12 fleece/satin blankie with Pooh on it. She's had that since she was 6 months old (non-stop). Then, at Easter in 2006, our sitter gave her a little bunny...that has been toted around with the blankie ever since. Then, she got a Suzy Zoo duck (small one) from the sitter b/c our sitter knows that she likes ducks. So, now we've added duck into the mix. THEN, she's obsessed with Elmo and now has a 6-in Elmo that she carries around everywhere. Literally, every night before she goes to bed, she has to go around and "collect" her blankie, duck, bunny and Elmo. She won't lay down in her crib without them. She is ONLY allowed to take blankie and one stuffed toy to the sitter though. She has gotten to the point where she really only wants them for nap/bed time. OTher than that they sit in the corner somewhere until she is ready for them.

    Reagan also has a lovie that she's had non-stop since 6 months. Thanksfully, she doesn't get attached to ANYTHING like Morgan does...hehehe! She started with the 12x12 pooh blankie adn it was attached to her. One day someone had give us one of those real soft fleece/satin ones from BRU...I stuck it in her crib for her to cuddle with at night. Well, the day I put that in there was the day she ditched the Pooh blankie. Big mistake b/c the other is a big blankie. Oh well. It goes everywhere with us. She calls it her "B". You know it's nap/bed time when she gets her "b" and curls up with her thumb in her mouth.

    So, yes, both of my girls have forms of lovies. Both are very attached but only for naps...but on the negative side, taht means they go everywhere with us. If not, Morgan sits in the car saying, "Melmo?" until you get Elmo. And, Reagan sits there whining "ugh, b...ugh, b" it's kind of funny but they won't chill without the lovies!
  19. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Jayden has a penguin that he got from the aquarium last year and wont sleep without it. He usualy just keeps it in his crib .. but occasionally will take it out if he sees penuins on tv. [​IMG]
  20. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Couldn't vote, but both Ben and Hannah have a stuffed animal and a blanket that they are very attached to. Hannah loves her blanket and kitty to sleep with. Ben would carry his blanket and froggy around everywhere with him if he could. He has some serious attachment issues with his lovies.

    We let the kids take their lovies out of the crib in the morning and after naptime, but we put them away as soon as the kids start to get preoccupied with their toys. Lately we have also been letting Ben take them in the car.
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