Plugged ducts all of sudden

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jdorourk, Nov 17, 2012.

  1. jdorourk

    jdorourk Well-Known Member

    My twins are 7 mos and EBF. I had one plugged duct when they were close to 2 mos - I was pumping more often at that time and giving them a combo bottles and breastfeeding, so I would expect plugged ducts with more pumping.

    I only pump once/day now (planning to eliminate that soon) and I haven't had any plugged ducts since 2 mos, and all of a sudden I've had two plugged ducts a week apart. They were not on the same breast. Nursing frequency hasn't really changed - both babies are down to one night feed and I still nurse every 2 - 2.5 hours in the day as my twins can't handle the large volumes of milk if I extend feedings (they will spit up a lot more). Based on the recommendation from you guys I alternate which twins gets which breast each day. DS is my champion nurser and big eater and both plugged ducts occurred on the breast he was on that day.

    Is this just a random occurrence? Or did others suddenly get more plugged ducts due to some reason? Thanks, Jessica
  2. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Last week I had a bit of a hot spot myself- I think it's due to changes in when she's night-nursing and the introduction of solids. A is starting to eat a more robust dinner so I think she's drinking a little less milk. Fortunately all it took for me was {painful} massage during nursing and rubbing the heck out of it when in the tub.
  3. jdorourk

    jdorourk Well-Known Member

    Thanks! I bet it is due to solids. DS has really taken to them since we started them a month ago, and the plugged ducts were on his breast for that day. DD hasn't really taken to solids at all.

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