Please tell me they will sleep in their cribs eventually!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jjzollman, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    My 6 month old boys (born 5 weeks early) have been sleeping at night in their bouncy seats (which I put in their cribs). They started in the bouncies around 2 months b/c they were spitting up alot and were very gassy - and the bouncies helped quite a bit. It brought all of us a lot of peace and a few more hours of sleep. Now, however, every time I try to put them to bed in their cribs, they are up at least every 30 minutes to 1 hour. This goes on and on. And eventually I end up putting the bouncies back in their cribs so I can have some sleep. I don't know what to do to make this any easier on them. I realize I'm just going to have to sacrifice a few nights of what little sleep I'm getting (they are still up 1x night and I pump at night for 40 minutes). But at this point, I feel like I'm going to be strapping 5 year olds into bouncy seats at night. :rotflmbo:

    Any words of wisdom? I feel like I've really failed in this department!

    Thank you!!
  2. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    I'm sure it will be fine. My cousin's kid slept in his swing until past his first birthday and now he is a normal 2 year old who sleeps and naps in a crib! Hopefully it won't take you until 2 to make the transition! Do they have reflux? Maybe laying them flat hurts their belly. :hug99:
  3. 4kidsmomexpectingtwins

    4kidsmomexpectingtwins Well-Known Member

    Try putting them in a crib together and you may want to prop up one side of the matteress so it is at an angle. I have used an old pillow before. My oldest ds didn't like sleeping in his crib either. I had to put him in his car seat to sleep. He liked the confinement. Your twins may feel the same way now. It might be too open for them. You might try swaddling them in a soft blanket and laying them together in the crib. I know I had my twins sleeping in seperate cribs for the longest time. My dd did fine, but ds no so great. I started putting them together in the crib and now they sleep great. I know mine are much smaller than yours, but if they would fit in there together, it might be what they need! Good luck and I hope you can get some rest!
  4. esaesa

    esaesa Well-Known Member

    Don't feel like a failure! Just yesterday I was joking w/ my sister that I might have to tie Max to a rocking chair and attach a motor on it when he gets bigger! He plays oppossum, as soon as you lay him down he wakes and starts screaming. I didn't read all the other posts, what about a sleep positioner? Don't they prop the little dears up a bit? Also, don't know how you feel about cosleeping (and it is hard w/ 2 adults and 2 babies), but maybe they want to be close to their siblings and/or parents while they sleep.
  5. jentwinmom

    jentwinmom Well-Known Member

    You are NOT a failure. I have a nearly 8 month old still in a bouncy seat. She still spits up terribly. I have tried the crib, but went in to find her with puke on her face and I refuse to let that happen again. She is about 18 pounds, so she will not be able to be in that bouncy seat much longer, so I am hoping her "happy spitting" goes away before her legs start dragging the ground.
  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    I used to put them to sleep in the swing and then transfer them to their cribs. I quit that cold turkey at 9 mos. I don't think you are in danger yet., but certainly it's easier when they are younger. Don't worry about it too much (unless the bouncy can roll over when they decide they are going to start rolling). Maybe get them SLEEPING in the bouncy and then transfer them and take the bouncy out of the crib?
  7. Erineliza

    Erineliza Well-Known Member

    You haven't failed- you did what you had to do to survive. That is all any of us do! I think you are right though- you will probaby have to sacrafice a few nights of restful sleep to wait it out and let them adjust. My DD slept in her bouncy seat until about 4.5 months. Then I moved her into the crib. It took a couple of days- but now she sleeps like a champ in there. Good luck!
  8. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    They will :) Start maybe with naps. Let them get almost asleep and then put them in. I would say get naps routine for the crib then worry about night time. Don't put them in there wide awake but not all the way asleep either.

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