Please share happy day care stories!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by axpan, Sep 4, 2007.

  1. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    My little babies are starting day care tommorrow :cray:
    I'm going back to work at the end of the month and I'm starting them out a little earlier so they have a chance to adjust and maybe I'll even get some time to myself before I start work.
    I know this is a good thing. I stayed at home with them till now and I'm sure they'll do fine. I know it's ok.
    I picked the best day care and am thrilled we were accepted to it. It's very near where I work. I have a whole list of positive arguments to support this choise.
    I feel so sad though. In addition to the sadness I think I would feel no matter what my friends are acting like my sending the girls to day care is a terrible terrible thing and it's starting to get to me. :angry:
    In Greece most do not send their children to day care at such a young age- there are very few that will accept children who are not toilet trained. Grandparents take over raising children or nannys are hired.
    You know how you know what's right but then if others keep telling you its wrong you get all torn?
    I'm hoping you will lift my spirits and send me some positive thoughts and stories about day care so I can get through tommorrow with less tears.
    thanks so much.
  2. moski

    moski Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    My kids were in daycare for the first two years of their life. I just took them out in February because I left my job. They did so well there and loved it. There were days that they just didn't want to come home with me :). Their teachers were all wonderful and they missed them so much when they stopped going (the teachers missed my kids, too). The owner of the daycare was wonderful to my kids as well. I cried when I put them in and I cried when I took them out.
  3. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Thanks Maureen for your positive post.
    My Lama (teacher) told me to think of it as opening the circle of love. The girls will find out that more people are there to love them and help them grow. Your post is a good example of that.
  4. swiertel

    swiertel Well-Known Member

    I don't send mine to daycare, but just wanted to say don't let other people make you feel bad. You are their mommy and know what's best for them. They will LOVE school and interacting with all of those kids. (Love how the teacher describes it!)
  5. Safari

    Safari Well-Known Member

    Our girls start daycare tomorrow (2 days per week). We've done 2 trial days and they went well so far. *fingers crossed*
  6. BaylorGirls

    BaylorGirls Well-Known Member

    We've had some really good daycare experiences. I feel the girls get to do a lot at daycare that we don't always do at home, like art projects or group music activities. They also get to interact with the other kids. It's also essential to my and DH's sanity to get a break from them! I think it's important for kids to build trust in other caregivers besides Mom and Dad because it shows them that other people care about them, too.
  7. axpan

    axpan Well-Known Member

    Thanks for your posts.
    Well today is the day. Off we go.
    I'll let you know how it went.
  8. rheamay

    rheamay Well-Known Member

    My oldest was in daycare for about 1 year. Then when the twins were born it was just financially better for me to stay home with the 3. But I can say that Anthony LOVED daycare and I LOVED the care provider. Me and Monica are still good friends to this day. He had a great time, made a lot of friends. It was important for him to learn that other adults are authority figures besides just me and dad. And I will never forget Valentines day when I got my very first homemade "art" from my heart melted and I still have it hanging on the fridge!! :wub:

    I want to hear how it went...I am sure they will be just fine!!
  9. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    Mine have been in daycare since they were about 3 months old, and they absolutely love it. Like the PP said, they have so much more opportunities to do neat things like music time, story time, scheduled naps and meals, and art projects - you can barely see the color of my fridge from all the things they have brought home. :D They also have interactions with other kids, not just their twin which I think is good for them. The times that I have had to keep them home with me I could never get all those things done, so I know that it was the best decision for me. Good luck today! I hope it all goes well.
  10. rematuska

    rematuska Well-Known Member

    First, good luck tomorrow!

    My oldest has been in daycare since she was 3 months old, and complains the days she doesn't get to go. My twins are happy there, and love their teachers. They get two sets of toys (one at home, and one at school). I've become friends with some of the teachers as well. We don't know a lot of people with kids their ages, so this way, I know my girls are getting some great play time with others their age. And they are learning lots - my oldest can do all sorts of things I don't know that she would be able to do if she were home with me all day.

    And the best thing about daycare - is when you go to pick them up, and they run, crawl, wiggle, clap, giggle, shriek, or some combination of all the above, because they had a good day but are so happy to see you again!
  11. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    My girls started on Tuesday and they have done great. They are having fun, eating well and taking naps. Other than Jazzy bumping her head on Tuesday(which would of happened at home) and Jessy biting Jazz today(which does happen at home) things have been wonderful.
  12. mrsjo

    mrsjo Well-Known Member

    My guys were at home for a long time. When we finally started them at a day care~ they really blossomed. We have had a good run, but you have to be careful. If you have anything that makes you uncomfortable~say something. If it is not safe or a teacher is not doing right...say so. ASAP

    Good luck, I hope it is going well. Your kids will love it, on most days.
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