Please read if your twins are between 16 - 18 months

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by dezmitch, Dec 7, 2009.

  1. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    it seems that ever since my twins turned 13 months naps have been hit and miss for my son. He will take one a day, but sometimes it's 45 minutes, other days (the good days) it's 2 hours. if he takes a 45 minute nap he will not go back down in the afternoon (you would think he would) unless we happen to be in the car driving...then he'll snooze.

    anyways -- please tell me what your typical day looks like. Today my son woke up at 545am (unusual) and I fed them breakfast at 7:30am (they had milk when they woke up), I offered a snack at 9:30, they didn't want it -- so I'm going to do an early lunch at 11am, and then put them down for a nap. Wish me luck...just curious to see how your day goes. Oh, and they go to bed at 7pm (usually up at 7am -- but not the past week).
  2. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    This will be brief as I am at work (!):
    awake 6-6:30ish (we don't go in until 6:30 or 6:45, depending upon intensity of noise...they generally babble and chat)
    breakfast 7:30
    snack 9:45ish
    lunch 11:15ish
    in cribs for nap 11:50
    out of cribs after nap 3ish
    snack 3:20ish
    dinner 5:30ish
    in bed 6:30-6:45

    We have a nanny during the week...she worked hard to get that one nap established. She slowly extended the time that would elapse before she would go into their room...they sometimes wake around 1:30, babble and fall back asleep. Often they are awake by 2:30 and just hang out in their cribs, entertaining themselves until 3pm (or later). I will say that on the weekends, I get them up around 2:30 if they are awake and chatting.

    Does this help at all?? Teething REALLY messes with our nap duration around are those molars for him??
  3. abrinka

    abrinka Well-Known Member

    My twins went to 1 nap at 13 months too.
    here is how our day looks like:
    7-7:30 wake up
    7:45-8 milk for DS, yogurt for DD(she does not drink milk)
    9:30 breakfast
    12-2:30 nap
    3:00-yogurt with fruit(trying to fatten them up)
    5:00-finger food(they don't really eat much, especially DD)
    6:00-cream of wheat(if they did not eat much @5p)
    8:00-milk and yogurt
    8:30 bed
  4. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    Brody's molars are in -- I think that's what happened with the lack of napping between 13 - 14 months. I just wish he woke up babbling (like all of your babies do) -- he wakes up crying and screaming every day (morning and after nap) soon as you get him he is fine. It's just a bad habit that he has so that we come get's so frustrating and not the best thing to wake up every morning. I hate to say this, but the mornings Gabs wakes up first my husband and I are so happy because she is always so pleasant in her crib.

    BTW -- couldn't keep him up until noon (maybe I should of, but I didn't). He was rubbing his eyes and yawning around 10:30am, so I fed them a snack and JUST put them down. So 11:15am today...hopefully he at least sleeps until 1pm...but I doubt it. :(
  5. someone

    someone Well-Known Member

    This is what we do.. might need some tweaking as they still get three bottles a day.

    wake up between 6 and 7 (we never go in before 6) and get a bottle of milk.

    7:45: breakfast

    10:00 ish a little snack

    11:45ish: lunch

    1:00ish: bottle of milk followed by nap until between 3 and 4, napping for roughly 2 and a half hours, give or take depending on the day.

    sometimes they have a little snack when they wake up.

    5:00ish: dinner

    6:30: bottle of milk then bed for the night.
  6. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    our schedule is:

    7:00am - 8:00am wake & nurse
    8:30am breakfast
    11:00am lunch
    12:00pm nap
    2:00pm - 3:00pm wake & snack
    5:00pm dinner
    7:30pm bedtime

    they used to get two snacks a day but we dropped to one snack a day when we dropped to one nap a day. they seem to eat more at each meal now.

    i'm sorry you're having such a tough time with naps. that's no fun at all. :hug:

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Mine get milk at each meal, and a sippy of milk right when they wake up.

    7:00am get out of cribs (one DD wakes at 6:30 and plays until 7am, the other DD might sleep until 7:30am)
    They get a sippy of milk and play while I make breakfast
    7:30am breakfast
    10:15 small lunch
    11:00 - 1:30 or 2:00 nap
    2:00 small lunch
    5:00pm dinner
    6:30 bed

    If mine wake early from a nap, they stay in their cribs and play. I'll hear them wake at the 45 minute mark sometimes and they know that we won't come get them if they cry, so they just play and sometimes fall back to sleep (same for morning). That took some training! I give them a sippy of water in their cribs and a soft book and another kind of toy so they have something to do when they wake up and some water to drink.

    Good luck!
  8. dezmitch

    dezmitch Well-Known Member

    Well maybe I'm making some progress. I put the kids down around 11:15am, Brody woke up at 11:50am, I let him CIO and he fell back asleep around 12:30pm until about 1:30pm. I think if all goes well I'm just going to keep on pushing him back and not go in if he sleeps less then an hour....ahhh, frustrating!
  9. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    I know lots of moms who declare "nap time" between such-and-such a time. For us, the kiddos naptime is between noon-3pm (or 2:30pm when I am home :))

    It took awhile for ours to get the idea that no one was going to rush in the moment they they babble and chat and sometimes fall back asleep. It was NOT always like this!!

    This napping-thing STILL isn't easy :) Hang in there!
  10. Sabella

    Sabella Member

    Our boys schedule looks like this.

    7:30am or 8am - wake up, breakfast, milk, play
    10am - short nap
    12pm - lunch, milk, play
    1:30- small snack, water
    2 or 2:30p - nap (sometimes they play through this nap and are little nightmares later)
    4:30p - snack, milk
    6:30p - dinner, water
    7:30 or 8p - milk, bath, book, bedtime
  11. june07girl

    june07girl Well-Known Member

    Here is our "schedule"

    7:30-8am Wake Up
    8am- Breakfast
    9am- 8oz bottle
    9:15-11:30 Play, go out, activites etc

    11:45 Lunch

    12:30 Start to wind down, 6oz bottle
    1:00pm In Cribs for nap
    1-3:30ish nap

    3:30 Up
    3:45-5:00 Play etc.
    5:15 Supper
    5:45-6:30 Play

    6:30 Bath

    7:00 8oz bottle, stories, bed.
  12. foppa2102

    foppa2102 Well-Known Member

    we're not strict with our schedule at all and don't really know what happens as far as naps at daycare, i guess i should ask... lol
    7:30 awake
    7:45 juice, breakfast (sometimes... other times have breakfast at daycare), get dressed
    8:00 to daycare
    10:00 sometimes nap at daycare
    12:00 lunch
    12:30 sometimes nap at daycare
    5:00 home from daycare
    5:15 eat dinner
    6:15 bath
    7:30 bedtime

    but on the weekends when they don't go to daycare....
    7:30 wake up, juice
    8:00 breakfast
    9:30 sometimes nap, sometimes no nap, sometimes nap for 1 hr
    12:00 lunch
    3:00 nap 1 hr unless we've gone out for the day, then they won't nap except for a few minutes in the car
    5:00 dinner
    7:30 bed
  13. Halseyse

    Halseyse Well-Known Member

    Here's what our schedule usually looks like:

    0730-0800 - wake
    0900 - breakfast
    1000 - milk
    1100 - snack
    1200 - lunch
    1300 - 1500 - nap
    1530 - snack
    1630 - milk
    1800 - dinner
    1930 - milk [before bed]

    Their usually in bed around 2000 [8pm]

    Lately [past 1.5 wks] I've been having sleeping issues with my DD1. Today napping issues arose. I hope it's a short phase. I don't have too much patience left [​IMG]

    ETA: We've been on a one nap routine since they were about 14 months old.
  14. amelowe9

    amelowe9 Well-Known Member

    Here's our routine (though it's flexible!):

    7 a.m. wakeup
    7:30 breakfast
    8-11:30-play,run errands, music class, etc....
    2:30-5:30-playdates, errands, classes
    5:30-7 p.m.-dinner, bath bed

    Some days are better than others with naps. Yesterday I kept them up until 12 p.m., put them down and they played for an 1 1/2 hours in their crib, and napped an hour. Needless to say I had super-cranky babies by the time it was 5 p.m. This morning they slept until 8:30! That is a total fluke--this has happened maybe once before--and today I had to wake them up so we could get to gym class.
  15. lionheart

    lionheart Active Member

    This is what our day looks like:

    7:30am wake up and get a bottle RIGHT AWAY (we are still trying to get them out of this but they throw a fit if they don't get milk)
    8:30 breakfast
    10:00 snack (sometimes-depends how hungry they are but it is often a very light snack like an arrowroot cookie or something)
    11:45 Lunch
    12:30 nap
    3:00 wake up (they usually sleep at least 2 hrs, usually 21/2, sometimes 3 or 3 1/2)(I don't wake them up i just let them sleep)(I used to wake them up thinking it would wreck their night time sleep but now I find the bigger naps they have during the day the better they sleep at night!!)
    3:30 snack
    5:30 Dinner
    7:00 Bottle and snack (usually a high calorie snack, like pudding or cookies, etc.. we are trying to gain weight
    7:30pm Bed
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