Please post typical day with 2 month twins

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Randene, Jan 17, 2007.

  1. Randene

    Randene Active Member

    If you have 2 month old twins (or remember what your day was like when your twins were 2 months old) please let me know what your day looks like! I feel so out of control like my days have no routine at all and I am at my wits end! I need some consistancy!!!
  2. Randene

    Randene Active Member

    If you have 2 month old twins (or remember what your day was like when your twins were 2 months old) please let me know what your day looks like! I feel so out of control like my days have no routine at all and I am at my wits end! I need some consistancy!!!
  3. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to remember, but the first couple months are kind of a blur. [​IMG]

    I think at that point we pretty much ate & slept. I still was exhausted, so I was napping as much as I could when the babies slept. They were on a pretty good eating schedule, about every 3 hrs, but if I remember right were still sleeping most of the day. I wouldn't stress too much about getting a schedule, it'll come.
  4. cael0816

    cael0816 Well-Known Member

    my twins are almost 3 months old and my days are also crazy. we get nothing done. between them and my 19 month old son, I am lucky if I get to brush my teeth before noon. Everyone says it will get better -i hope they are right. i am also ready for a routine. They eat about every three hours and I spend most of the day trying to get them to sleep.

    sorry i wasn't much help -just wanted you to know I am in the same boat.
  5. Mary T

    Mary T Well-Known Member

    Mine are 4 months old tomorrow. And we still have little rhyme or reason to our days. WE do have fairly consistent bedtimes and they are sleeping 6-7 hours at a stretch before waking at night so that helps a HUGE amount!

    Sorry not much help.

    LIndsey 2-18-04
    Grant and Kelsey 9-18-06
  6. My boys just turned 2 months, and my day consist of breastfeeding,breastfeeding, and more breastfeeding. [​IMG]my days have no real rhyme,yet. They pretty much sleep and eat, and I'm lucky if they sleep at the same time, otherwize I get nothing done. Sorry That I'm no help, And evenings are the worst [​IMG] my boys get super cranky, Tonight at seven I gave each a bath, fed, and tried to put to sleep, hoping to start a routine, Good luck, things will get easier [​IMG]
  7. RightMama

    RightMama Active Member

    mine eat/sleep/eat/sleep/etc... they do both have awake time in there that may last up to 30 minutes, and bath time too. their awake time is spent "playing" on a blankie with toys, they love grabbing a toy and shoving it in their mouths [​IMG]

    mine may not be typical 8 week olds tho, they were 10 wks early. they dont even cry yet!
  8. Team Dougall

    Team Dougall Member


    As I commented on a differnt post of your I am in the same boat!! My wife deals with most of the home stuff as we are just 8 weeks on Tuesday and I am back at work...but we have a small schedule.We feed and change every 2.5 hours and about 3.5 at night...that's it. During the day my wife says she is trying to keep the babies from crying all day long and gets sleep when she can. I come home around 5:30 and take the kids..we feed and give a bath..but time just isn't really there it seems..the house chores suffer and the kitchen gets pretty messy...and laundry piles is not easy...for us at least. If you want to bounce things off of each other that would be fine because it sounds like we are pretty close to being just as insane as you. We never get to sleep and we are always wonder if we are doing this right..if we are creating bad habits such as...we let the girls sleep on our chest in bed...I know this isn't ideal..but at time this is what it takes for EVERYONE to get some sleep.

    Over all we only have a pattern for eating and changing diapers. Not sure if we should be further along already but we are not.

    I am glad to hear there are others just like us (at the same time I feel sorry for you [​IMG]) But we are right with you...feel free to keep in contact with me to help ya out..we are right there with you....SEND HELP!!!!!
  9. Overachiever

    Overachiever Well-Known Member

    Ours aren't 2 months yet, but I just read bits of these posts to DH and we sat here laughing - the hysterical laughter of the sleep-deprived!
    Ours will not sleep for more than 10 min in their crib - they want to be snuggled on our chest. They eat constantly - every 2 hours BAH! More like every 30 minutes!

    It's exhausting; I can't remember it being this difficult with DD so I'll blame it on being a twin thing [​IMG]
  10. Crystal74

    Crystal74 Well-Known Member

    For once, I feel like I'm doing something right. Mine were 5 weeks early. Don't get me wrong, we still have no schedule yet, BUT we are eating every 3-4hrs for the most part and are down to waking 1-2x/night.

    They wake, we change diapers, feed, then try to get them to "play" for a little while, then try to get them to nap. They seem to be falling into a bedtime schedule of going down for the night around 9pm, then waking anywhere between 1-3, then again 5-6 depending what time they wake the first time. I don't wake one when the other eats, I just let them sleep---At night that is. During the day, I do not let them sleep for longer than 2.5 hours. It seems to be helping the nighttime sleep.

    I don't do housework, it's piling up. I do about two loads of laundry a day. I learned from my first set that the house can wait. I try not to stress over it too much. Every once in a while, DH and I will do a power clean. Right now, the best thing you can do is rest while the babies are sleeping so you can keep your sanity. The schedule will come. I think with the first set, they started to get on a decent schedule around 4 months or so. Hang in there.

  11. Randene

    Randene Active Member

    So I guess its hopeless then huh? LOL

    Thanks for all the responses. I guess I'll just keep counting down the days until they are older!
  12. cwinslow7

    cwinslow7 Well-Known Member

    Feed/change diapers/cry...oh, did you want mine or theirs [​IMG]

    seriously, they really did just seem to eat, play a little and sleep...doesn't sound too difficult does it? Wouldn't be if there was only one. Mine tag teamed me BAD! One would be awake and the other asleep and then they switched off...try to keep them on the same feed schedules at least...maybe you will get lucky and they will sleep at the same time occassionally. You are at the point that I found most difficult...a few months into sleep deprivation and babies who are starting to be more wakeful. This is survival time, go with whatever works for you and your babies. It will get better. [​IMG]


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