Please help...

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by thankGodfortwins, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. thankGodfortwins

    thankGodfortwins New Member

    Hi Everyone,

    I read your posts all the time yet I never post myself. I really need some advice. I am very concerned about my son.

    My twins Connie and Christopher born 34 weeks now almost 16 months.

    My son does not turn when you call his name, does not speak, only ahhh, I felt like he had a hearing issue but he hears things that he wants to hear ( eg. If I put the backyardigins on a tv in a different room he will hear it and go room to that room) so I guess he could hear. He has been walking since 10 mths, he plays with all his toys but that is all he wants to do. He likes playing by himself and runs around the house all the time. I know all these things sound normal but the whole not listening thing is wigging me out. We are going for his check up next week and I am going to address these issues with my ped but I just wanted to know of your expierences and any similiar situations. Any advice is welcome.

  2. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I dont have any suggestions! Just wanted to say hi :hug99: Hope someone has some advice for you!
  3. Amanda

    Amanda Well-Known Member

    Beau has always had selective hearing.
    We know he can hear because he responds when HE wants to. For awhile I actually feared it may be autism, but he didn't have any other factors. . . . he's always been this way.
    He seems more distracted than not being able to hear me. I know he can hear me though because after he can tell I'm getting frustrated he actually gives me an evil little grin! LOL!
  4. thea7

    thea7 Well-Known Member

    Try not to worry, but definitely talk to your pediatrician...not because I think there's anything wrong, but because you are worried. My kids were also born at 34 weeks and both of them were late in talking. My DD started talking at 17 months and my DS at 19 months (before this, they weren't saying anything, not even "Mama" or "Dada"). I was also worried, and I wondered about DS's hearing because he seemed to ignore what I said much of the time. He also wasn't responding to his name. My pediatrician didn't really take my concerns too seriously (at the 18 month check up), and I had to push it to get him tested for a speech eval and a hearing test. There were also very long waiting lists for the tests, at least where I live, so if you want to get him tested I'd suggest getting the ball rolling sooner rather than later (we had to wait 5 months to get his hearing tested). The bottom line is, your son is probably fine, but you don't need to be worrying so see what your pediatrician says.

    Good luck!!!

  5. thankGodfortwins

    thankGodfortwins New Member

    Thanks guys - I really needed to talk to someone about this
  6. Jenstwins

    Jenstwins Active Member

    Not to freak you out but it never hurts to talk to someone at an early intervention office. We were in contact with one because the girls were preemies. They are full of info and support and ideas to help you, help your child.
  7. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    I agree that both your pedi AND early intervention can be of help. Mine are in early intervention (born 35 weeks) and it's helped with a range of issues. Keep us posted!
  8. dawnmj

    dawnmj Well-Known Member

    Welcome and good luck.

    I think everyone had great advice, definitely talk with your pedi about it. I know for us when Haley get "busy" with stuff she stops listening to us. She can hear fine and just chooses not to.
  9. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Ainsley has selective hearing too. I can practically scream her name and she won't even look at me. But if I said, "Let's eat ice cream!" she would come. Ainsley's also the type to be off doing her own thing, not really paying attention what else is going on. I think it's just the way she is. Both of mine really didn't say anything until 18 months. If you are concerned though, talk to your pedi.
  10. p31heather

    p31heather Well-Known Member

    my new trick for not listening

    "(Name), clap once if you hear the sound of my voice"
    she will turn and clap and I have eye contact to communicate.
  11. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    If you are concerned than talk to your Dr. I just wanted to add that sometimes boys are a little slower in the talking department. I know mine didn't really start real talking till about age two. They went right into full sentences. Also boys tend to be more on the "playing by themselves" stage longer than girls. Everything he is doing sounds normal to me. Try not to worry.
  12. cmudeanna

    cmudeanna Active Member

    I think my first post was almost this exact question! My boys are 18 months (born at 32 weeks) and I took my concerns to my pedi. He suggested EI (Although, I had the appointment with EI before he even suggested it!) and they qualified for speech for a six week program. They are going to be evaluated again after six weeks. One of my boys has a few words and his receptive language is getting better. My other son has maybe two words and his receptive language is delayed. He just started walking at 17 months so they thought he was preoccupied with learning to walk and language took a back seat. He does not always answer to his name and his hearing was evaluated. His hearing is normal. I was worried about autism and in the back of my mind I still am but the only "symptom" is that he does not answer to his name and of course delayed language.

    I am glad that I posted on this board and these wonderful ladies directed me toward EI. You should check into EI if you have concerns. I know that I am happy that I took that step.
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