please help -- we are going crazy

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by tammygb, Jul 28, 2010.

  1. tammygb

    tammygb Well-Known Member

    This is long, but I'm going crazy.

    When we moved out almost 3 yo twins from their cribs to beds because Evan was climbing out, they stopped going to bed. We do the bedtime routine (bath, story, cup of milk) at 8:00 or so. At first, all they would do was play. Then I figured out that if I put Alex to bed in a different room, he will stay in that bed and fall asleep. But Evan won't lay down in bed. He will throw a tantrum, which includes throwing toys out of his room. If he's not having a tantrum, he may do other behavior that's dangerous (climbing, opening the window and throwing things out). I feel like it's not safe to leave him in his room alone, since his room is on the second floor and I'm afraid he will someday realize he can climb out the window. So I end up going in and lying down with him. Sometimes that works, but usually he says 'Mommy, go away' because he's having too much fun alone!

    It's not only bedtime. I feel like I have no control over him. He just doesn't seem to respond to what works for my other two kids (time outs and the threat of a time out). I feel like our house is utter chaos.

    He has sensory issues (sensory processing "problems"), so I wonder how much he really even understands about acceptable and unacceptable behavior. But I know I need to find a way to nip this in the bud, or I just may go crazy!

    Anyone have any advice???

    mom to Marcella (7 1/2)
    Evan and Alex (2 and 9 mos)
  2. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    just a quick comment... is there a way to put window locks on? I know I used to have some type of screw locks that would make the windows safe... that is very scary!!

    the other thing I would comment on is are they still napping? I'm trying to adjust our kids napping time to earlier in the day to help tire them out with more awake time after nap.

    again, we're not near 3yo, so I may be off base... just hope you find a good solution!

    I also have NO idea what I did tonight to get such helpers!! except that I decided we needed to start reading Bible stories at night and I'm going to read the same one for a month at a time to give them a little routine... anyway, we just started last night with the story of Samuel... and the kids are hysterical... repeating "Samuel"... and how Samuel was God's helper... anyway, they were huge helpers, just about put their own diapers on and PJs and sleepsacks! all of which have been big screaming fests the nights before!!
  3. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    What about a sticker chart? I had to reinstate the sticker chart for my girls because they keep waking me and DH up for crazy things in the middle of the that they are getting stickers they have stopped. We go to TRU when their chart is full for a toy of their choice (within reason of course) Maybe you can give him stickers for staying in the bed at night. After so many consecutive nights give him something he would really like...time with you, treat, special toy, watch a favorite show...something that would encourage him to keep up the good work. Also, maybe try praising him everytime he stays in the bed like he is supposed to...maybe go above and beyond and give him high fives, and big hugs and such...sometimes just praise is enough to encourage little ones to follow the rules.
  4. sullivanre

    sullivanre Well-Known Member

    That sounds a lot like my boys. They won't go to bed, and they attack each other or try to pull the blinds down. I can move up the blinds, but I have no room to move the brother into.

    I hope you get it fixed soon. I have heard or window locks, too. You may want to try that.
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