Please help me with table foods

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by RNjaime, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. RNjaime

    RNjaime Well-Known Member

    My kids are 17months old and each meal is a complete nightmare in our house. They won't eat anything and I'm embarrassed to say we're still doing a little baby food occasionally. Help me! They won't touch noodles, cheese, meat, veggies, etc. Here's what they will eat, and even this is a push sometimes.

    PB&J sandwich
    chicken nuggets

    That's it!!! HELP US!!!!
  2. RNjaime

    RNjaime Well-Known Member

    My kids are 17months old and each meal is a complete nightmare in our house. They won't eat anything and I'm embarrassed to say we're still doing a little baby food occasionally. Help me! They won't touch noodles, cheese, meat, veggies, etc. Here's what they will eat, and even this is a push sometimes.

    PB&J sandwich
    chicken nuggets

    That's it!!! HELP US!!!!
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    At that age, mine wouldn't try new things... all the things you mentioned is what they ate... another thing they ate, was fish sticks, try those, mine LOVED and Still love them.

    Something else, it is fun and yummy for them, but a huge mess for you, spaghetti and meatballs!
  4. carilberry

    carilberry Well-Known Member

    I think a lot of kids go through this. The twins are showing signs of eating like this already. 2 months ago they would eat anything. Now they turn up their noses at most things I put in front of them.

    My 3 year old pretty much only eats what you mentioned. We have been told that their bodies will tell them what they need and they will eat then. She also wouldn't eat noodles until she was well over 2. She still won't eat mac n cheese and I thought all kids liked that!

    If you are really stressed, I would talk to your ped. If they are gaining weight just fine, I wouldn't worry too much about it.
  5. LouCee

    LouCee Well-Known Member

    My boys are 17 months old and still eat baby food too. DH is the SAHP and it's easier to have a baby food meal in there, along with table foods.

    I make a jar of food and just add my own stuff to it, like very well cooked pasta, tofu, veggies, etc. They seem to like that better than anything I cook. [​IMG]

    You can try offering just a small amount of something new with a larger amount of something they already like. That works until they catch on. [​IMG]

    Good luck.
  6. me_and_my_boy

    me_and_my_boy Well-Known Member

    My boys are 19 months and I have one picky eater and one that will eat anything. Here are some things that work for us that my picky eater LOVES:

    Stouffer's spinach souffle
    Gordon's fish sticks (just tried them and thought it wouldn't work, but Ethan loved them)
    Grilled cheese
    Scrambled Eggs w/cheese
    Toast/English Muffins w/cream cheese
    Trader Joe's (if you have one near you) spinach & artichoke dip w/crackers
    Beef stroganoff (in my crockpot -- very tender) w/rice
    Kashi instant oatmeal (w/apples and cinnamon)
    Cereal bars (like Nutrigain or the ones at Trader Joe's)
    Various flavors of Mott's applesauce w/no added sugar) -- like peach/mango and blueberry
    The little mini tator tots
    Arby's side kickers (the ones that are like potatoe skins)
    hot dogs
    Dole peaches in light syrup
    Baked sweet potatoes (Ethan won't eat them when I microwave them) w/butter or Boston Market sweet potatoe casserole (in the refridgerated section at my grocery store) w/out the extra struedal on top

    I also still buy some veggie puffs and Gerber's stage 2 veggies and a few fruits to mix it up a little and give them something different.

    I don't know if you are working w/them using forks and spoons yet, but I find that giving them a utensil to play w/while I feed them (especially Ethan) distracts them enough to get a bite in them. Sometimes when he finally tries something, he really likes it.

    Good luck!
  7. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    PP have given you some great suggestions. We had great eaters at that age, now they have turned into picky eaters. Every meal is a nightmare for me.
  8. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Jaime,

    I'm trying ot think of things not mentioned yet..........

    Have you tried salmon. I know that sounds strange but mine LOVE it. Not breaded, just broiled with a little olive oil adn S&P

    They also like lentil soup

    cottage cheese mixted in with yogurt is great for protein too.
  9. greatexpectations

    greatexpectations Well-Known Member

    Mine are starting to refuse things here and there and I find that first, they need to be really hungry to eat well, and that if I experiment with the way things are presented they tend to eat better. The fork/spoon idea is one way, different shapes/sizes also helps. How much in the way of eggs and meatballs have you tried? I can sneak nearly anything into meatballs and they LOVE eggs with cheese and a little spinach. It might take creativity on your part to sneak in the good stuff, but I don't think baby food is bad if they are still eating it. As long as it is something.
  10. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I mentioned this in another thread, but Healthy Choice soups are my favorite way to get veggies into them. Mine are pretty good eaters, but they do sometimes balk at vegs. Another thing I do is take steamed or canned carrots or peas, mash them up, and mix with applesauce. They eat it! Mine eat yogurt almost every day, we do plain mixed with various fruit. You could maybe try mixing some veggies into yogurt for lunch.
  11. mzshoe

    mzshoe Well-Known Member

    I have one good eater(dd) and one pickey eater(ds). Lately the only thing ds will eat for dinner is the Gerber Graduate Cereal flakes - I have tried everything - most of the time giving him a spoon distracts him enough to get the cereal in his mouth. Be patient - ds will eat something today that he won't eat again for awhile - but eventually will eat it again. It is very frustrating.

    Breakfast & lunch he eats fine most of the time - dinner is torture.

    He usually eats:

    Yogurt (I use yobaby with cereal)
    Whole wheat bread with flavored cream cheese sandwich.
    Crumblers cheese bits.
    Graduates carrots.
    Graduates apples.
    Grilled cheese or plain cheese sandwichs.
    Scrambled eggs.
    Mini pancakes.
    French toast.
    Pasta with butter & cheese (sometimes)
    Stage 2/3 jars of fruits & veges.
    Graduates mashed potato & chicken meal (sometimes).
    Gerber fruit puffs & freeze dried apples.
  12. mbcrox

    mbcrox Well-Known Member

    Baby food in jars is a lifesaver! I still use it sometimes. I hate the prices though! My twins were slow to warm up to different foods. Now they love to feed themselves. It's been so nice! Since they love fruit so much I usually don't put it on their trays at first. I start with veggies, cut up cooked carrots, peas, beans, etc. then add other stuff like toast, small pieces of meat, cheese, then fruit comes last when they are almost done. I also don't give them cups at the beginning of the meal so they won't fill up on the fluids first. They also love cereals like cheereos and all the Chex (corn, rice & wheat!) They really had a hard time with different textures at first! They were so picky then. Just keep trying. Good Luck! Mary
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