playtex drop-ins/liners & ventaire bottles

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by alexafaeh, Nov 10, 2007.

  1. alexafaeh

    alexafaeh Well-Known Member

    now that I did my research on Dr. Brown and Avent, it's time for Playtex. I am planning on breastfeeding and pumping/bottle feeding.

    I was wondering who has experiences in using the playtex systems. if I understand well there are a couple different ones with playtex.

    - playtex nurser (which are the bottles) original or premium, these are used with drop-ins or liners. so that means you can't use those bottles without the inserts? not sure if I understand well

    - playtex ventaire bottles, looks like those are usable without drop-ins, they come regular and wide and have a tilt, correct?

    I talked to many twin moms at my club and lots of them love them, just wondering if convenient with the liners.

    playtex also has a "one step breastmilk storage kit", you can pump directly into it and just attach nipple to it.

    just looking for feedbacks, thanks!

  2. MNTwinSquared

    MNTwinSquared Well-Known Member

    The few bottles we used, we used playtex and bought the generic drop in liners. They worked great. All you had to do was wash the nipples (natralatch - latex or silocone slow flow). Yes, you do have to have liners in the bottles.

    The ventaires didn't work for us.. they babies didn't seem to be able to get any milk out. I even tried squeezing some out and it didn't work for us. But, they have to be working for some people! :umm:

    HTH! :hi:
  3. traci.finley

    traci.finley Well-Known Member

    When our girls would take a bottle, we used the Playtex w/ drop-in liners. We didn't bottle very often so the liners didn't get too expensive. If you plan to bottle a lot, they may add up. I have the VentAire too but haven't tried them. Our girls decided not to take a bottle anymore (they will take an ounce or two if you fight with them ... but truthfully, I'd rather just nurse them than try to force the bottle). Point, if you ever go for a few weeks w/o giving them the bottle, they may reject it. FYI ... wish I would have known that =)

    Not too much longer and the fun and games start! Congrats ... twins are super hard but awesome at the same time! It will all be worth it!
  4. sylvia_a

    sylvia_a Member

    We tried the Avent bottles first but the boys took so long to feed with them. We switched to Playtex, latex nipples and they liked them much better.

    I personally don't like the liner system too much and would prefer if we could use the Avent bottles, but that's the way it goes. (I like to see exactly how much they have eaten plus when you put the liner on, you have to tear off excess once the cap is on - added time which I don't like doing - and it is more expensive, especially b/c we had all the avent bottles!).
  5. Rose524

    Rose524 Well-Known Member

    I hated the drop-ins/liners!!!
    I was never able to get all the air out - my fingers never reached all the way up. And once you rest the bottle down, air got back into the bag somehow ???
    Maybe it was just me, but it just wasn't working for us.

    I did like the Ventaire though.
  6. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    I bf'd and bottle-fed my non-latcher; we spent about a kajillion dollars on the Dr. Browns before ending up w/the playtex w/drop in liners that worked great for my twin refluxers.

    I still feel badly whenver I throw out yet another one, conributing to the landfill issue, but - it works for them and yes, guilily i'll say it's a WHOLE lot easier than washing all of those parts; i just wash the nipples, sterilize them once a week or so and rinse the bottles as necessary.

    i also buy the generic liners (you can get them at a big drugstore or Target: they are SIGNIFICANTLY less expensive and i never saw any difference.
  7. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    We use the playtex ventaire wide bottles, we got them as a gift, the babies liked them so we stuck with them, the only thing that is a pain is that when you wash them you have to take apart the top and bottom of the bottle vs. with a standard bottle you just take apart the top. The babies have had very few spitting up indcidents and seem happy with the bottles.
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