Our first day didn't go so good. The girls are 3 weeks from turning 3. They didn't listen, didn't want to play with toys for an hour they wanted to run and play and have a snack. There were a lot of tears and battling of wills. They are so not used to a iron stiff schedule. I want to pull them after the first day but think should we give it a few more tries or wait 6 months and try again mean while trying some other socializing activities that aren't as long. I don't think the teacher liked us much as we were the only ones upsetting the class with our lack of cooperation and patience. One of the ladies from infant development came to help as we are waiting for support worker who will go with us. I don;t think she thought it went well either. she mentioned maybe the girls could start at 9:30 instead of nine so they have less time to get restless but the teacher said no. I know all kids are different but i just felt like crying at the end of it. The other kids all played nicely, alone and together. They listened none of them freaked out or cried or whined. I know most are older than my girls but a few are the same age. Anyone elses first day go like this then get better as things moved along? I know its a big problem that we don;t havea rigorous schedule here we just play the day be ear. I am wondering if the infant development people are wrong and my kids are just bratty and dont listen or like rules. And sadly i felt rather embarassed that couldn't control my children. all the other moms were nice but there kids behaved beautifully. Anyway, any thoughts on this.
Was this your kids' first experience in a group setting? Had other kids in the class been in a similar group before? That could make a big difference. My boys are also almost three. They do great playing with a group, followig directions etc. But, they started in a group setting 2 mornings a week when they were only a few months old. Also, they spend an hour or so in our church nursery evey week. So, even a new school, class, or playgroup would not be a tough adjustment for them. Sorry things got off to a rough start. I know it can be embarassing when your kids don't demonstrate their best behavior in front of a group.
QUOTE(Jenstwins @ Sep 11 2007, 07:47 PM) [snapback]403050[/snapback] Our first day didn't go so good. The girls are 3 weeks from turning 3. They didn't listen, didn't want to play with toys for an hour they wanted to run and play and have a snack. There were a lot of tears and battling of wills. They are so not used to a iron stiff schedule. I want to pull them after the first day but think should we give it a few more tries or wait 6 months and try again mean while trying some other socializing activities that aren't as long. I don't think the teacher liked us much as we were the only ones upsetting the class with our lack of cooperation and patience. One of the ladies from infant development came to help as we are waiting for support worker who will go with us. I don;t think she thought it went well either. she mentioned maybe the girls could start at 9:30 instead of nine so they have less time to get restless but the teacher said no. I know all kids are different but i just felt like crying at the end of it. The other kids all played nicely, alone and together. They listened none of them freaked out or cried or whined. I know most are older than my girls but a few are the same age. Anyone elses first day go like this then get better as things moved along? I know its a big problem that we don;t havea rigorous schedule here we just play the day be ear. I am wondering if the infant development people are wrong and my kids are just bratty and dont listen or like rules. And sadly i felt rather embarassed that couldn't control my children. all the other moms were nice but there kids behaved beautifully. Anyway, any thoughts on this. I think ur girls were behaving like 3 year olds in a new setting. I used to feel like u when we went to library time. Most of the little ones would sit still and I would always be trying to round up my two l Hope it goes better next time amanda
Give them some time. My class is full of 10 year olds and they still act like that the first week. It will definitely take a while for 3 years in their first school setting ever to "understand" what is expected of them. :hug99: I bet the teacher was not surprised at all.
Thanks. yes it was there first groups setting. They have never done daycare or playgroup or anyting really. That why i am wondering if i should back up and some things like that first. ? Its a co-op playschool and they don't change bums and my girls aren't yet potty trained so I have to stay on sight. I know if I wasn't there we would have been sent home because it is one teacher and 12 kids. She can't focus on my two! We shall see how Thursday goes. I love this site
To make you feel better , I have 26 month old boys and we went to my multiples group first day of playschool yesterday. It's for ages 2-4 and this was the first chance we had to try it. Understand I get out a lot with my boys but they are in the stroller. I'm horrible at taking them out strollerless on my own. So....we go to school and I was ready to leave after 20 minutes. Jackson did great. Ethan, who is great at home, LOVES when he gets freedom. He tried to escape out of every door (succeeded a couple of times), tried to get the fire extinguisher out of the safety box, pulled on the trash can, wouldn't sit for story time, did about 5 minutes of craft, started pushing a stroller of another mom with her 9 month old twins in it . I was mortified when all the other kids were sitting there doing what they were supposed to. When I tried to leave after 20 minutes, the other moms told me I wasn't leaving and they would help (they are a great group of moms). Well, I broke down sobbing and was so embarrassed. I don't cry in public if I can help it. I came home and thought about the fact that I don't have enough structure here and I'm a chicken to get out with them by myself. I'm a SAHM and my DH and my in-laws are the only ones that watch the boys. I've decided to try it again. This time I will either bring help (I will deal with Ethan and the help can work with Jackson) or I will get the in-laws to watch Ethan while I take Jackson. I will do something one-on-one with Ethan that week as well. I guess I just wanted you to know you weren't alone yesterday. I would hang in there, try again, maybe take one at a time if that's possible. HTH Mendy
I was thinking about structure here too. I am a stay at home mom, we eat dinner and go to sleep and naps on a set schedule but other that that our day is a free for all. We color play outside go to beach or the mall or visit people no day is the same and I let them do whatever activity they want. Does anyone at home have a real set schedule for snacks and play.
Thanks Mendy I cried when I got home too. and what you described has been 99% of our outings as well. I am terrified to go to a park with them as even when they are fenced they still try and escape.
Hang in there! I think most of us have had those type of experiences where you feel like bursting into tears. The first thing that I'm thinking...is maybe it would be better if you DID leave the classroom and were out of their sight. I know with my kids, they certainly act out worst for me. Our boys (3.5yrs old) just started 3yr preschool last Tuesday. So far so good. I was a bit worried about my one son who tends to have "ants in his pants" when it comes to sitting in one spot. His teacher has told me that he sits through circle time the ENTIRE time and both have been polite and orderly. I'm pleasantly surprised and relieved. I wouldn't give up just yet. This is a period of big adjustment for a young child. Within a few more classes, your children will adjust and will likely follow "the pack". The teacher is trained to handle that age group and expose them to the discipline of group order.