
Discussion in 'The First Year' started by TrickiWoo, Nov 30, 2006.

  1. TrickiWoo

    TrickiWoo Well-Known Member

    So I started looking for a playmat for my babies as they're beginning to notice toys and things and we need to work on more tummy time (bless their little flat heads) and I can't believe the price of these things! I mean, for what you're getting $50 - $100 is really expensive!
    How can they justify charging $75 for a mat with a few plastic toys hanging over it? Most of them don't even light up or move or anything...
    So, does anyone have any recommendations for a good one? if I'm going to spend that much I'd like to get one that they're likely to enjoy.
  2. TrickiWoo

    TrickiWoo Well-Known Member

    So I started looking for a playmat for my babies as they're beginning to notice toys and things and we need to work on more tummy time (bless their little flat heads) and I can't believe the price of these things! I mean, for what you're getting $50 - $100 is really expensive!
    How can they justify charging $75 for a mat with a few plastic toys hanging over it? Most of them don't even light up or move or anything...
    So, does anyone have any recommendations for a good one? if I'm going to spend that much I'd like to get one that they're likely to enjoy.
  3. NYCmom

    NYCmom Well-Known Member

    Ours love their Tiny Love mat -- and since Tiny Love has a two for one program for twins, you at least get two mats for your $50+ ! Plus they let you get two different mats, so you can build in some variety for the kids.

    They have mats with music and lights. We have just the basic one with toys. The girls don't seem to need more to keep them entertained.

  4. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    I would totally get one. We started using ours around 4 months, and at nearly 9 months it's still going strong.

    We have the Baby Einstein playmat and have been very happy with it.
    The nice thing about it is that you can change up the toys to keep it fresh. Also, as they grow, they are able to do new things with it at each new milestone
    -First, just sititng, watching
    -batting at toys
    -grabbing, mouthing toys,
    -sitting up gives a whole new appeal!

    I would look on Craigslist (or through your local multiples club...our local multiples club has online classifieds)for a gently used one. All the items can be easily thrown in the washing machine...or, just use the mat and put your (already owned) toys on it.
  5. RRTwins

    RRTwins Well-Known Member

    We have both the mats from Tiny Love and Baby Einstein. My boys don't really care for the Tiny Love one, but the adore the one from Baby Einstein - they love the lighted star that plays music and hangs at the top.
  6. Evanly

    Evanly Well-Known Member

    Ditto on the kuddos for the Baby Einstein Gym - we call it the 'happy star' the boys LOVE it. We use the start, which has velcro attachments all over the house, in the crib to soothe fussy babies, for is a wonderful thing. We had other gyms, but this one is the best. THey love the hanging birds/bug and it would keep them entertained for hours if we let them stay there. My mom finally crawled under there to see what was so fascinating about the flashing star - she was so amused by their devotion to this single toy.
  7. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    We have the baby einstein mat and it's great!!!

    My nephew is using it now too. I would hit a 2nd hand store or look on Craigslist or something. If you have a Mom's sale coming up, you can usually get smokin' deals there....
  8. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    We have the Baby Einstein Gym. I would try a consignment shop. [​IMG]
  9. twinsohmy

    twinsohmy Well-Known Member

    We got the Fisher Price Linkadoos farm mat for $35. Cute. The cow above moves and moos and it plays music with toys hanging. Now that the babies have pretty much outgrown it, they still like the toys that you can take off the gym. I just bought one of them and for the first few months would lay them under it together.
  10. ksls

    ksls Well-Known Member

    We have 2 different Tiny Love playmats thanks to their buy one get one free for twins. My girls love them both.

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