Play Kitchen Sets

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Kellyx2, Mar 30, 2008.

  1. Kellyx2

    Kellyx2 Well-Known Member

  2. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    I've been thinking of getting a kitchen for my boys. I'm trying to get them to broaden their imagination from just cars LOL :lol:

    I really love that Step 2 one! I haven't seen anything like that here in Ontario <_< Personally, I would go for the plastic ones over the wooden ones, but that's just personal preferance. :)
  3. TwinLove

    TwinLove Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure of the benefits of a wooden vs. plastic kitchen. I didn't know there were wooden kitchen sets. :blush: We have this one by step2 and my two love it! I would have liked the grand walk in kitchen you posted, but that would have been more for me then them. :blush: It would have been too big for our house. <_< I hope someone can give you some more suggestions.
  4. billandginastwins1

    billandginastwins1 Well-Known Member

    My best friend has the first one you posted and it is really cute. Her kids love it and mine love playing with it when we go there.
  5. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Step 2 usually has great stuff, and I don't think you could go wrong with either of those two kitchens. I was leaning toward one myself, until my DH nixed anything that required batteries and made noise, LOL.

    So, I did get a wooden kitchen from Constructive Playthings. I changed out the faucets to some drawer knobs that looked like real faucet knobs, added a stool in the middle for some counter space, and added some accessories like a wicker basket for dishes, gingham dish towels, etc. I also put a toy microwave in the freezer, LOL. Here's how it turned out:

    Play Kitchen 1

    Play Kitchen 2 (to show microwave)

    My DD has had it for two years now, and it still gets played with almost every day....(although recently she saw the pink kitchen at Pottery Barn Kids that costs a gazillion dollars, and is lobbying for that one :rolleyes: )

    I think plastic vs. wood is just personal preference!
  6. excitedk

    excitedk Well-Known Member

    We have the first one listed and they love it!!!!!! It is a great size for twins, plenty of space for both to play. They love how it makes cooking noises and they can turn the light on and off, etc.

  7. littletwinstars

    littletwinstars Well-Known Member

    We have the Little Tikes Cookin Fun Interactive Kitchen. We bought it shortly after their 1st birthday and they have played with it everyday since then. It is the one toy that they constantly play with. It was easy to put together and it has a cute little window above the sink. They love playing with the window and seeing each other on the other side. I think any kitchen is a good gift idea. I would recommend that you do get one that is large enough so that both of them can play with it at the same time. Some of the other models are really made for 1 child and doesn't accommodate 2 children.
  8. lotus

    lotus Well-Known Member

    We have the first one you posted. I debated back and forth between the two kitchens you posted. I thought the seating options available on the second one was cute, but in the end thought that it was too big for our space. I bought a small Little Tikes picnic table to go in front of the kitchen and it works great. My girls play with their kitchen daily and make pretend meals that they serve to their dolls and stuffed animals on the picnic table. For us, this kitchen was a great choice!
  9. egoury

    egoury Well-Known Member

    We have friends with both of them. The girls really love playing with them when they go over to each of the houses. I personally like the second one better. I feel it's easier to play with mulitple kids around. We have another one-step one that is good and the girls enjoy, but if you have the space, go for the big ones. I just suggest finding lots of food/pans/etc. to use with it since they don't tend to come with too much. And I much prefer the plastic to the wooden kitchens.
  10. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    We have one of the Step 2 kitchens from my older DD. The twins started playing with it soon as they could stand up and they love it!
  11. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    We got the Walk-In was on clearance at Sams Club for 100$ cheaper than the other one (our original choice). It does take up a lot of space, BUT we do not get any pushing, shoving, etc.

    We figure it will last a long time.

    We also considered the Grill N Bake Kitchen at TRU. It got good 2 kid reviews.

    Check clearance/sales...we could not believe we got the Walk In for less than 200$ new!

  12. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    We had a plastic kitchen for our oldest dd's. I always hated that the stickers would wear out and peel off. For the little one's we got a wooden one from Target by Play Wonder. It was our second choice and they really like it. My only negative is that they knocked it over, on purpose, and the top broke off of it. It was an easy fix though. Costco had a really cool pink one that I wanted but sold out before I could get it. I really like the accessories that you can get to go with the Play wonder Kitchen. It's all pretty realist and sturdy. They even make a little store set.
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