Pink Eye?(Update, sort of, in OP, WWYD)

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by kerrmommy, Feb 15, 2007.

  1. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    Miss Grace has a groody discharge, similar to a clogged tear duct if you've ever had it, and dark pink/purple circles under her eyes. The eyes themselves are clear.

    I have no idea if this is pink eye or not...any ideas? I am off tomorrow anyway so I was thinking I would keep her home with me, Sarah and James are not showing any signs of anything, but I know its contagious.

    And if it is pink eye, does similisan pink eye treatment help?

    Okay, so Sarah woke up with goopy eyes this morning and when I pull down the lower lids, they are pretty bright for both babies. Grace is worse of course. So I called my pediatricians office at 9:03 this am and was told a nurse would call me back. I waited and waited, they got back from lunch almost an hour ago and am still waiting. I already called once and was told how busy they are, but I do not have a cell phone so am trapped waiting for their call, plus I am putting off running to the grocery store until I know if there will be a percription there when I go.

    I know Pink Eye is not serious or anything, but I called at 9...jeez if I had just asked for an appoinment today, I bet I would be done by done and home with the medicine I need for my girls.

    I know this is petty, but I am still a little annoyed.
  2. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    Miss Grace has a groody discharge, similar to a clogged tear duct if you've ever had it, and dark pink/purple circles under her eyes. The eyes themselves are clear.

    I have no idea if this is pink eye or not...any ideas? I am off tomorrow anyway so I was thinking I would keep her home with me, Sarah and James are not showing any signs of anything, but I know its contagious.

    And if it is pink eye, does similisan pink eye treatment help?

    Okay, so Sarah woke up with goopy eyes this morning and when I pull down the lower lids, they are pretty bright for both babies. Grace is worse of course. So I called my pediatricians office at 9:03 this am and was told a nurse would call me back. I waited and waited, they got back from lunch almost an hour ago and am still waiting. I already called once and was told how busy they are, but I do not have a cell phone so am trapped waiting for their call, plus I am putting off running to the grocery store until I know if there will be a percription there when I go.

    I know Pink Eye is not serious or anything, but I called at 9...jeez if I had just asked for an appoinment today, I bet I would be done by done and home with the medicine I need for my girls.

    I know this is petty, but I am still a little annoyed.
  3. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    If it's goopy when she wakes up and it looks bright red inside her eyelid it's probably pink eye! It's really contagious, so I would call your pedi and get a prescription for the gentimiacin drops. They clear it up fast! Usually they will just call it in w/out seeing you. In the meantime just use a warm, wet washcloth to keep the goopies clear. I hope it clears up soon!
  4. Dianne

    Dianne Well-Known Member

    I wondered for two days when K got pink eye. I called the doc and they weren't sure either. They told me to give it a day and then call back if I was concerned. I did call and they called me a script right into the pharmacy. 30 minutes later K was getting her first treatment (we had ointment not drops) and by nighttime she was goopless (still had to continue drops for 7 days). The eyes don't have to be pink for it to be pink eye, lol talk about ironic! The only symptom K had was goop and it wasn't even continuous or alot just enough to nag at me.
  5. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

  6. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    How frustrating! I would call back! Do they close early on Fridays?
  7. LmSjt915

    LmSjt915 Well-Known Member

    Sounds exactly like pink eye. My Lola had the discharge and purple/swelling underneath her eyes but no actual redness. I thought she just had a cold in her eye. This is what it looked like on one of the worst days. I finally took her in and it was a raging case of pink eye, I felt awful! Anyways I hope it goes away fast. I was very diligent about washing my hands and neither my DP nor I caught it.
  8. Ange2k25

    Ange2k25 Well-Known Member

    I hope Grace gets better soon. I had pink eye for the first time in Dec. and it was awful. My vision was blurry in that eye and it was painful. I got the antibiotic eye drops and it seemed to clear up pretty quickly but I got a rebound infection and had to do another round of the drops. I hope you can get her in soon and get a script.

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