Pimples on her bottom

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jersey_Girls, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. Jersey_Girls

    Jersey_Girls Well-Known Member

    Hi Folks,

    One of my gals has a rash of pimples on her behind. We are still potty training and she wears a diaper at night and pull ups when we go out. I am not sure if this is the result of sometimes having a wet diaper or not. She has had them for about a week and they don't seem to be getting worse or better. Some of them have even developed into whiteheads.

    They never really had much diaper rash as babies- is this diaper rash or something else?

    Thanks !

  2. Jersey_Girls

    Jersey_Girls Well-Known Member

    Hi Folks,

    One of my gals has a rash of pimples on her behind. We are still potty training and she wears a diaper at night and pull ups when we go out. I am not sure if this is the result of sometimes having a wet diaper or not. She has had them for about a week and they don't seem to be getting worse or better. Some of them have even developed into whiteheads.

    They never really had much diaper rash as babies- is this diaper rash or something else?

    Thanks !

  3. 2for1

    2for1 Well-Known Member

    Have you changed diapers recently? I have actually gotten something similar on my waistline when I'm allergic to laundry detergent or lotion.
  4. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    A friend is having the same problem with his toddler son- the pedi said it was yeast and Lotrimin is doing the trick. I'd get it checked out though if you are concerned, one of my babies had little pimples on his lower belly and it turned out to be a staph infection.

    Good luck!
  5. mand3asmom

    mand3asmom Member

    Same here for our girl... she is totally trained during the day but wears a diaper at night adn the pedi has said it is a yeast infection for her too.... so we get an anti-fungal... andit clears up in no time...
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