Picky eater

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by SharonH, Nov 15, 2007.

  1. SharonH

    SharonH Well-Known Member

    At what point do you give up and say 'Here's dinner - go to bed hungry!" DS is driving us crazy. He has become the pickiest eater (we thought older DD was bad - she was nothing compared to him!). I try to make sure there is at least something that he likes at each meal so he's not going hungry, however his "likes" seem to change on a daily basis. He won't even taste a lot of what we put out. If he doesn't like the look of it he just hands it back or throws it on the floor :angry: I've started making him something else which is a habit I really DO NOT want to get into but at the same time I don't want him going hungry. Any suggestions? (He won't eat pasta or cheese which reduces food options a lot!)
  2. firemedic

    firemedic Well-Known Member

    I still don't loke to use the "take it or leave it" idea but I am starting to use it some at 2 1/2. I think your little man is too young to miss a meal. I am sorry.
  3. marcy874

    marcy874 Well-Known Member

    I've just started being a little tougher with my extremely picky eaters and they're almost 2. It is very hard call to make because nobody wants their baby going to bed hungry. I feel like mine are just now getting to the point where they have a small grasp on consequences. I would say give it a little while longer before you enforce too much 'tough love' on him. Obviously, you don't need to make 5 different options until you find something he likes, but offer him one back up, even if its peanut butter and crackers. Mine would always eat their fruit, so if they turned their nose up to everything else, I knew they were at least getting some nutrition. I'd even give them a yogurt or pudding after their fruit if they hadn't eaten much else.

    I know it is soooo hard to figure out what to do or not do. I've had MANY a stressful meal because of my picky eaters. Its a little easier now because I've stopped stressing about it so much, its just not worth it and it doesn't help the situation anyway.

    Good luck!!!
  4. hudsonfour

    hudsonfour Well-Known Member

    P and P have never ever been picky eaters until about 1 month ago. They have started to state "I don't like that" even if it is something they ate the week before. C is a super picky eater and tosses everything she doesn't like on the floor. Like you, there is always something on the plate that they will eat, so I know that they won't go hungry.
  5. GirliesGalore

    GirliesGalore Well-Known Member

    At nearly 3, we are getting a little tougher about "This is what we are having, and that's it." We don't use this with Jax, who is 16 months. I do try to make things that I know they will eat, but sometimes it's hard to predict. As others have said, they change their minds from week to week.

    I've also found that when they refuse things they normally would eat that they might not be hungry. This happened last night with Jax. He normally eats pieces of pork chop with mashed potatoes and green beans. Not last night! Instead he had a banana and he was happy with that. At his age, I just go with it and know that he will likely eat fine at the next meal. Once they get to about the 3 year mark it's a different story! I'm not a short order cook!

    Hang in there!
  6. first_second_and_last

    first_second_and_last Well-Known Member

    I've done it since they really started eating table food regularly. I don't feel bad if DS misses dinner because he usually eats good throughout the day. Pickiness can rear it's ugly head if they aren't hungry, and dinner time is the meal that I find they are less interested in.

    I'm so glad that DH has supported me in this, too, because otherwise I'd be fighting both of them.

    I have also been frustrated when he does it over food that he has eaten before, that's why I think he's just not all that hungry to begin with.

    DD has never been picky. She just eats like a little bird. :)
  7. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    I'm going through the same exact thing with Lorien right now. She is so picky and if she doesn't like the look or smell of it she WON'T eat it. Sometimes I will literally squeeze her cheeks and shove it in there, especially if I KNOW it is something she likes. Usually it works. However, we have just recently started eating dinner together and I hate having to prepare dinner for dh and I and seperate meals for them. Arwen is starting to eat everything we eat but not Lorien which is driving me nuts. I can't stand the idea of sending them to bed without a full tummy because then it will usually result in an earlier wake up and sleep has always been an issue with them since they were born. I do have some quick stable foods that I try to have ready for them just incase they don't like something. Crackers are always popular with her as are peas. I usually make a big portion of peas and have them in a tupperware and ready to heat up for her.

    At some point if it doesn't change, I just may have to do the take it or leave it but for now (or at least until they can communicate better) I will cater a bit to them and scream inside my head!
  8. raptwins

    raptwins Well-Known Member

    Picky eaters here too. I know their stapes - crackers, yogurt - so always have those available at meals but still try an entree and such and if they don't eat it then we go to the staple food. It's harder here as they aren't on the growth charts yet for weight - so skinny - so I worry quite a bit about it. I'm sorry you're struggling. It's nice in a way to see that so many others go through the same struggle when I totally feel like the only one sometimes. I do tend to find that they'll reallyl only have 1 good meal a day and the other two are just slim pickings. I sure hope they outgrow this soon and good luck!!!
  9. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    I decided I wasn't going to make separate meals for them shortly after they went to solids. My mom didn't do it for me and my brother, and I certainly don't feel it is necessary for my kids. With that said, if my kids don't want to eat whatever I make I don't make them nor do I make them anything else. I will give them a snack after their meal if they ask, but I feel that they should wait about an hour before I break out snack foods. Prior to then, I tell them they should have eaten their last meal instead. My kids have never been considered malnutritioned because they skipped a meal. Meal times can be a battle, just make sure you are consistent in whatever you decide to do, and let them know what will happen if they don't eat their meal (they won't get anything else, or you will make something else). Good luck.

    On a side note, I feel it is important for kids to have good nutrition. I give them Juice Plus+ everyday, which is 17 fruits and veggies in a gummie (it comes in capsules and chewables too). They love to eat these too. So, I know that if they don't eat anything, they have gotten their fruits and veggies so I can rest knowing they have the nutrients that they need. If you are interested in learning more about it, please pm me or click on the link it my signature. Thanks.
  10. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    My friends son is 19 months and she just told me on Th. that her ped. said not to make soemthing else if he does not eat what you give him and that you can send him to bed hungry. She does not want to do that but her husband does. I dont know what I would do. Sorry no realy advice but wanted to share what a friends pediatritian said.
  11. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    I started it at 2.5 with the boys... they still don't take kindly to it, but they do eventually eat what I give them... or take a few bites of each thing.
  12. kma13

    kma13 Well-Known Member

    This is the way we have always handled it... this is dinner if you don't eat its ok. Food is not a battle I don't coax or shove I just present it and sit back. If they don't eat I offer them yogurt and granola as an alternate... That is it and we have not ever had sleep issues, and DD who was an itty bitty 3lbs 6oz at birth and only 20 lbs at 15mos... gained 3 lbs in the past 3 mos and eats like a horse so for now it's working out!!
  13. swp0525

    swp0525 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kma13 @ Nov 17 2007, 08:48 PM) [snapback]500559[/snapback]
    This is the way we have always handled it... this is dinner if you don't eat its ok. Food is not a battle I don't coax or shove I just present it and sit back. If they don't eat I offer them yogurt and granola as an alternate... That is it and we have not ever had sleep issues, and DD who was an itty bitty 3lbs 6oz at birth and only 20 lbs at 15mos... gained 3 lbs in the past 3 mos and eats like a horse so for now it's working out!!

    This is really similar to what I do too. I offer one meal, if they don't want it I offer a handful or two of Multi Grain Cheerios (they have 100% daily requirement vitamins, etc) and that's it. We always did this with my older son too, but now if he doesn't want to finish his dinner, no biggie, but no "special treat" after dinner. I know when he's not faking and really not feeling well, because he's only not finished his meal and given up his treat once.
  14. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    I know for me it won't be for a while. I think once we all start eating together if there is something they won't eat, I will do what Stacy does and offer one standard item I know they will eat and that's it. I don't know that I could let them walk away without eating at least something.
  15. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Maybe they are bored with their food? My babies were being finicky for awhile and I started letting them "dip"! They looooove to dip their food! I give them applesauce, yogurt, ketchup, ranch, honey mustard, pudding, and everything else that can be used as a dip! They love it, although it is messy for mommy!
  16. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    I don't know if it the change of my son's appetite recently in the last 2 weeks he has push his food away. I tried to get him to eat a couple of bites here and there. He prefer his whole milk but I don't give it to him until he get some kind of food in his stomach. He would yank, cried, and kick his high chair table. He already have 4 tooth (top) and 3 tooth (bottom) and I don't see any tooth coming in from the molar yet. He was recently sick with a cold over 3 week ago. He had his flu shots 1 week ago. What give him to be this way? There are no other change to his nap/sleeping pattern.

    Will this be short-term with taste bud change? I just don't know what else to do and my husband is telling to feed -- feed -- feed him. He had no idea how stressful it is to deal with him on a daily basis with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Ugh!

    Diana w/Rianna and Justin (14 mos)
  17. cwinslow7

    cwinslow7 Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I skipped reading all the replies. This may be a repeat.

    I always make sure there is something that they like (from past experience) I start by giving them something that I have questions about...if they eat it great...if not then they also get the thing they have already shown to like (usually like a fruit) If they pass on everything I'll give them a bottle/sippie of mild and they are off to baths/bed. They will eat if they are hungry...
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