Persistent diaper rash was really sensitive skin...

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by [email protected], Feb 16, 2009.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I thought someone else might be battling diaper rash and could benefit from what I have found. I have been using every diaper rash treatment listed on this site and from anywhere else I could find advice and have finally found an answer that has worked in my situation.

    My DD had small red bumps and a few red patches on her bottom, and the weird thing was that her bottom would be clear in the morning after STTN, and then break out during the day when we change diapers every 2 hours or so. A nurse suggested switching brands of diapers, saying her skin might be breaking out from the friction of the diaper on her bottom when she's active, as some are smoother on the inside than others, and the super absorbent ones are especially textured. I switched to regular Huggies from Pampers Baby Dry a few days ago and put very liberal amounts of corn starch on her bottom and that has done the trick. She's 95% clear in just a few days!
  2. AimeeThomp

    AimeeThomp Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I'm glad her bottom has cleared up! :)
  3. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    That's a wonderful solution! I'm really glad it helped. Thank you for sharing that with us :).
  4. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    This post has me thinking...

    We started having diaper rash issues when the LOs came down with a virus (we think!) and started pooing A LOT. Normally they would go once every 1-2 days...and then wham...every single time they ate! And they were 6+ months, so it wasn't a newborn thing :)

    We have been using Pampers Swaddlers since they came home from the hospital...but we are moving up into the Cruiser size.

    DD is back to pooing less frequently, but during the day her bum seems to get more irritated. We even rinse out the Sensitive wipes with water before using...and only wipe if they have a messy (poo) diaper.

    Maybe we should try switching diapers like you??? Thanks for the got me thinking!!

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I didn't have a problem with Swaddlers either. I moved to Pampers Cruisers/Baby Dry about the same time as I started solids, so I attributed the rash to the solids changing the BMs, not the diaper rubbing her skin.

    FWIW, for overnight sleeping, I noticed a urine smell with Cruisers and switched to Baby Dry and that took care of that problem. Since DD doesn't move at night, I'm still using the Baby Dry diapers on her overnight to prevent the smell and any leaks.

    My other DD hasn't had one problem with the Pampers Baby Dry, so I think it is just those with extra sensitive skin.

    I gave this experiment a good test as I was out walking with a neighbor over the weekend and had to change DDs diaper and hadn't put any Huggies in the bag yet. When I got home an hour later, she had the red bumps already. They were gone the next day with the Huggies.
  6. SMax

    SMax Well-Known Member

    Gosh, it sounds like the culprit...DD also has irritated dry patches on her bum cheeks closer to her waist. Their appearance also coincides with the switch to Cruisers, I think!

    So, just to be clear...was it the Cruisers that were causing the problem? What about the Baby Dry? We never tried the Baby Dry...

    For some reason I was reluctant to try Huggies...I feel like everyone is always knocking how well the contain leaks! Maybe a small bag (not my typical giant order from will be okay for a trial run ;)


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    My DD was irritated by Pampers Cruisers and the Baby Dry. I was reluctant to try other brands also, but the nurse said that the extra-absorbent diapers are rougher than the "regular" diapers. The first alternate I tried was Huggies and so far I haven't had any leaks or smell, but I still put on the Baby Dry for overnight just to be safe.
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