Perineal massage?

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Penguin_ie, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. Penguin_ie

    Penguin_ie Well-Known Member

    At my ante-natal classes (the general hospital ones, not just for twin mommies), they were really big on doing perineal massage if we planned a vaginal birth, which is what I am hoping for. They suggested various positions to do it in, such as propped up in bed or with one foot on the toilet seat, but even so, I seem to be too big to reach down there safely! The other option they suggested is that DH do it, but I'd feel a bit awkward about that and I know so would he (yeah I know he'll see a **** of a lot more at the birth but still...)

    Are/ did any of you do perineal massage coming up to the birth, and if so, what position worked best for you?
  2. mamaleah

    mamaleah Well-Known Member

    I remember reading about this with my first baby and explaining it to my husband. Well for some reason he was totaly freaked out by the thought of helping me with this (he is not grossed out or freaked by many things). It became a joke between us and anytime he would bother me I would threaten him with a need for perineal massage :lol: (probably TMI sorry). Anyway I tried it a couple of times and found positioning difficult and the whole thing a little awkward also so I didn't continue. On a positive note I have had two successful vaginal deliveries with no perineal massage.
  3. 4kidsmomexpectingtwins

    4kidsmomexpectingtwins Well-Known Member

    [SIZE=10pt]I have had 3 successful vaginal deliveries without it too. I wouldn't worry about it too much. My OB helped by massaging during delivery and when I had my youngest DD, I only tore enough to have 1 stitch. It does help, but like I said, I wouldn't worry about it too much, as your doctor probably will already be working with your body to help you deliver successfully. I don't blame you for feeling uncomfortable about asking DH. I don't think I could bring myself to ask either, and we are pretty open when it comes to personal things. That just seems a little too personal for both involved! Good luck.[/SIZE]
  4. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    I have never heard of doing this. I have delivered two babies, two single babies, each right over 9 lbs, vaginally without any issues. I am going to have to search this b/c I really don't even know what it would involve lol

  5. CatholicMom

    CatholicMom Well-Known Member

    I heard about it, with my last PG, but never did it. Something about using mineral oil (I think), and basically massaging your perineum a few times a day, to help the tissue stretch, as opposed to tearing.
  6. snowmom

    snowmom Well-Known Member

    As I recall, it's actually an old midwives technique, and you can use olive oil(yummy :p ) or vitamen E oil. My sister did it religiously with her pregnancy, and she never tore. I didn't with my first and ended up with an episiotomy. I've talked with Dh about doing this for me, as I can't reach, and he's amenable to it. Perhaps for those that want to do it, it could be worked into foreplay ;)
  7. stephobraun

    stephobraun Member

    we tries this...twice. Was very uncomfortable with the enitre my DH was really getting into it. We actually had "words" about it last time (essentially he looked at it as foreplay and I was grossed out !)
    Plus it kind of hurt........sorry tmi
  8. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    I would think it would be more important if you are having a larger baby. Since your two are probably going to max out at about 7 lbs, there won't be as much stretching for you. I wouldn't have needed it with the twins. With my 9 lb 9 oz baby, I think it was a good thing to do. :) I wouldn't worry about it if I were you.
  9. julesbabies

    julesbabies Well-Known Member

    LOL..... My husband is much more into receiving than giving, maybe this could be a good way to start a new thing. (Sorry, but I could not resist)

    I have read about this also. I think i will not be able to reach down there after a while. I am only 15 weeks and already having a hard time doing various tasks that involve reaching there..... hummm..
  10. walker006

    walker006 Well-Known Member

    My dh and i did this with my other pregnancies. And the doctor did it during labour and pushing, which eased the burning ALOT. I never tore with either birth. I didn't do it with the twins. But when they were born, they just kind of "fell out" out.Lol. I didn't have to hardly push.
    I did notice pp said they would be uncomfortable or dh would be. Dh and i have been together for almost 16 yrs, so there is nothing that we can't do together. This is one thing that you need to be comfortable with. You need to go slow and he needs to be gentle.It will bring you closer.Lol. Thats the fun of being together.
  11. LilBrwnBrd

    LilBrwnBrd Well-Known Member

    We learned about it in our Bradley class, and my hubby helped with the task as I laid down on the bed with pillows for support. There was no way I could do it on my own. I didn't tear while delivering my first set of twins, but can't say with 100% certainty that it was because of the massage. I would say that it helped me tremendously that he was in the class with me when the instructor described it, so he intellectually understood why it was important to me. If your hubby didn't attend the class with you, maybe explaining the advantages to him could help? It was also helpful for us to have a distraction around (like a TV show) so that it was just something we did while watching TV, lol. Good luck! --P.
  12. cynthia502

    cynthia502 Well-Known Member

    I had my husband at the time do this for my 1st baby since I head it could help prevent tearing and/or an episiotomy (sp?). It didn't work, I tore and had to get an episiotomy. Good luck to you if you try it! It's definitely something you would need help with!!!
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