
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by magrela, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. magrela

    magrela Active Member

    Hi guys,

    Well, I've posted the results of my last u/s on Saturday (under the topic Desappointed) and they found only one heart beat this time. But today my Dr. called and said he's sending me to Perinatologist for a more detailed ultrasound. Any idea of what they could be looking for!? What does a Perinatologist do? What's a more detailed ultrsound!? I'm confused and I have an appointment with my Dr. before my appointment with the Peri, but it's not until next week.... I don't know what to think!!!!

    Thanks everyine,
  2. mairoge

    mairoge Well-Known Member

    I see my Perinatologist once a month at this time. They give you an in depth ultra sound which looks at various aspects of your babies development. Most mother's carrying multiple are sent to a Peri because their pregnancy is considered high risk. Perhaps your doctor is sending you to a Peri to get a more conclusive answer as to whether or not you are carrying two babies. Good Luck.
  3. magrela

    magrela Active Member

    Thanks Mairoge!! I'll be anxious ultil I walk in there and they tell me everything is OK, either with one or two babies!
  4. LillyWhite1

    LillyWhite1 Well-Known Member

    A peri/maternal fetal medicine specialist is like the mega of all ultrasounds. They can do doplar (which is what they will use to verify heartbeat) and 3d/4d, and they do all the specialty tests like your Neuchal Translucency Scan (NT scan) and your Level II ultrasound and any growth ultrasounds. They will be able to see much more detail. Good luck!
  5. magrela

    magrela Active Member

    What's the NT scan?


  6. LillyWhite1

    LillyWhite1 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Mom2B @ Mar 10 2008, 04:51 PM) [snapback]662130[/snapback]
    What's the NT scan?



    The NT Scan stands for Neuchal Translucency Scan. You can find info on it in most baby books like WTEWE and my personal favorite the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregancy. This NT Scan is usually done around 12 to 14 wks to monitor for genetic problems like Downs Syndrome and other issues. They measure the back of the baby's neck and some other things. There is sometimes blood work that is done to test for this as well as trisomy 13 and 18. Hope this helps!
  7. magrela

    magrela Active Member

    It does! Thank you!!! :)
  8. rayelynn

    rayelynn Well-Known Member

    I went to a Peri. and he made me feel so much better about my babies health. In the ultrasounds you can see very detailed pictures in 3D/4D. Take a videotape to record it! I opted not to do an amnio. because of the risks involved, but the ultrasound answered all of my questions anyway.

    It isn't unusual for only one heartbeat to be heard. I have friends who have twins and NEVER heard more than one heartbeat. They didn't do ultrasounds and found out about twins when the second one popped out!

    Good luck. Don't be nervous, think of it as an adventure.
  9. magrela

    magrela Active Member

    Thanks ryelynn!!!

    They couldn't see the second baby last time, and the tech assured me that there's just one, so today I got a call from the Dr. saying I have to see a Peri. I'm not nervous about the visit itself, but whether they saw something that I don't know about...
    Anyway, thank you so much!
  10. Mrs. Johnny

    Mrs. Johnny Well-Known Member

    The peri will be much more advanced with the equipment they have. They can see a lot more. They didn't
    see the membrane that seperated the 2 babies until I went to the Peri. You'll feel better when you see them.
    Hope all goes well-

  11. magrela

    magrela Active Member

    Thanks guys!!
    But do you think that I could still be pregnant w/ twins and they missed with the regular u/s? I'm 11 weeks and 3 days!

  12. rayelynn

    rayelynn Well-Known Member

    Are they POSITIVE that there were two in the first place?
  13. magrela

    magrela Active Member


    The had two healthy heart beats, one was 168 and 179.
  14. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I posted on your other thread...but I think it's totally possible they missed the second one. I mean we've had ladies on here who didn't have the second twin spotted until after 15 anything is possible. But obviously you don't want to get your hope up too much...
  15. magrela

    magrela Active Member

    Thanks everyone!

    I also heard from someone that I should never listen to the techs because they're not supposed to be saying anything, that I should only listen to my Dr. Since the last u/s, I haven't seen my Dr. but I got a call from his office saying he's sending me to a peri....
    Anyway, thanks for all the help! Any more information or similar stories are very much appreciated!
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