
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Dianna, Dec 4, 2007.


Do you see a Perinatologist?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

    0 vote(s)
  3. Not yet, but OB said I might need to start.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Other(please explain)

    0 vote(s)
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  1. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Curious as to how many see a Peri. Until I got to TS had heard of one. My OB has never mentioned one. Not sure if that is b/c the u/s I get in his office seem to show what most see when going to a Peri. I don't know.

  2. lhodnett73

    lhodnett73 Well-Known Member

    I've actually been seeing my peri since 9 weeks, and will see him every 2 weeks until I deliver.
  3. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Saw one once at 19 weeks. Now under the care of my OB who consults with the peri regularly. The peri is a 3 hour drive, so it's not realistic for me to go there often, especially since I'm on bedrest and can't drive myself. I see my OB twice a week now. I'll be transfered to the peri's hospital if it looks like the babies are coming before 34 weeks.
  4. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    I voted yes but it is in the past tense. I did see one. I started at 18 weeks and went once a month until 30 weeks then I was supposed to go twice/month and the boys came a bit early. I liked going because I got an extra ultrasound each month and I felt like the tech knew better what to look for and I saw the Peri at every appt. Then 2 weeks later I would see the OB. So, I had 2 appts a month always, sometimes more.
  5. KimsTwins

    KimsTwins Well-Known Member

    I exclusively see a Peri and have seen him every two weeks since I was about 12 weeks along. I have other health problems so he monitors everything, not just the babies. I have really lucked out with him as he is great and is really easy to talk to.
  6. Stellaluna

    Stellaluna Well-Known Member

    I'm not sure what the "criteria" is to
    see a peri.......I was in my late 30's
    when I conceived my boys, and was
    never referred to one. (so I don't think
    it is age related) And I had no
    other major medical issues.
  7. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It was recommended I see one when we found out it was twins. I was not considered high risk it was just due to having twins. It actually made me feel a lot better knowing the peri was much more skilled and knew more about twin pregnancies. I felt good with my OB too, but I liked having the growth u/s at every visit with my peri. I didn't mind going to both at all.
  8. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I started seeing one because I was having PTL issues and my OB felt like I needed better monitoring. So our original plan was to see a peri that she worked with, but we could not find one that my insurance covered (and that worked with her as well). So at 25 weeks, she and I handed over my care exclusively to a new doctor. He was a very reputable peri and although it was hard to leave my OB, I got incredible care and attention!
  9. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I have not seen a peri-in fact my OB has not ever even mentioned one-I have had a very uneventful pregnancy with no complications so far. I do know that my OB is experienced with caring for twin pregnancies and currently is treating several of us. He does a lot of sonograms and starting this week I will have weekly visits.
    I feel like I am being well looked after.
  10. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    I saw only the peri. No regular OB for me. just in case. My regular OB didn't deliver at a hospital with a NICU so if something happened, I wouldn't have been at the same hosp as my babies. That's not acceptable to me so I changed with my OB's recommendation and went right back after having the babies.
  11. HinSD

    HinSD Well-Known Member

    I voted other because in my first tri and the beginning of my second tri I was seeing both the OB and peri. Now, just the OB. He does MANY twin pregnancies/deliveries so I feel totally comfortable with seeing my OB only
  12. cottoncandysky

    cottoncandysky Well-Known Member

    only 9wks here but the OB hasnt said anything about 1?
  13. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    Yes, but she was my main doctor and I didn't see an OB. Our girls had TTTS so we needed specialized care. We had a resident OB who worked with the peri and she did all our u/s and delivered the babies.
  14. blueeyez553

    blueeyez553 Well-Known Member

    yes i had my 1st visit at 14 weeks . i love goin to them they make me feel so much better about everything and they know so much more than your regular Ob knows.
  15. Goldenmom1

    Goldenmom1 Member

    I saw a Peri for my level II u/s at 18 weeks. He wrote up a report & guidelines for my regular OB to follow for the rest of the pregnancy. I won't have to see him again unless I develop complications.
  16. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    I voted that I see when but actually I no longer do as my twins are 5 months old.

    I saw him every 2 weeks from 14 weeks on and then weekly after 28 weeks. Sometimes I saw him 2x a week. Every time I got an untrasound and later on an NST as well.

    I had no risk factors other than the fact I was carrying 2 babies. In this area twin moms generally see a Peri exclusively as twins are considered high risk and need closer monitoring and such.

    I only saw my OB once to determine I was pregnant. As soon as I had my U/S and they saw 2 I was sent to a Peri
  17. djpizzuti

    djpizzuti Well-Known Member

    I see my peri every month until Jan. then I will see him every two weeks (twice) and then weekly until I deliver. I see my OBs bi-weekly. (I am due April 21) I am 36 and my Dr.s consider twins to be high risk. I don't mind because I get to see them every time I see a Dr!

  18. MissyEby

    MissyEby Well-Known Member

    I only see a peri. He is wonderful. I have seen him since I was 6 weeks. He has OB partners but I don't rotate between them. I am 34 years old, I underwent IVF to have these guys, I had a preemie 16 years ago, he was born at 29 weeks. The same Peri delivered him.

    take care,

  19. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Wonder if I don't see a peri, even thought my ob has says I am high risk for ptl and all that, since my ob's office does the u/s every visit and so on. I take it most ob's don't do that from what everyone is saying. And what is a level 2 u/s?

  20. idtwinstx

    idtwinstx Well-Known Member

    Never saw a peri, and my ob never mentioned seeing one. I had a very uneventful pregnancy and delivered my id twin boys at 37 weeks 5 days.
  21. otrcook

    otrcook New Member

    I have been seeing a peri monthly since I was 12 weeks as well as my OB. I have some other medical issues though as well.
  22. blueeyez553

    blueeyez553 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Dianna @ Dec 4 2007, 04:04 PM) [snapback]520932[/snapback]
    Wonder if I don't see a peri, even thought my ob has says I am high risk for ptl and all that, since my ob's office does the u/s every visit and so on. I take it most ob's don't do that from what everyone is saying. And what is a level 2 u/s?


    i get u/s with my ob and peri each visit but the peri does all the measurement on the boys, my fluid, and my cervix and i just give the ob a copy. ob just does u/s to check thier movement and make sure they are doing ok.

    level 2 u/s is usually done at 20wks about and it is all the measurments of the babies, femur, head, brain development, heart valves, bladder, etc. usually sex determination if u dont already know as well. Now my peri does a level 2 u/s each time i go in because i only have one placenta so they are worried about ttts and the size of the boys.
  23. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I never saw one, it wasnt even brought up!!
  24. ErickaK

    ErickaK Well-Known Member

    I only saw a peri with my twins pregnancy. I saw a peri and OB with my son, since I had incompetent cervix along with GD. This time I by-passed the OB and went right to a peri (new to our area at the time and the peri came highly recommended by someone that went to him and also knew a little of my history, had a pre-term loss prior to having my son)
  25. rayelynn

    rayelynn Well-Known Member

    I saw a peri and an ob. My ob referred me to the peri after we found out I was having twins. I was 37 when I conceived and had potential problems. My mother got pregnant with me while taking the birth control pill Cquens. At that time a shot to prevent miscarriage was given to women who got pregnant while on the pill. Female babies from those pregnancies have reported fertility problems, difficulty carrying a successful pregnancy and miscarriages. There are also problems with short cervices in these women. I was monitored very closely. My ob said I didn't have to go to the peri after a while, but the peri said that he would feel better monitoring my pregnancy with his higher tech equipment. He even discounted his fees. I wasn't sure which one was going to end up doing my c-section, they were both ready.
  26. skovarik

    skovarik Active Member

    I see the Peri and my O/B. I saw the peri the first time at 12 weeks and then I'll see him at 16 weeks and then again every two weeks. I think because the twins share a placenta is the reason for the two week checkups. I'll still see my OB every month. I don't mind it's more pictures!!!!
  27. Bee Ell

    Bee Ell Active Member

    At my first prenatal appt (almost 8 weeks) when we found out it was twins, my OB said he would send me to a peri at 18 weeks.
  28. lilly_&_hunter

    lilly_&_hunter Well-Known Member

    I haven't seen one. Dr hasn't ever even brought it up. I'm guessing I won't be seeing one.... as long as everything keeps going good.
  29. Irishlisa

    Irishlisa Well-Known Member

    I've been seeing one every 2 weeks since 10 weeks when I was diagnosed with monoamniotic twins.
  30. JediMom

    JediMom Well-Known Member

    9w here too, but I don't think a peri is in my future. My BFF never saw a peri during her twin pregnancy with the same OB.

    My OB did tell me that she would be doing regular ultrasounds at no additional cost to me because she needs to SEE both babies and know the heartbeat belongs to each child - instead of possibly hearing the same one twice.

    My OB also just had twins herself this year. She is a very capable OB and I have total and complete trust in her (she's been my OB/GYN since I got pregnant the first time 5 years ago). I LOVE her and believe if she thought I needed a peri, she would send me to one.

    I am curious to know why OBs send patients to Peris. Is it for more specialized care that the OB is unable to provide, either through modern facilities or for lack of experience,etc?
  31. whosermomma

    whosermomma Well-Known Member

    I saw both an OB and a Peri. Once they found out I was having twins at 19 weeks, my OB referred me to one. I had to see my Peri first then my OB on the same day for about 3 weeks until 28 weeks. Then it was every 2 weeks until they put me on bedrest at 31 weeks. Then it was every week until I had them at 36 weeks. My Peri was the one who put me on bedrest.
  32. mommymauro

    mommymauro Well-Known Member

    I just saw my peri at 15w 6 d. he said he wants to see me this Monday (2 weeks after my first appointment) to check my cervix (it was at 2.9) and then every 2 weeks after until it becomes a better length (my son was born at 35 weeks)… I also have id twins that share a placenta, so he wants to keep an eye on that as well… but so far so good…
    I see my reg OB about every 3 weeks for now…
  33. Jackie1078

    Jackie1078 Member

    I see a peri and an OB. I was referred to the peri. when I saw my OB at 12 weeks. The peri. just does u/s to monitor their growth and keeps my OB updated. I see each of them once a month right now.
  34. Reggie95109

    Reggie95109 Well-Known Member

    I see a Peri and have since I was 9 weeks. I have a pretty extensive history of abdominal surgery so would have gone to one even if I was having a singleton as I am considered high risk because of my prior medical history. I will deliver at her hospital which is about 45 minutes away from us. I am a tad nervous about complications setting in that need to be dealt with sooner than that but we shall see. So far, our trips to her ER have been shorter wait times than the local ER including driving time.
  35. Sofiesmom

    Sofiesmom Well-Known Member

    Never saw one, my OB never mentioned it either. I had a very uneventful first and twin pregnancy. My hospital is very large and delivers about 10,000 babies a year of which 290 sets of twins. My doc had experience with twin deliveries as well, so there was no reason.
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