Pep Talk - Update

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ec twins, Apr 13, 2007.

  1. ec twins

    ec twins Well-Known Member

    I suspected I was pregnant for the 2nd time after having twins a year ago and it's official! I am 6 weeks along. The boys will be about 20 months by then. Has anyone else survived having this many kids so close together? I am really scared and could use some moral support.

    I'm still in shock after trying 2 years and a few doses of clomid for the boys. We are thrilled and always wanted 3 children, please don't get me wrong. I just wasn't prepared for it to be this easy.... :eek: I guess you could call it "pleasantly surprised" - very surprised.

    Thanks all!!

    EC Twins
  2. Jersey_Girls

    Jersey_Girls Well-Known Member

    Congratulations! I only have my two and we are not planning on more so I don't really have advice but I know there are lots of women on this board who are in very similar situations and they somehow make it work. I am in awe of them!

    Just think- you have done it with 2. Now you have experience and some of the overwelming things will come easier... And you will have two great "helpers" through out this new baby's life.

    Congrats again! Keep us posted.

  3. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    MY DS was 13months when the girls arrived, barely walking. We love having them close, they are all such great friends(most of the time) and James loves to "help" with the babies.

    It is crazy at times, and there are very few places I can take all 3 on my own so we are needing a good playset in the backyard, but you find your rythm and life takes on a new pace.

    Please feel free to PM me if you would like...bottom line, you will be great!
  4. that1gyrl

    that1gyrl Well-Known Member

    Congrats! Our eldest was a little over two and I'm glad they are that close.
  5. MommyTo3andCounting

    MommyTo3andCounting Well-Known Member

    Congratulations!! Our boys were a little older than that when DD was born (they are 26 months apart) - but they did awesome! They were great little diaper runners and loved helping!
  6. Kcampbell

    Kcampbell Well-Known Member

    DS was almost 2, DD was 1 when DS was born (three under 2, and none were twins). We lived strictly by a schedule and everything went fine! We then skipped a year and then had the twins (5 kids, 4 and under). Routine, routine, routine.
  7. Katarina

    Katarina Well-Known Member

    I have two sets of twins who are almost 19 months apart. Yes, at first it can seem really daunting, but believe me, I would not trade it for the world. I love having all 4 of my girls so close in age. You can do it. Just stick with a routine/schedule and you will be surprised at how smoothly things can go (most of the time!!!!!!)
  8. rosie19

    rosie19 Well-Known Member


    Your situation sounds exactly like mine. It took us over a year to get pg with our twins (the result of injectibles and IUI). I was told that it would be "virtually impossible" for me to get pg on my own. I now have a 5 month old to prove that wrong :D My kiddos are 19 months apart and it's wonderful. I was really scared at first but it has worked out really well. My twins were never jealous of the new baby since they really didn't understand what was happening. Now that they are just about 2, they help me by bringing me diapers, getting the baby toys, etc. They love to hug and kiss him, too. I think the hardest part was the last few weeks of my pregnancy. It was hard to pick up two babies and get them in and out of the car. We made it through and couldn't be happier.

    I'm sure you are a bit overwhelmed by it all right now, but know that it is completely do-able and a lot of fun! Feel free to PM me if you ever have any questions or just need to talk with someone who's been through it.

  9. ec twins

    ec twins Well-Known Member

    Thank you all so much for the words of encouragement. I make take you moms up on your offer of PM's for free advice along the way. Thanks for assuring me that it can be done!!

  10. tulip1981

    tulip1981 Well-Known Member

    We're in the same situations! My boys will be 20 months when Mason arrives. I was on BCP when we got pregnant so it was a HUGE surprise but I'm now over the initial shock and really looking forward to having 3 boys so close in age!
  11. NatalieK

    NatalieK Well-Known Member

    We had our son when the twins were 18 months old. After fertility drugs our son was a complete surprise. We were thrilled! I won't lie, it's been very hard. The twins still need me alot and don't understand when I need to feed the baby or why I am so tired in the mornings (up alot with the baby). Whenever I get overwhelmed, I just remind myself that things will get easier and that when all of the kids are a bit older that I will be happy they are so close in age. Like pps have said, routine helps alot. We do the same things at about the same time everyday. When DH is home take advantage of that time to cook meals or prepare for the next day. We just joined a gym so that he can take the twins to the nursery while he works out. That way I am guaranteed a few hours a week of just one on one time with the baby and the twins love to go to a new place and play with new toys. Little things like that help save my sanity. Life is definetly chaotic with 3 under 2, but it's also amazing to see the bond the 3 of them have.
  12. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Congratulations!!! So they will be 20 months apart? You'll be ok, it will be challenging, but you will be ok. Just think about what good playmates they will all be (someday).
  13. Gabe+2more

    Gabe+2more Well-Known Member

    Mine are 23 months apart. It's totally doable! Congratulations!!
  14. rachinoc

    rachinoc Active Member

    I was just getting ready to post the same thing!! My twins just turned one year old (conceived after trying for 5+ years and 2 IUIs) and I just found out I am pregnant again and am in complete shock. I thought things were hard with the twins alone and we weren't planning for anymore... dh was getting snipped next week. We are just in complete shock!
  15. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    No advice, but wanted to say Congratulations! I am sure it will all work out. :hug99:
  16. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Congratulations!!! You'll be fine - you know why? Because you are a MOM! That makes you strong and you are a woman, so you are smart! You can do it!!! You just will because you have to and you'll be great!! Will you get frazzled and frustrated, sure! But it will pass as it always does! Take good care of yourself!! Best wishes for a healthy and uneventful pregnancy! :banana:
  17. MichelleVDH

    MichelleVDH Well-Known Member

    My youngest are less than 12 months apart. It is busy but totally doable. I enjoyed having a singleton after the craziness of twins. It is very different.
    Hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!
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