Pep talk please, admitted

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Abbe2b3, May 6, 2011.

  1. Abbe2b3

    Abbe2b3 Member

    I am 31 wks, mono/di girls. I went today for BPP and growth at mfm. Bpp all good girls moving beautifully. Baby A only grew 7 oz and Baby B grew 12 oz and now they are 1lb apart. So I was admitted for 24hr observation. I got the 1st steriod shot and doing the 24 urine collection. I just need someone to tell me it will work out. I can't fall apart or hubby will and two useless people are not needed in this situation.
  2. Rollergiraffe

    Rollergiraffe Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Every day, every hour that you can grow those girls you're doing well. While being in the hospital sucks, you're in the best place possible to make sure that the girls are ok. Just the fact that they're both growing is great. I know that having different weights is a bit scary, but remember that ultrasound measurements are not always very accurate, especially with twins. It sounds like your doctor is taking good precaution in keeping you under observation and take comfort in knowing that you have good care. Also, you're getting close to the 32 week point where there is a really good chance for healthy pre-term babies.

    I'll keep fingers crossed for good test results for you and hopefully you'll be home and growing those kiddos again for another few weeks! I am sorry you're going through this.. twin pregnancy can be scary sometimes, but it usually works out for the best :hug:
  3. cheezewhiz24

    cheezewhiz24 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :grouphug: You are getting the steroid shots- those are super helpful. You are also being monitored very closely- there is no guarantee that you'll have to deliver today or tomorrow- they may be just fine as Jen said with another u/s measurement.

    :hug: & please update us as you know more.
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    I went thru the same thing at 26 weeks. I had steroid shots then and pre e tests too. I was in 2 days so I could get the shots and tests done. I was released and carried the girls 6 more weeks till the next time I was in for low fetal movement. Being at 31 weeks your a lot farther a long. My girls were born at 34 weeks at almost 2 lbs different. They still have an height and weight gap but our small twin doesn't have any lasting problems. Do they have any reason on why one twin is smaller? Jessy had a 2 vessel cord and both girls had abnormal insertion of their cords
  5. Tamaralynn

    Tamaralynn Well-Known Member

    I agree with the girls. My boys always had a l-1.5lb differenc in their scans, they are were also mono/di. Even at birth Nathaniel was 6lbs 9oz and WIlliam was 5lbs 2oz. My smaller twins is still smaller but he is perfectly fine.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    :hug: The steroid shots will help. I'm glad you are being monitored closely.
  7. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    I had the steroid shots at 29 weeks and then ended up having to be induced at 37 weeks. Try to take one day at a time,and its a great thing you got the steroid shot.
  8. Henderson

    Henderson Well-Known Member

    same here at 32 wks almost a 2LB diff and admitted at 33 wks when twin A had low fluid and movement on her BPP. Got the steriod shots just incase, mydr said she was just being overly cautious, fine with me! So sounds like your docs are doing the right thing. And now I'm here at 37 wks with a csection monday!! But we did manage to get them measuring a little closer at 35 wks right at 1lb diff! And I totally understand the hubby thing mine is stressed too :( but you are doing great! We are all here when you need to let it out;)
  9. tiff12080

    tiff12080 Well-Known Member

    my boys were estimated to be more than 1 pound apart...but the scan was wrong..they were 8 ounces a part..and big and fine. Good luck :)
  10. Abbe2b3

    Abbe2b3 Member

  11. Abbe2b3

    Abbe2b3 Member

    Thank you ladies. All my pre-e tests have come back negative and tomorrow I have another BPP scheduled. Got the steriods, burn a bit don't they. I am doing a little better emotionally. This morning I was a total wreck. I had been on continuous monitoring which requires me to be on my back, which hurts and makes me really sick. So by 7 this morning I was dilerious. Now I just have the girls monitored every 4 hrs and I stay on the uterine monitor 24/7. Sleep and not throwing up have been such a blessing. The nurses have been taking great care of me and we will see where we are tomorrow. Thanks again!
  12. Henderson

    Henderson Well-Known Member

    Good to hear! Thanks for the update! And yeah the constant monitoring is hard it's like you can't move! Glad they can do it every 4 hrs for ya!
  13. emp59

    emp59 Well-Known Member

    My girls' scan was wrong too. They were estimated 1 lb 14 oz different and were born less than 24 hours later and were only 9 oz different. I'm glad you're being monitored and trying to keep it together! You can do this! Every minute those girls are in there they are getting stronger and stronger!
  14. lharrison1

    lharrison1 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Glad to know the nurses are being so helpful to you!! Take care and keep us posted! :youcandoit:
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