People are getting meaner....

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Jersey_Girls, Feb 28, 2007.

  1. Jersey_Girls

    Jersey_Girls Well-Known Member

    Hi Friends,

    I just got back from the grocery store and I am still ticked off. I love this store because it is big and has great service and fresh produce but the people who shop there are horrible! They are so impatient and mean- especially when it comes to kids. I took my girls shopping today and they asked to walk alongside the cart instead of ride. I told them we could try it (it wasn't very crowded) but the rule was if they didn't listen they would need to get in the cart.

    Well, right off the bat, one of my gals tripped and fell in front of my cart I had to stop (OBVIOUSLY) to pick her up or else I would have run over her. The man behind me got very impatient because I was holding him up. He tried to get around us and my other daughter stepped in his way. He immediately said "HEY KIDS MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" WTH? I was stunned. I picked both my gals up and put them in the cart and started to follow him. I felt he needed someone to tell him what he did was wrong. By the time I got up to him one of my gals said really loudly "Why do we have to ride in the cart?" I looked at the man and said "Because honey, people like this man are rude and will yell at you every time you get in their way- And I won't have people yelling at my 3 year olds for no good reason".

    Of course, that confused my daughter but HE sure got the point. He quickly walked away mumbling under his breath.

    I am SO SICK of people being so mean and impatient! Especially when they direct their anger at my kids. It makes me not want to go out half the time....ARRRGHHHHH! I am still so angry. Luckily, my gals were not phased except they were disappointed that they didn't get to walk next to the cart. Time to change grocery stores....

    Thanks for letting me vent.

  2. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    Some people really just don't get it these days. I am sorry he was so rude. [​IMG]
  3. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Love your comeback! People are always talking about how kids are ruder these days and its really the adults who are ruder and teaching it to the kids.
  4. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry he was rude to you and your girls. I love your come back!
  5. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    People are always talking about how kids are ruder these days and its really the adults who are ruder and teaching it to the kids.

    That is soooo very true! I wish people would stop and think about that.

    Good comeback though. What a JERKOFF!
  6. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    I'll never forget this man glaring at me and the babies when they were 3 months old because Bea was fussing. She wasn't wailing or screaming, just fussing. He gave me that "shut that baby up" look. Ugh! I think some people just have no patience and are intolerant of children.
  7. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    What a great response! Kuddos to you for "confronting" the situation.
    I am sorry for your experience, some people have no patience huh?
  8. twindependent

    twindependent Well-Known Member

    I think it's so weird that people are so intolerant of children in general- how do they think they acted when they were 3? [​IMG]
  9. valentinetwins

    valentinetwins Well-Known Member

    Awe, I'm sorry that you had to deal with that. I'm finding that some people in our society are so intolerant of small children. It is quite disgusting to me. Great comeback though [​IMG]
  10. sharon_with_j_and_n

    sharon_with_j_and_n Well-Known Member

    That happened to us at Walmart. DH had Nicole and he was off to the side in front of us putting her in a cart. This guy was waiting to get to the items on display beside him and he started swearing and banging on his cart. It's a good thing DH didn't associate this noise with what he was doing because he would have freaked. I was behind the guy, however, and I said in a voice loud enough for everyone to turn and look in my direction "Oh, sorry that we have to take the time to put our child in a must be such an inconvenience to wait 5 seconds!". DH looked at me in shock and then said "what was that all about". The other guy took off like a shot, and his completely embarassed wife stayed back and said to me "He doesn't like shopping at the best of times". No kidding.

  11. Devon

    Devon Well-Known Member

    Oh I forgot about this one, but I actually had a "friend's" husband say this to me once as we had gone to visit them and we were all sitting in their front yard, my twins were about 15 or 16 months and they started running in different directions, down the sidewalk, towards the street, and instead of helping me retrieve one of them, he hollered...."well, you got what you wanted, you're the one who did invitro." Haven't been back there since.
  12. mama3

    mama3 Well-Known Member

    I guess it makes sense, really. Our society has de-valued human life in general. First the pre-born, then the elderly, the disabled & ill, and now children in general. I guess this is one of the outcomes, meaner people. Our kids are a blessing!! I guy I work with is like this. He thinks of children as a nuisance, a sort of mold, that some folks cause, but all must put up with. I guess he hatched full grown from an egg!! Loved your comeback!! We shouldn't let these folks get away with acting like babies, Our babies act better than that!
  13. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    Sorry he was so rude to you but I'm glad that you put him in his place. I've had my fair share of rude comments and looks too... maybe it's something in NJ. [​IMG]
  14. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Lisa [​IMG] Sorry he got to you! He might have been having one of "those" days when nothing is working right for him and he probably got home and felt horrible! (I hope [​IMG])
  15. team_double.trouble

    team_double.trouble Well-Known Member

    Some people are just so rude, even other mothers with children can get snappy and tell you to move...people are getting so impatient these days.
  16. Mia D

    Mia D Well-Known Member

    I like to tell my girls that not everyone is as happy as we are, so we just need to give them some kindness and some space.

  17. twoplustwo

    twoplustwo Well-Known Member

    "Because honey, people like this man are rude and will yell at you every time you get in their way- And I won't have people yelling at my 3 year olds for no good reason".

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    That was awesome!!! Good for you!

    Sorry you have to deal with that.
  18. BettiePage

    BettiePage Well-Known Member

    LOL, great response! You were much more polite than my mom, who called some old geezer an ***hole yesterday.

    We were taking the babies for a walk in my neighborhood -- it's sort of hard to explain, but my street doesn't have any sidewalks, so where it meets up with the next street, you have to walk around a couple of parked cars to get to the crosswalk or you have to cross in the middle of the street. Basically, there is no crosswalk at the end of my street and you have to walk in the (totally not busy, and right at a 3-way stop) street.

    So we were standing at the side of the road waiting for the couple of cars in the road to clear when this guy turning in our direction stops in the middle of the intersection and waves at usto go ahead. After which he proceeds to roll down his window and say, "Use the crosswalk!" OK great, not sure how I'm supposed to do that since there IS no crosswalk there. [​IMG] Anyway, my mom, who is the picture perfect "sweet little old lady" just stopped right in front of his window, calmly said, "You're an ***hole," and walked off.

    I was DYING laughing at her because it's SO unlike her. But seriously! HE was much more of a traffic problem that we were waiting at the side of the road. Whatever, dude!
  19. nbgmom

    nbgmom Well-Known Member

    Before we moved I used to shop at a really cheap store for groceries. It was the opposite of what you said. The people who shopped there were very nice, the manager was a jerk. My older son was around 3.5yrs old. He wanted to walk with me and was trying to help. He grabbed a bag of veggies and a couple other bags fell. He felt bad and tried to pick them up. The manager was there and my little guy said, "I am sorry about that, will you forgive me?" The man wouldn't even make eye contact and COMPLETELY ignored him. My son was devastated. I told him he did the right thing and I was so proud of him. When we got home and told my dh, he wanted to go have a talk with the manager and make him at least look at my son. I didn't let him, but wow talk about rude.
    I think your respose was great!!! Good for you!!!!
  20. Ali M

    Ali M Well-Known Member

    He was really rude. [​IMG] I ran into a lady like that the other day. I totally don't remember where we were but I do remember feeling pissed off at her because she kind of snapped at Sierra and Sierra wasn't even doing anything wrong, she just got in her way for a second. If she hadn't left out of a door immediately, I would have given her a piece of my mind.
  21. Angelasbabes

    Angelasbabes Well-Known Member

    I must be in a good area or something else. I usually get chuckles at my boys antics!

    I wanted to suggest though, that instead of changing stores, maybe you can change your shopping times and or days. I used to work at a grocery store, and Tuesday's were "old people" days. You just got used to doing things in a slower manner and dealing with some downright grumpy people. [​IMG]

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