It's that time of year again for us when we search for a part time nanny for our girls. I have to say, I dread it. I don't like interviewing employees at work and I really don't like doing it for myself. We posted an ad and got a dozen responses. I took the six best resumes and called them for set up a meeting today at Barnes and Noble. Of those six, four confirmed. Yesterday one called to reschedule. No biggie. Today we went to BN to settle in for two hours of interviews. The first hour passes. The second. Nobody showed up. Nobody. No emails, no texts, no phone calls, no show. Argh!! So frustrated!
That sucks. But at least you did that before you you hired them. i own a business, and it seems that more than half of the people we hire do not show up for their 'first day" of work.
That is *nuts*! In this economy, you'd think that people would be jumping at the chance to make some money. I've never had a no-call, no-show to a nanny interview, and I've done dozens of them! ardon: Sorry they wasted your time.
I'm assuming you have their contact information. If you're feeling confrontational (and have some time on your hands) you could call them and ask.... :diablo:
[quote name='Nate and Jack's Mom' date='25 July 2011 - 10:26 AM' timestamp='1311607590' post='1805813'] I'm assuming you have their contact information. If you're feeling confrontational (and have some time on your hands) you could call them and ask.... :diablo: [/quote] My MIL told me to! I don't know. I'm trying to tell myself that it's better than learning how irresponsible they are after they are already responsible for my kids. Sigh.
That is just bizarre! I just don't understand that, especially in this economy. That's exactly what I was thinking.
that is strange that No One showed up, is it possible there is another B&N in your area and they got confused? were they relying on public transportation and their were delays, or cancellations in the public transportation for that day and route?
Stephanie, I am sorry that you had to go through that. I agree with Valerie, in this economy, you would think that people would jump at the chance for a job!
Nope, just one book store of any sort in this town. And I hope they weren't relying on public transport since we have a lousy system. It's just the nature of dealing with mostly college students, I think. They can be very mature about some things and very immature about others. Maybe one had a hang-over, one wanted to go to the pool, and the other "forgot" to tell me she got a job? Who knows... Speaking of got a job, applicant #4 just called to let me know she's accepted a waitressing job. I've reposted my ad and am going to jump back into it. Also going to email a plea to a twin mom who leads the PT school to see if she has anybody she'd recommend. I hate this process.
That's awful. But like you said, it's better that they didn't show up now, than when you really need them. I hope things get better from here.
Have you tried doing phone interviews? We've gone through the nanny interview/hiring process twice so far. Both times we set up phone interviews first with our top candidates, just asked a few basic questions to get a feel for their experience and what they were looking for and then let those candidates know we'd be contacting only our top candidates for in-person interviews. It seemed to work well for us. Some cancelled, blew us off, or took another job, or wanted to negotiate salary right away - even though it was only a phone call it was easy to tell who wouldn't work out. Each time we narrowed it down to 3 in-person interviews and that worked for us and saved some time.
So sorry! That is frustrating!! I would try phone interviews first! Tosave you some tiem: goood luck!
I follow a similar process of phone interviewing candidates first and then setting up a meeting at a local cafe w/ just me and them. Follow that, i select the best 2 to our house for my husband and twins to meet and get to know. From there I select the best. I've gone through this 2x in the last 3 months because our first nanny ended up needing surgery that would put her out of commission for 6 months. Other than that she would still be with us. We just had our second one start this week and so far so good!! I think having the multiple days/rounds of interviews allows to screen for flakeyness of any kind. I've had several miss phone interviews and a few who didn't turn up for the first round of interviews. Its completely crappy when that happens, but atleast you know upfront that they are a bad choice Good luck!!
We hired somebody this morning! Of the nine Barnes & Noble interviews I set up, she was one of two people who showed. Crazy. We had her over to the house this morning and she was as easy as could be. The girls liked her, she made herself comfortable helping out, and we communicate well. I'm thrilled with her and am looking forward to this year. Maybe she'll go to grad school so u can have a few years before I start this process again.
I'm so glad you found someone, but your story shocks me! I can't believe most people don't even show up for interviews! Maybe that's why our unemployment rate is so high???