We are in the midst of potty training and the day care lady mentioned just how much they pee. They will fill the pot and then within a half hour their pull-ups/diapers are soaked again. I have noticed this too but never thought it was a big deal. I put Matthew in cloth pants after he filled the pot once and he peed through two of them with in 45 mintues. I only worry a bit because my niece has type 1 diabetes and one of the symptoms for her was a lot of pee-ing and accidents. She was 7 or 8 though. Any thoughts?
It might just be worth a quick call to the pedi!! If it's hot and he's drinking a LOT then there is reason. If he's not...then worth a question! My DD can hold it twice as long, so her tinkles are SO much more voluminous than his..... good luck! :hug99:
I second Diane's oppinion. I was thinking DM1 before you mentioned your niece having it. It's especially warranted then if there's a family history. Does he have an increased appetite and fairly skinny? Does he complain of thirst or seem to be drinking alot? Does he tire easily? Then again, valid point since it's hot out, but definitely something to look into. I'll keep you and your children in my thoughts/prayers....keep us posted.
They both ask to drink what I think is a lot (always want milk...can't seem to get them to drink water). They eat pretty well but definitely are NOT skinny. They are tired all the time but don't really sleep well, either, so I'm not sure about that one. Thanks for your thoughts. Oy. Now I'm nervous, even though I know it's too early to think anything.
Just wanted to comment that diabetes type 1 is not genetic. It's not passed down. You can only be a carrier for type 2. My brother has Juvenile diabetes and I was so freaked for the boys (who also t-t alot) until my doctor told me this. Let's just say that we soak through not one but two size 6 diapers at night. They normally wear a size 4 diaper during the day. The thirst thing for type 1 diabetes is more like a desparate need to drink all the time. Frantic drinking. Not just the normal I'm thirsty kind of drinking. You can still have them checked out to ease your mind but I wouldn't start worrying until you get the testing done. Both of my guys have normal blood sugar levels and always have. HTH! Shannon
It wouldn't hurt to call your pedi. It is most likely nothing to worry about but I used to work for a non-profit that raised money for a type 1 diabetes center and we were always trying to get the signs and symptoms of type 1 diabetes out there. This may help you out. Warning signs of type 1 diabetes (these may occur suddenly): * Extreme thirst * Frequent urination * Sudden vision changes * Sugar in urine * Fruity, sweet, or wine-like odor on breath * Increased appetite * Sudden weight loss * Drowsiness, lethargy * Heavy, labored breathing * Stupor, unconsciousness You can find more information on the website Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International Hope that helps...
QUOTE(i4get @ Jun 13 2008, 09:06 PM) [snapback]825607[/snapback] Just wanted to comment that diabetes type 1 is not genetic. It's not passed down. You can only be a carrier for type 2. My brother has Juvenile diabetes and I was so freaked for the boys (who also t-t alot) until my doctor told me this. Let's just say that we soak through not one but two size 6 diapers at night. They normally wear a size 4 diaper during the day. The thirst thing for type 1 diabetes is more like a desparate need to drink all the time. Frantic drinking. Not just the normal I'm thirsty kind of drinking. You can still have them checked out to ease your mind but I wouldn't start worrying until you get the testing done. Both of my guys have normal blood sugar levels and always have. HTH! Shannon Correct, type 1 isn't genetic but my research is showing that autoimmune diseases may be. We have a strong family trait of that. My dad died of pulmonary fibrosis (autoimmune), my sister has juvenille rhumatoid (sp?) arthitis (autoimmune), niece with diabetes type 1 (autoimmune), and a nephew with Asberger's (diabetes niece's brother) which some researchers have be questioning may be autoimmune (just a theory. jury still out on that one). Anyways, thanks, everyone, for helping out. A mom can't help but be worried when someone with experience says something is a bit out of the ordinary. Pedi pretty much brushed me off. "Everything's fine" as is the usual response.