
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by megkc03, Sep 13, 2012.

  1. megkc03

    megkc03 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I like our pedi. I have no real problems with him. He's been seeing the boys since they were born. Sometimes I have felt he blew me off, but whatever. I have TS and google to go to anyways. ;) He sees both boys at the same appointment for their yearly visits. The appointment is all of...15 minutes or so start to finish.

    Last year, their appointments got messed up because of the huge snow storm in October that left us with no power for a week. Anthony got into see the new pediatrician in the practice.

    I loved her. Our appointment was probably 45 minutes long. I talked to her about my concerns with him(speech, gross motor) and we talked in depth and started the process of having him evaluated. I also found her very easy to talk to. We had a follow up with her about 6 moths later to check his growth before he was referred to an endocrinologist. Again-she was great.

    So now I wonder. Do I switch? Like I said, I don't have anything really against their current one. I just find this one takes me more seriously and listens. And she is easy to talk to. But...I don't rock boats, whether they think I am or not. The guilt makes me feel awful. And as the boys get older, would they prefer a male doctor(I had a male doctor as a kid).

    Would you switch? They go in December for their 5 year. I plan on chatting about Anthony's progress or lack thereof. I'm looking to see if he engages in the conversation or not. I guess maybe that will b the deal breaker for me? I guess I can't just cut ties cold turkey lol.
  2. Trishandthegirls

    Trishandthegirls Well-Known Member

    I'd absolutely switch. You're not going to hurt the first doctor's feelings, especially if you're staying with someone in his practice. And even if you do - you need to make the decision that is in the best interest of your children. If the second doctor spends more time with you, takes you more seriously, and gives you an opportunity to raise potential issues... then it's better for your children.

    Switching doctors isn't rocking the boat. It's not like the first guy is going to call you and ask why you dumped him. Even though he sees you yearly, he probably won't notice. And if he does, he might check the files and see that you're scheduled with doctor #2. He can assume it's because you like doctor #2 better, or he can assume it's because her schedule fit with when you needed an appointment. But either way - he's not going to give it more than two seconds of thought... cause he's busy! No need for you to think about this for more than two seconds either. Switch. It's better for your kids. And more fun for you to have a nice doctor to talk with.
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  3. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    I started with one of the drs in our office because she is who saw Katherine in the hospital. She was brand new to the practice and profession. I loved her but because of schedules I had to see the other Dr once. I realized how much more experience he had so when Katherine was having reflux issues, I made my appointments with him. Overall, I take whoever fits our schedule better but if we have something going on, I will ask for the Dr that was not our initial.
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  4. slugrad1998

    slugrad1998 Well-Known Member

    As a pediatrician myself I will assure you that Dr #1 won't be offended. We are so busy seeing patients that for every patient who chooses to see one of our partners there is one that switches to see us for one reason or another. If anyone asks, you could just say that the boys or your daughter seemed to like her better right now. As for when they are older, sure, they may want a male doctor, but then you can make that switch when they are 10 or 11. In that amount of time, this doctor may no longer even be at that practice. I would say that you are going to get better medical care if you are with a doctor that you feel you click with, so make the switch and you can always switch back if you change your mind later!
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  5. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    Yes yes yes!!! Absolutely switch!! I am in the process of switching now (I have a new doc picked out, but haven't had the girls' records sent over yet). With my first, we went to one doctor in a ZOO of a practice, and occasionally saw a couple of other doctors if he wasn't around when we needed an appointment. He was good, but I didn't love him. When my twins were born he wasn't available when we needed an apt so we saw a diff doctor and I just started making all their appointments with her. BUT- she kept on brushing me off every time I asked for a referral anywhere. I would REALLY have to pressure her to get a referral, like she was giving out passes to the queen or something. Too many people see my original doctor, the wait time is ridiculous. Another doctor who I like totally brushed me off when I started talking to her about vaccines. Plus EVERYONE around here goes to this practice, so I can literally spend 3 hours there for something simple like an ear infection. It's insane. So we are switching to a nice, small, quiet, local practice, with one doctor and one backup doctor, where he will actually know us and have time for us. I could not be happier :) and I'm so happy I finally got my act together to just do it.
  6. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Meaghan, I would switch. If you were happier as a parent with doctor #2 then that is who I would go with. I wouldn't worry about it right now if boys will prefer a male doctor over a female doctor, that can come for a later day. I had a male doctor from childhood to adulthood (when he retired) and if he was still practicing, my kids would be seeing him. Even as a kid, I always felt like he took time with me and my Mom and cared.
  7. Aeliza

    Aeliza Well-Known Member

    I have switched pediatricians. Their first one was great. She was very nice and I had no problem with her. I switched because my boys like the new one a little more. They enjoy his magic tricks and he loves to talk to them as opposed to their first doctor who talked more to the parents, but was very friendly with them. Their new doctor will talk to them more and ask them how they feel and let them play with his notebook. He enjoys watching them tear up the place. I'm not sure why, but he tells me to stop telling them to stop playing around. He just loves to watch and learn about the kids through their play and conversation. So, even though I was very comfortable with their first doctor, I switched for the sake of the boys. It's ok. Doctors understand that needs change. You don't have to say goodbye to your old doctor if they are in the same office. Just make appointments to see the new doctor for the important appointments (physicals, larger issues). Continue to see the other doctor if emergencies come up or the new doctor is not available. There are about 6 doctors in the practice for my boys. They've seen all of the doctors. I just make sure they see their main doctor for big appointments and decisions.
  8. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    I would switch.

    Some personalities/styles just work better. There is not a problem with that at all.

    We have moved and switched a couple of times due to moving but last year we switched Dr in the same practice for 'primary care' (we still see whomever is available for urgent concerns or acute illness). The Dr. manner just clicked better with my kiddos. Both Dr. were good- but somehow the one Dr built a rapport very quickly with my DD that can be hard to connect with.
  9. ljcrochet

    ljcrochet Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    i had to switch Peditricians when we moved when my girls were 9 months old. The practice we are in now has 5 different doctors and unless we are going for a recheck, I just take who ever has the appointment when I need to take the girls.
    Go with your gut.
  10. daisies

    daisies Well-Known Member

    i worked at a vet hospital for 15 years. I promise you Doctors do not get their feelings hurt when patients switch. most of the time they don't even notice.
    do what is best for you and your kids.
  11. Dielle

    Dielle Well-Known Member

    Go for it! You'll gat better care if you can really talk with the Dr about concerns. At our old pedi, we were assigned to a specific Dr (whom I loved). When we moved, we came to a practice with a Dr and a few nurse practitioners. Here you can see whomever is next or wait for a particular one. I adore most of those nurses and love this way of doing things. There's one I don't like as much and while the Dr is fine, he's not my favorite of the group. I like being able to pick whom I schedule the kids to see and will usually get Trey into the Dr because he's more comfortable with a man now. Adam doesn't seem to care yet, but is almost never sick so has been in twice ever in 5 years for well child visits.
  12. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I would switch. My pediatricians office is a mother/daughter practice. My boys have seen both since birth and I much prefer the daughter. When I make appointments, I always make sure to ask for her.
  13. Lauranj

    Lauranj Member


    You should not only feel comfortable and trust your kids Dr but you should also feel like you aren't being rushed out the door. I think of my relationship with a Dr as I am the employer and they are the employee that I am paying for their specialized service. Up until our twins 18 mo appointment, I could not get them in to the same Dr at the same time at our military clinic which is what insurance covers. I didn't like that, so, I paid out of pocket for every appt until that point at a civilian pediatrition and it was well worth the 750 plus dollars for each appt. Really think about how much your insurance is paying and think about if you would pay that much for that Dr. Are you getting $750. worth of service from that 15 minute Dr?

    With the twins, I keep track of words they say or milestones for each on a piece of paper, then copy it and hand it to the Dr. I also have a list of questions because twins are different than singletons and sometimes it is so much harder remembering who did what when.

    It sounds like you click with the other Dr better which means you will be more likely to remember what you wanted to discuss or ask and receive more information at the appointment.
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