Ped visit today

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nikki_0724, May 9, 2007.

  1. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    The boys had their 15m WV today... 2 months late b/c someone has always been sick rather it be the boys or me or what ever
    so we finally made it in today and these are their stats at 17m

    Dylan 23lbs 04oz and 31in tall his head was 19.25

    Brandon 21lbs 04ozs and 30 in tall his head was 19

    The ped then tell me to limit their milk I had them drinking 24oz a day so thats 3 8oz cups. Thats the reason she says she thinks hes not gaining as much. Also said they were going to keep a close eye on him b/c it could be hormones that are causing him not to grow but he is growing so I dont get it.......

    From what I have seen on this board my boys are just fine.. whats the deal?

    What did your weigh at 17m?


    How much milk were ther drinking at 17m?
  2. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    Mine were 21 pounds and a few ounces and 32" at their 18-month. HOWEVER, they have been at the 3rd percentile for weight for quite some time and are gaining at a normal rate and their height was at the 50th as always. If your children were at, say, the 50th for weight and they drop to the 10th, then the pedi will ask questions to be sure that it is a fluke rather than a sign of a problem... particularly if they also drop in height percentile. Too much calcium can cause iron absorption problems which can slow their growth which is why they then ask about milk intake.
  3. mandylouwho

    mandylouwho Well-Known Member

    I personally (I am no Dr) think your kids are fine!! Mine are 2 and at 33lbs. My pedi never says a thing about thier wieght. They are clearly not overwieght (just look at them), so I know not to worry. They have little tiny bellies, but they are 2!!! To me they are still babies somewhat.

    My old pedi was nice, but pushy on that too. Its hard to find one to agree on things with. First the say to limit juice, push more milk, but now they are getting too much milk?

    I think thats rediculous!
  4. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    Mine weight around yours at 18 months and about the same height. I know they say to limit the intake of milk to a round 16 oz a day. Which is right around what mine get. I think why the ped said this is they might not be eating as much at meals because of the amount they are drinking in milk. Are they on their own growth curve(no flat lines or dips)?
  5. chattwins

    chattwins Well-Known Member

    My 17 mo. old singleton weighs about 19 lbs.

    We will go in for his 18 mo check up at the end of the month. I will be interested to see what the pediatrician has to say about it.

    Some of my other kids have been small (not quite this small) and he was never worried as long as they seemed to be growing on their own curve.
  6. kaysyd

    kaysyd Well-Known Member

    I am not trying to get you upset- just my opinion- but 24 ounces of milk is a lot. That is what we did when they were under a year, etc. because they didn't eat much of anything else. My girls barely take in 8 ounces of milk a day- so I make up the calcium issue through yogurt, homemade pudding, etc. I think, seriously, if you cut the amount of milk intake back- maybe try 16 ounces and then see how that goes. Calcium not only blocks iron absorption but it can also block the absorption of other nutrients that children need, too. What also is impt to look at is the growth curves- don't compare your babies to anyone elses- you need to look at the trend of their curve and if they are staying on their percentile or right around for weight, length, and also all the other categories- weight for length, age, etc. then they are doing well. Don't be too harsh on your pedi- they are just trying to look out for the best for you! and your kiddos!!! HTH
  7. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(kaysyd @ May 10 2007, 01:42 AM) [snapback]249625[/snapback]
    I am not trying to get you upset- just my opinion- but 24 ounces of milk is a lot. That is what we did when they were under a year, etc. because they didn't eat much of anything else. My girls barely take in 8 ounces of milk a day- so I make up the calcium issue through yogurt, homemade pudding, etc. I think, seriously, if you cut the amount of milk intake back- maybe try 16 ounces and then see how that goes. Calcium not only blocks iron absorption but it can also block the absorption of other nutrients that children need, too. What also is impt to look at is the growth curves- don't compare your babies to anyone elses- you need to look at the trend of their curve and if they are staying on their percentile or right around for weight, length, and also all the other categories- weight for length, age, etc. then they are doing well. Don't be too harsh on your pedi- they are just trying to look out for the best for you! and your kiddos!!! HTH

    I get that they are just looking out for them well him it only seems to be the smaller one they worry about.... I dont compair my children to each other or to any others just stating that i have seen smaller kids that are older them mine and the drs say they are fine. They are consistent in their curve always going up and both kids gain the same amount of weight in the same amount of time... From 12-17 months they both gained 3 lbs. I dont know if thats good or not but when I take the kids to WIC they are weighed and Im told that theya re growing just fine. I have always had a smaller twins and a larger twin and maybe one takes after dad and one after me i dont know. But they have never been happy with his weight and when I ask what to do about it they tell me just feed him what you all eat so thats what I do. They are very active lil boys and NEVER sit still. As for the milk in the past I was told 3 glasses a day so thats what I do 8oz with breakfast, lunch and dinner and they dont get this till after they eat. I have also been told not to give them juice either. So now im told no juice and 2 cups or not even of milk what do they drink all day water?

    Im not upset with you but I am with the dr's office b/c I expcet to be told what to and what not to give my kids when I ask the office. These are my first kids and I have NO idea what Im doing.They have been pains in my @ss since day one and I want to switch but I dont want to edn up with another bad office..... Liek I said above WIC tells me thay are perfect and growing excellent on the curve and the dr office always has some to complain about. I agree better safe then sorry but help me out and give me answers when i ask.
  8. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    I love having WIC b/c I feel like it's kind of getting a 2nd opinion about growth, what to eat, etc. My twins also have always been small, but they are following their own growth curve, so they're doing OK.

    It is really hard to switch dr's, but if you're not happy with where you're at then it probably isn't a bad idea. Are there some local moms you could ask, find out who they can recommend? When I was looking to switch, I sent an email out to my local twin moms & asked which pedi they recommended & it was soooo helpful.

    Water is actually really good for kids to drink. Maybe the dr misunderstood & thought they were drinking the milk before meals. Some kids just really love milk more than others. But I was also told not to give more than 16-20 oz/day. I don't give juice very often, but when I do I mix it about 50/50 with water. Recently, I was just curious about how much sugar was in 100% apple juice an 8 oz glass has 28 grams of sugar. For comparison, an 8 oz can of Sierra Mist has 26 grams of sugar. That's all about the juice, they just don't like the sugar content.
  9. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    From what I've read, 3 pounds is an appropriate weight gain for 12-17 months. What was his height at 12 months?

    I know someone whose child has a rather flat growth curve and they did check his growth hormone levels as well as a number of other things. It's not such a concern that he's skinny, it's that he's off the bottom of the chart for weight and height and he hasn't gained at a normal rate since 4 months of age. If there is a real problem, you want them to identify it because if it's something that can be fixed, then the child will be a normal size as an adult.

    If it truly is that the doctor just doesn't want one of your kids to be in the 3rd percentile because the other one is bigger, then the problem is with the doctor. It's difficult for us to determine whether they're growing well by seeing weight and height statistics from one visit and I wouldn't presume to know more than a pediatrician. I think the bigger problem, though, is a lack of communication. It shouldn't be a mystery how much milk & juice is OK for them. You should be able to ask questions and get answers.

    And yes, they should be drinking water too. Mine drink at least a full sippy of water a day. It's hard for me to know exactly how much because they sip throughout the day and I keep refreshing the cup but I've seen them drink an entire 9 ounce sippy full after playing outside in the heat.
  10. nikki_0724

    nikki_0724 Well-Known Member

    The kids never get straight juice b/c of the sugar and actaully what i do is fill a sippy with water 6-8oz and then just as a little sip of juice to flavor the water and they got all made about that. I'm really looking to switch dr's but like pp said its really hard and they have been here since they were a few weeks old. I just wish the dr would say 16-20oz of milk but they dont I said 24oz and she said limit.. well limit to what I wonder.... I think I will ask a local twins club b/c they seem to do thing very singleton here and thats not a bad thing but they never take into consideration that they are twins and they were born a month early.

    For weights I can tell you this.

    Brandon at 9m was 16lbs 7oz and 261/2 in tall
    12m hes 18.1 lbs and height says 29 1/2 (which was wrong and they never fixed it b/c hes never been taller then dylan) and at the wic appt a few days later he was 29 1/4 and Dylan was 30.....( i know not a huge difference)
    17m hes 21.04 lba and 30 in tall

    Dylan at 9m was 18lba 4oz and 28in tall
    12m hes 20lba 7oz and 29 1/4 in tall but in all honesty they never do height correct
    17m hes 23.04lbs and 31 in tall

    Hes never fallen off the curve and he seems to be gaining and growing just as well as Dylan so are they comparing the 2?
  11. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    hmmm.....I agree, it sounds like they're not communicating with you very well. That small amount of juice, I can't imagine why they would be mad about that! There's nothing wrong with it at all! And you're totally right, the dr should've told you how much to limit the milk to instead of leaving it so vague.

    Other local moms are an excellent source to look for a new pedi. I would switch if I were you! You shouldn't have to play mind-reader. :hug99:
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