Ped Suggested This

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by meyersmom, May 9, 2007.

  1. meyersmom

    meyersmom Active Member

    I spoke with a ped the other day, not mine, that my husband met. He travels around giving seminars on sleeping methods. This is what he told me..sound familiar..Good? Bad? Thoughts?

    Feed them every 3 hrs from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.

    Between 6:00 pm-8:00 pm you should bath, feed, swaddle and place babies in their cribs for bed

    After 8:00 pm on the 1st night do the following:
    If they wake up at 3-4 hrs go into the room rub their back, place pappy backin their mouth, reswaddle if necessary, change a diaper if necessary but then leave them. Try to let them go 30 more mins. After that 30 mins is up if they are still crying, very fussy, then try for another 15 the soothing items listed below. If after that addtional 15 mins they are still crying then feed them, changethem and putthem back down. This gains you :45 mins.

    Every night following keep pushing it...1st & 2nd night may only gain you :45 mins but then the 3rd & 4th night will gain you 1 to 1 1/2 hr ending with a 5 to 6 hr night.

    He said it could take 3 days to a full week. He swears by this method as a ped but I haven't talked to my ped about it yet.

    What do you all think about this?? I've thought about trying it but I just don't know if the babies are too young right now (9 weeks). Plus it sounds like you have to let them fuss alittle. I worry that one fussy baby will lead to another fussy baby then with both of them crying how wil they ever go back to sleep?!?! How would even a cry it out method work with twins - wouldn't the cries of one wake the other over an extended period of time..just curious.
  2. twomore

    twomore Well-Known Member

    The problem with mine is, that when they wake up , its not that they are hungry all we have to do is give a soother, and they go back to sleep, but we have to do this sometimes 5x per child almost every night. We have been doing this for probably 3 months now, and it is not improving at all. Once in a while they will go long, last night we did'nt have to get up till 3:30, but sometimes it starts allready at 11:30.
    I don't have a clue what to do about that. They normally do not get fed before 4:30, because I know they can make it that long.
  3. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    That sounds like what a few on here have reccommended. I think it sounds good... and consistency is the key. Of course, I do not think you should do it with babies who are 3 months and under.
  4. jaceymom

    jaceymom Member

    My girls are six months old, and we're going through the exact same thing with the soothers at night. They both wake up numerous times throughout the night just wanting the soother. Sometimes they go a long stretch, and sometimes it's not.
  5. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    The only thing I agree with at this age(2 months)is feeding them every 3 hours. The CIO(which I have done with my boys)should be done at least after 4 months, and I actually waited until 6 months. Their tummies are so tiny right now, they need the around the clock nutrition that comes from those nighttime feedings. My babies that were on a 3 hour feeding schedule during the day did tend to sleep longer at night. When I did do CIO with Jake, Emma was in the same room and she slept through most of it. :hug99:
  6. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    QUOTE(Dani & Lexi @ May 12 2007, 07:42 PM) [snapback]253167[/snapback]
    My girls are six months old, and we're going through the exact same thing with the soothers at night. They both wake up numerous times throughout the night just wanting the soother. Sometimes they go a long stretch, and sometimes it's not.

    With my paci babies, I always put a lot(like 10!) of paci's in their cribs with them, so that they could always find them! It works! :sign0016:
  7. first_time_mommy_2_be_twins

    first_time_mommy_2_be_twins Well-Known Member


    That sounds very similar to what I did at that age but I did not let them cry for that long.

    I have mentioned this many times on this board but will do it again since it worked so well for us. This is what we did and our babies are great sleeper and have been sleeping though the night since around 8-10 weeks old.

    During the first few weeks home we were in survival mode and were just doing whatever we had to do to get through the day. We fed them on demand whenever they needed to eat but atleast every 3 hours. We let them sleep whenever and wherever they would sleep including the bouncies, swings, and very rarely the crib (they didn't like the crib).

    Around 8 weeks old we started a routine

    During the day they were fed atleast every 3 hours if not sooner. They still took all of their naps either in the bouncies or the swings. I Wanted them to recognize the crib as being the place that they were to sleep all night and the other areas to be places where they only slept for a short amount of time so they would know the difference between a a nap and bedtime. KWIM.

    The nightime routine was Starting at 7pm we did: Bath (we only bathed them every other night), Bottle, swaddle, Crib. They were in bed by 8 pm everynight. If they woke up during the night I would go in and try to calm them down by patting their back singing etc. If they calmed down I would leave the room. If they cried again after that I would feed them without talking, playing, cudding, etc. Then they were immediately put back into the crib as soon as the were done eating. Each night they started going longer stretches between feedings. About a week after starting the whole process they were sleeping 10-12 hours per night.

    They are growing and developing perfectly and still eat the recommended amount of formula/breastmilk each day. Consistency is the key whatever method you choose to do if it is working dont change it since I made that mistake once and I will not be doing that again. LOL. That is the main reason my babies are only bathed every other night I dont want them to NEED the bath in order to go to sleep.

    Edited to add: At that age I did not let them cry for more than a minute or two before either going in to soothe them back to sleep of feed them.
  8. tdemarco01

    tdemarco01 Well-Known Member

    your babies are way too young to sleep train -- wait til 4 months old minimum - but most scientific research would say to wait til the baby is ready.

    teri D
  9. first_time_mommy_2_be_twins

    first_time_mommy_2_be_twins Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(momalicious @ May 13 2007, 12:51 AM) [snapback]253214[/snapback]
    your babies are way too young to sleep train -- wait til 4 months old minimum - but most scientific research would say to wait til the baby is ready.

    teri D

    I completely agree with waiting until they are ready. Some babies are not ready to sleep though the night until much later than mine were. Like I said in my post If they did truly need to eat they were fed. However if they were simply lonely the few minutes I spent in their room soothing them back to sleep was all they needed most of the time.
  10. cael0816

    cael0816 Well-Known Member

    yours are still a little young for any form of CIO. This is what worked for us. we put them to bed just like you said. they would wake up a thousand times and we would put their pacifiers back in their mouths and they would go back to sleep. then one night we decided that when they woke up we would look at the clock and wait 5 minutes before going in and putting in their pacifiers. that night, everytime they woke up we waited 5 minutes. then the next night, we waited 10 minutes before we went in there. then the 3rd night we waited 15 mintues. that night each baby only woke up once. then we were told that every night afte that you keep it at the 15 minute interval. the 4th night, they slept through the night. now, if they wake up, we just wait a few minutes, probably 5, before we go in there. sometimes they go back to sleep before the 5 minutes is up. they've been doing good. they rarely wake up, and if they do it might be once a week which I can handle.

    i liked doing this because i couldn't STAND hearing my babies cry. this was a little better because the timing never got long. GOOD LUCK
  11. twomore

    twomore Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(cael0816 @ May 13 2007, 03:52 AM) [snapback]253351[/snapback]
    yours are still a little young for any form of CIO. This is what worked for us. we put them to bed just like you said. they would wake up a thousand times and we would put their pacifiers back in their mouths and they would go back to sleep. then one night we decided that when they woke up we would look at the clock and wait 5 minutes before going in and putting in their pacifiers. that night, everytime they woke up we waited 5 minutes. then the next night, we waited 10 minutes before we went in there. then the 3rd night we waited 15 mintues. that night each baby only woke up once. then we were told that every night afte that you keep it at the 15 minute interval. the 4th night, they slept through the night. now, if they wake up, we just wait a few minutes, probably 5, before we go in there. sometimes they go back to sleep before the 5 minutes is up. they've been doing good. they rarely wake up, and if they do it might be once a week which I can handle.

    i liked doing this because i couldn't STAND hearing my babies cry. this was a little better because the timing never got long. GOOD LUCK

    I am going to try this tonight, i am so fed up going in 3 x per baby per night just for those soothers. I will let you know if it works for us also.
    Thanks for the tip!!!
  12. Laurenbelle

    Laurenbelle Well-Known Member

    When the boys had their 2 mo appt., our pedi actually recommended waiting about 15-20 min. if they woke up crying in the middle of the night before going in to feed them, soothe or whatever. It only took 2 nights before they didn't wake up at all. I was amazed! They are only 11 weeks now, and are sleeping from 10:30 or 11:00p-ish, till 5:45am, sometimes till almost 7:00am. They sleep longer at night if they were awake more during the day. We very rarely use pacifiers, usually as a last resort, but mostly the boys don't like them much anyway, they suck and chew on their own fingers A LOT. I'm glad they are self-soothing, mostly, won't have to worry about weaning them off of pacifiers later on.
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