Peanut Butter

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by delby23, May 9, 2008.

  1. delby23

    delby23 Well-Known Member

    My DDs are almost 18 months and I know that our pedi recommends not giving peanut butter until 2 years. What do your pediatricians say? I have friends that definitely didn't wait that long. I'm desperately looking for more foods that our twins will eat, but I won't push the PB issue if it's too risky.

  2. caba

    caba Banned

    I don't know ... but our pedi also said 2 years ... so I'm going to try and wait ...
  3. HeyThere

    HeyThere Well-Known Member

    I started giving a LIGHT layer of PB on bread when they were about 18 months. Making sure they have a drink nearby. They all did fine. You also want to watch for a reaction, just in case they have an allergy.
  4. becky5

    becky5 Guest

    Our ped recommends a year.

    Good to see you! :wavey:
  5. AliPaige717

    AliPaige717 Well-Known Member

    My pedi gave us the go ahead for peanut butter at a year. My girls were fine with it and DH and I have no food allergies.

    My SIL though did not give her kids peanut butter till they are 3. And allot of my other friends gave peanut butter closer to 2.

    I think it all depends on the ped you have and also if there is a family history of food allergies.
  6. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Our ped recommends age 2.
  7. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Our pedi recommends two years. I asked again at their 18 month appt. and he said to go ahead since we have no allergies and they have shown no signs of any allergies.
  8. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    My pedi said to wait until age one. I think at around 14 months we tried with the little Ritz peanut butter crackers. Once they seemed fine with it, we tried a PBJ sandwich.
  9. stephe

    stephe Well-Known Member

    Around 18 months
  10. imlodog

    imlodog Well-Known Member

    my pedi said 2, but i gave it to them right before they turned 18 months and they did fine. i think as long as you don't have any major allergies in the family, it should be ok.
  11. Babies4Susan

    Babies4Susan Well-Known Member

    At first the pedi said 2, then he moved it down to 18 months after finding out we have no food allergy history on either side of the family.

    But even though I thought my girls would love it and it would be a great protein option, they aren't all that fond of peanut butter. I try it once or twice a month, but it's usually not a huge hit.
  12. mandyfish3

    mandyfish3 Well-Known Member

    Our ped said age 1 and my girls love it!
  13. Maytwinsmom

    Maytwinsmom Well-Known Member

    Our pedi also said to wait until 2 yrs., which I don't mind cause both hubby and I don't like the stuff. My kids probably won't eat it unitl they are exposed to it at school.
  14. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    We tried at 2 since one DD does not eat meat very much and it is a good protein source....neither one of them likes it. But they WILL eat peanuts, cashews, etc....
  15. HT

    HT Well-Known Member

    I started giving them peanut butter and jelly sandwiches about 12 1/2 months. My parents were already giving them cookies, banana nut bread, ect. so I figured it was o.k. since they didn't have any reaction.
  16. Utopia122

    Utopia122 Well-Known Member

    Our pedi said we could at 18 months. Like others, ours had no other allergies.
  17. Laura in Alaska

    Laura in Alaska Well-Known Member

    Our pedi said at 1. Actually, at 9 months he said they could eat anything but raw honey. We started giving them PB&J a little over a month ago and they LOVE it. They also love PB and banana sandwiches....which is a great use for those bananas that are too bruised to eat, but aren't actually bad yet.
  18. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    Our pedi recommend at 2 yrs old, but I attempt to give them peanut butter since our family does not have any food allergy. We already did strawberries and they did fine. I'm still going to hold off P&J until September *that will be their bday present, ha!*

    D, w/Rianna and Justin (19 mos)
  19. JensBoys

    JensBoys Well-Known Member

    I gave it to my boys when they turned 1.

    Because they like to share - the baby has already had some too now.
  20. Shadyfeline

    Shadyfeline Well-Known Member

    I can't remember but I think I started to let them have a little here and there around 18-20months or so.
  21. greymom

    greymom Well-Known Member

    Our pedi said it was OK to give at a year because there is no history of food allergy in our family. I think if there is a history of food allergy (especially peanut), they would tell you to wait longer.

    Of course, in our case, Samuel had a reaction and turns out he is allergic. That was at 14 months. At first I was really mad at the pedi for telling us it was OK to give the pb, but in retrospect, I'm glad we found out so early. Then we were able to be extra-vigilant about keeping it away from him, and I stopped eating it since I was still nursing.

  22. SweetpeaG

    SweetpeaG Well-Known Member

    Totally personal decision for everyone, and I don't think there can be a hard-and-fast rule for PB, b/c it is so dependent on family allergy history. Even with a flawless family history, your child can still have a fatal nut allergy.

    That said, we had a 'clean' history and introduced it around 14m. They did just fine. However, their cousin, born this past August, has severe allergies, including dairy and peanuts (he was tested for that, not fed peanuts). Had I known about little Ben's issues before we had introduced PB to our boys, I would have held off.
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