Party for 2!!! Happy 1st!! Mar. 11th - Dylan & LilyClaire -party*of*five

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Her Royal Jennyness, Mar 11, 2007.

  1. Her Royal Jennyness

    Her Royal Jennyness Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dylan & LilyClaire HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!![​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Before you leave us for the big world of the 1-5 yr. board - a few requests!!

    • Can you show us a before and after pic? (If you are a rewards member you can attach it otherwise you can provide a link)

      Summarize your last year with your little loves!!

      Tell us about your 1st birthday plans? Do you have a theme or something special you are going to do?
    Welcome to the 1-5 board and please visit the First Year Often!!!
  2. becky5

    becky5 Guest

  3. JDMummy

    JDMummy Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]

    Happy Birthday Dylan and Lily!

    [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG] [​IMG]
  4. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] to Dylan and Lily, [​IMG] to Dylan and Lily, [​IMG] DEAR Dylan and Lily.......... [​IMG] to YOU!!


    Have a great time on your big day!!
  5. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    [​IMG] Dylan and LilyClaire!!! [​IMG]
  6. Trish_e

    Trish_e Well-Known Member

    [​IMG]Dylan and Lily!
  7. Evanly

    Evanly Well-Known Member

    Happy Happy Birthday!!!
  8. gatormommy

    gatormommy Well-Known Member

    Have a Very [​IMG] Dylan and LilyClaire!! [​IMG] [​IMG]
  9. MichelleS

    MichelleS Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Dylan!! [​IMG]

    [​IMG] LilyClaire!! [​IMG]

    And, [​IMG] to 1-5!!
  10. NicoleT

    NicoleT Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Dylan!

    [​IMG] LilyClaire!
  11. Kateyes2022

    Kateyes2022 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Dylan and LilyClaire
  12. party*of*five

    party*of*five Well-Known Member

    I get so choked up to think that a whole year with the twins has passed oh soooo quickly. It feels like yesterday I was pumping like mad to bring enough milk to the hospital where they spent their first two weeks..I sobbed when i cam home without them and thought how will i get through the first few weeks? I look back on an awesome year..the twins have brought so much to our family. Our lives have changed for the better and are filled with so much love. Dylan is my strong yet sensitve one. LilyClaire is my cuatious snuggly one. I could not imagine my life without any of my children. I adore them so much and each birthday allows me a moment to reflect about the past year. With the twins early arrival I did not know what was in store for us. What I found was that with love and encouragement anything is possible. The twins have taught me how to not to get hung up every decision that I make from what to feed them to how they will go to sleep and instead to just enjoy them and do what is best for our family as a whole. I have thouroughly enjoyed this past year with the twins and I am shocked at how smoothly it has gone. I love them with all of my heart and look forward to many great years with all three of my amazing blessings. We are doing a party for them in May when my parents will be here visiting form Florida..
    How blessed are we to the chosen as mothers of twins??????
  13. r-twins

    r-twins Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Dylan!
    [​IMG] LilyClaire!
  14. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Dylan and LilyClaire!
  15. burgybabies

    burgybabies Well-Known Member

    [​IMG] Happy Birthday LilyClaire & Dylan!! [​IMG]
  16. LeslieLu

    LeslieLu Well-Known Member

    Happy Birthday Dylan! [​IMG]
    Happy Birthday LilyClaire!! [​IMG]

    Hope your day was wonderful!! Congrats to YOU Kate for making it in one piece!! [​IMG]

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