Part-time work

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by lillysmom, Oct 25, 2010.

  1. lillysmom

    lillysmom Well-Known Member

    I have 13 month boys. In May, I started working one day/week for my old job. I took it because it was only one day and DH has been unemployed since March. The one day quickly turned in to two days. This has been ok since he is home. My job now wants me to come on board 2 days/week doing what I used to do in a more permanent position. And it looks like DH will be offered FT employment very soon. So, now we are in a predicament for childcare. I also don't know if this makes sense to even work 2 days/week. In some ways, I really like it. I enjoy what I do and it gives me a break from 3 kids. I have a 4 year old DD. But now I don't know what to do with the kids if we are both working. I am sure I could have one day covered with a mother's helper I have been using, but the other day we have no one.

    I would love to hear your thought, ideas, etc...
  2. carlylafont

    carlylafont Well-Known Member

    I work two days in the office and from home (which is about 10 or so hours per week). Before I had the girls I had just finished my bachlors degree. The thought of quiting work when I just finally finished, seemed like a backwards move to me, so I am glad that I am able to have the schedule that I do. The thought of "starting over" again in a few years when the girls are in school was not a mountain I wanted to climb. This way, I continue to work, and be home with my girls. Every situation is different. The working from home is what covers the commuting costs after daycare expenses and I get to contribute to my retirement. But I look at it as paying to keep my resume and experience up to date. I am lucky in that I love my job and what I do and I love the company and people I work with as well as the girls stay at a daycare with a lady who watched my two older nephews as well as watching their two cousins with my girls. The older nephews were both ready for kindergarden when they entered pre-school because of how she works with her kids. So if any of those things were not in place, I would have a different view.

    Just make sure you do what works for your family. The days that I go to work, I am thankful that I do not have to do that everyday (the routine, not the actual work part!). It is way too rush rush and not nearly enough time to enjoy and make a postive impact on my girls.

    and just because I have a degree... my spelling and grammer have never been my strong points:(
  3. E&Msmom

    E&Msmom Well-Known Member

    I work 2 days a week. One of my work days my husband is with the kids (its one of his days off) and the other work day we pay a sitter.
    Its challenging because we only have 1 "day off" together to get errands done, appointments, do family activities etc so we have to squeeze other things in before/after work during the week but for us it works.
    I make good money on those 2 days and its a nice "break" and change of pace from our 3 kids as well.
  4. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    my work situation is a bit crazy but it seems like the universe has just kept placing the right childcare people into our lives as we've needed them, so i've taken that as a signal that things are working out the way they're supposed to. since i've gone back to work last fall, i've used a variety of family & friends to divy up the days we need childcare. some of those folks have been gracious enough to do it for free, or low cost, or for a babysitting exchange. and others we've paid as needed.

    if the job is worth it to you (for whatever reason - financial, mental, emotional, etc) than i definitely think it's worth doing some creative thinking about childcare, telecommuting options and/or scheduling options to make it work. start chatting with friends & family & put out feelers to see if anyone might be in a position and willing to help out - that's how we've found all of our people. GL!
  5. FGMH

    FGMH Well-Known Member

    Have you mentioned that you could work a second day if you had childcare to friends and family? I am very lucky that my parents take care of the children on my office days and love doing so. But I also had quite a few mom friends offer to take the babies for half a day. If you have SAHM friends maybe one might to willing to help or maybe you could trade days with another parttime working mom - you will watch hers on one day and she will take care of yours on another day; of course this means a very busy house on one of your days off but it might be worth trying. Of course, this only works if you trust these friends around your kids.
    Will your husband have flex-time options? My DH can work from home and mind the kids if I need to be in a meeting on one of my days off or if there is an emergency. Parents in our office have the same option of working from home in an emergency, especially in case of sick children or sick childminders, provided they don't abuse the privilege.
    GL, with a bit of creativity there are lots of options.
  6. marleigh

    marleigh Well-Known Member

    I, myself am looking for work now too. I plan to put the twins in daycare...for us, it's a good thing. My oldest has been going to the same day care center for almost 4 years and it's like she's part of their family...super teachers and a great enviroment. I am super excited to put the twins in the same center so they can have exposure to the same wonderful people, struture and I just need to find a job that covers the cost of day care...that is the trick.

    Good luck with your decision.
  7. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Count me in as another one looking for work right now and if the money is right, it would be worth it for me to put the kids in daycare. If the job is worth it for you (spiritually, emotionally, financially and career-wise) I would try to find a way to make it work. Are there at home daycare providers near by you that can take the children for one or two days a week. Some times those are more flexible then the day care centers. Is there anyway with your job that you could telecommute and work hours that your husband is home?
    Good luck!
  8. lillysmom

    lillysmom Well-Known Member

    Thanks so much for the input! We don't know what my husband's potential job would look like. We don't know the flexibility they will offer. I really feel I NEED to be working some because I worked so hard for my degrees and I really enjoy the people and work. But then that Mommy guilt sets in of leaving them. I make pretty good money too. I am going to check into a home daycare and see if that would be an option. Unfortunately, both our families have full-time jobs and if even if they didn't they would be of no help to us.

    Good Luck to everyone else looking for work!
  9. betha

    betha Well-Known Member

    Hi, I hope you find a way to make it work.
    I'm struggling with return to work issues right now. We have no family in the area, and no history with daycare or preschool. I miss my career (well....most of it). I used to be in a director position, but I don't want to return to that level in non profits. It would be full time plus, plus. I'm looking for part time as a supervisor. I'm also struggling with the guilt because I don't have to go to work right now. But I put a lot of years into my career, and want to keep my foot in the door of my profession.

    I think your work situation sounds pretty good. If you only need to cover one day or so, it sounds workable and beneficial.
  10. cat mommy

    cat mommy Well-Known Member

    I work two days a week and the kids go to preschool. They love it and it really is a win-win situation all around.
  11. ainsleyr

    ainsleyr Well-Known Member

    I work 2 days a week, & I must say I really enjoy it. My husband works F/T, and we have no family even remotely close to us, so we have a sitter who comes in 2 days a week. Occasionally I need to work a third day, & we have another sitter who covers just a few hours on those days. It works for me, because I am able to keep my work days pretty regular (Tues and Thurs, plus every 2nd Friday). My hours, however, are not always consistent on those days, but I have been lucky to have found sitters who don't seem to mind that too much. I pretty much just break even between what my job pays & what I pay the sitter, but it is worth it for my sanity. Also, I need to keep a certain number of hours in my profession or my license to practice could be revoked or placed on probation - that is pretty powerful incentive for me to keep my job!!

    I do find that I am really tired, & that what is essentially a "part-time" job really also takes over a lot of my spare time. One of my friends just moved from part-time back to full time, because, as she put it - "same hours, better pay!" :laughing: I do think that there is a real challenge to keep a part time job in it's proper place - I work for a major university that prides itself on being "family-friendly", but let me tell you, they will take every advantage of you as an employee that they feel they can get away with - <_< .

    I have had great luck with as a website to find my sitters. One of the sitters has been with me since the girls were 6 months old, the other since they were 12 months. My DD's love both of them.

    Hope you find the childcare arrangement that suits you!!
  12. mama_dragon

    mama_dragon Well-Known Member

    I work 3 days a week. I love it. I definitely miss my boys but I think it makes me a better mom. We have not nearby family so the boys attend a Montessori school. They love school. They are in separate classrooms now because they were very mischievous when they were together. They are so much better separated. Both have their own little friends and they get to be their own person without their twin. On the ride home from school they both chat with each other and giggle in the back seat.

    I don’t take my job home with me. I do sometimes come in on evenings or weekends when the boys nap BUT then I don’t work as many hours on my other days. This also allows for sick kids or doctor appointments without taking vacation/sick days.

    As for cost. Well my paycheck basically covers daycare costs with a bit left over. However I carry the family health insurance since my plan is better and cheaper than my husbands. It also keeps my foot in the door for latter when I do go back fulltime.
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