
Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by birdsong00, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. birdsong00

    birdsong00 Well-Known Member

    Ladies how did you know your cervix was shorting did you have any other complications?? I am so paranoid about going into preterm labor. I am 23 weeks with mono/di twins. My doctor seems to be nonchalant about my pregnnacy. So far I have had no problems. The doctor dosen't wasnt to seem again for 4 weeks!!! I'm worried something will go wrong between now and then and it will be too late!!
  2. tamaras

    tamaras Well-Known Member

    It is so hard not to worry inbetween appointments :hug: Hang in there though & try your best to trust your Dr. and know that they do this day in & day out.
    Though if you are feeling unsure about anything don't hesitate to call your Dr ~ that is what they get paid for! :hug:
  3. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I had absolutely no indication at all. In fact I was still teaching part time and felt absolutely wonderful. I went to my appt. at 24w and was told I was 2cm dilated and my cervix was very short. :eek:
  4. chellebelle

    chellebelle Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(tamaras @ Jun 10 2009, 01:10 PM) [snapback]1348997[/snapback]
    It is so hard not to worry inbetween appointments :hug: Hang in there though & try your best to trust your Dr. and know that they do this day in & day out.
    Though if you are feeling unsure about anything don't hesitate to call your Dr ~ that is what they get paid for! :hug:

    What she said. I hope you're feeling a bit better. :hug:
  5. ljmcisaac

    ljmcisaac Well-Known Member

    If anything changes, and you're not sure, call the office or go to ER>

    With me, I woke up super-tired one morning, had some cramping and spotting.

    Unhappy ending, because I didn't go in until they were definitely contractions (2 days later) and the babies were too small to survive (22 1/2 weeks)
  6. jewels707

    jewels707 Well-Known Member

    If you are uncomfortable tell your Dr. this. Sometimes you have to trust your gut and be your own advocate in your health care. Tell your Dr. you have been doing a lot of your own research on twin pregnancy and even though you know it may be being overly cautious that you would feel much more comfortable doing cervical length checks every x weeks. Not to scare you but we didn't have any ultrasounds from 22 weeks to 28 weeks and the one at 28 weeks my husband just happened to ask for at the end of our appt. One of our babies had developed a heart problem, which led to many other problems, since our 22 week ultrasound. It was something they could treat him for by giving me medication had they known about it. I went to UCSF a week after the problem was discovered (long story and should have been there sooner but my smaller town Dr. didn't know what the problem was and that time was of the essence) they admitted me that day and 5 days later my twins were born at 30 weeks. I now have a healthy miracle baby, but am very lucky as his prognosis at the time of his birth was that he would not live. His twin brother is also doing wonderful.

    That being said I am sure your babes are doing wonderfully, but if your Dr. won't work with your motherly intuition find one that will. Sending you good healthy twin juju!
  7. sweetulip

    sweetulip Member

    I would really address this to the doctor.My cervix went from a steady 4 to 1.8 at 26 wks.Honestly,I had no symptoms what so ever.The peri checked for contractions ,but thankfully there weren't any. I have been on modified bed rest ever since.After that, It remained consistent at 2.2 until 30 w.

    As PP said,Do talk to your doctor about your concern and fears on your appointment .

    Avoiding a lot of time on feet,and remaining horizontal can help the cervix by not putting a lot of pressure on it.For a peace of mind,I would take things slow in b/w the appts even though it may not be required.. :)
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