paranoid- tracking different @ 3 months

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by [email protected], Feb 1, 2008.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    My babies are both about 3 months (born at 36 weeks, 2 days) so that's not age-adjusted. My DD was 6lbs and DS was 4lbs and they REALLY seem to be different these days. I feel like DD tracks and is super social while DS is more in his own world. He is much smaller but I get so paranoid and just wanted to see if someone else has a similar experience. I will ask the doc eventually...but wanted to start here.

  2. annelily2000

    annelily2000 Well-Known Member

    You should always remember that they are not the same baby!! I was comparing both my babes and would get worried when one reached a milestone and the other had not caught up. I am now over that, just remember that they are different. Ask your doc. to be on the safe side, but I am sure it is fine!
  3. benderboys

    benderboys Well-Known Member

    My two were like that - Will was more alert and focusing sooner than James was. James was 4 lbs. when he was born and Will was 5, so I believe that their weights have a lot to do with their development, etc. It's hard not to compare, especially when other people are around. If someone ever commented on how Will was so whatever, I was always quick to jump in and say, but James does this! I have noticed though that James is about 2-3 weeks behind Will on developmental stuff, but I don't worry about it. It would be the same if they were born 3 years apart.
  4. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    My girls were like that at that age, and still are to an extent. I was worried about Emma at one point because it seemed to me it would take her weeks to figure out what Lauren was already doing. Like PP mentioned, they are just different babies. It's so hard not to compare them.
  5. Nancy C

    Nancy C Well-Known Member

    Mine were exactly the same, DD very alert, tracking, smiling much earlier than DS - he was crossed eyed and looked stoned a lot :blink:
    They are very different kids, DD does the stereotypically girl things first (language, social) and DS is ahead with mobility.
    Try not to worry - I began to wonder about DS, but they are both doing great and on track.
    DS was/is a bit bigger than DD
  6. SeattleLisa

    SeattleLisa Well-Known Member

    Mine are different every day. One day DS seems ahead of DD on something, and the next day DD will be ahead of DS on something. She started talking (cooing) way earlier than him, but now he does it more. And he started smiling and making eye contact way earlier than her, and now she does that more. She is grabbing for toys now, he hasn't done it yet.
  7. nepolm

    nepolm Well-Known Member

    Mine are 3 months and I am having a similar experience! Candace is very social, talkative, with lots of eye contact and Cassidy is more introverted, quiet, and uses less eye contact.

    I have occassionally worried as well, but then I remember that they are completely different people with different personalities. Instead of stressing, now I just enjoy their differences! They are my little yin and yang :itwins:!
  8. iluvpugs44109

    iluvpugs44109 Well-Known Member

    Yep! Always wondering and worrying. I had posted something awhile back about my ds not making eye contact. Since he is much better but sometimes he just rather look around at things then faces. DD is better at making eye contact, smiling, talking. He is more content just sitting in his jumperoo quietly. It's hard to not compare but you really have to look at them differently. Someone said if they were born at different times you really wouldn't think about it that much. It's just that they were born together that it is easier to measure. Don't worry, your babies are fine. Your ped will make you feel better when you mention it.

    Take care!
  9. Flutterbymama

    Flutterbymama Well-Known Member

    Has your dd always been "ahead"? It seems to me that being 2 lbs heavier at birth, she may have started out more developmentally advanced. Mine were born at 31 4/7. DS was 4.8lbs and DD was 4lbs even. DS has been "better" at everything except eating since birth. He has consistently hit the milestones before her. Knowing that, I'm okay that he's more social and holds his head up better than she does now. BUT if she'd been "leading" up til now then I may worry. Both need to be assessed according to their own growth charts/standards to see if either has fallen behind.

    Good luck! I'm sure they're both fine!

    QUOTE(Lanie L. @ Feb 1 2008, 07:36 PM) [snapback]601314[/snapback]
    My babies are both about 3 months (born at 36 weeks, 2 days) so that's not age-adjusted. My DD was 6lbs and DS was 4lbs and they REALLY seem to be different these days. I feel like DD tracks and is super social while DS is more in his own world. He is much smaller but I get so paranoid and just wanted to see if someone else has a similar experience. I will ask the doc eventually...but wanted to start here.


    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I try not to compare but it is so hard not to. Mine were born at 33 weeks so I know that they will be behind others. DS is much more talkative he coos and laughs. DD is very engaged but not so vocal. DD is much stronger always wanting to stand with assistance while DS barley tries. He does squats if we are lucky. I just try to remember they are different babies and if I only had one I would not be comparing them at all.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I was feeling a little paranoid and crazy yesterday but appreciate the posts and feel better today.
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