Pain in the 3rd Trimester

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by jn18, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. jn18

    jn18 Member

    HI all,
    I'm expecting mono-di boys likely in mid-december. I'm currently 34 weeks and my OB advises she won't let me go past the 36-37 week...

    As of this week however, i've been experiences excruciating pain in my right hip and leg. I spoke to my OB about it yesterday and she said the only thing that will alleviate it is likely giving birth.

    Has anyone else experienced this--if so how did you manage before actually giving birth...i still have a couple weeks to go and don't want it to be so unbearable.
    Its affecting my ability to work, to walk, to sit, to sleep, to interact with my toddler, it's just really hard.

    Any advice or sharing of experience would be so helpful.

    thanks so much!
  2. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    I always just tried to find the most comfortable position and go with that. Hope it gets better for you!!
  3. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    If it's sciatic pain, chiro & massage might help. It worked wonders for me.
  4. Amycplus

    Amycplus Well-Known Member

    I had this too. My hubby used to do exercises with me each night to relieve some of the tension in my hips. He would also do a little massage. It didn't help a ton but was still worthwhile and a fond memory I have of twin pregnancy. Good luck!
  5. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    Sounds like sciatica - I had this with my first singleton pregnancy (had mostly pelvic pains with twin pg) - I found a body pillow which I put my leg with the pain, draped across helped a little at times, with shifting positions as soon as it started hurting again. Nothing really alleviated the pain until after birth.

    Just as another note: A few months ago I tore a disc in my back and my physio asked me if I had ever had sciatica pain before and I mentioned that I had it whilst pg with older DD and he said it is quite common for sciatica pain to later develop into more serious disc issues, so take care of your back once you have your twinnies.
  6. 3under2!

    3under2! Well-Known Member

    I hate to rain on the 'I only have 2-3 weeks left!!!' parade, and I really don't mean to step on your toes, but after having my girls at 36 weeks, they were in NICU for 2 and 3 weeks. I would strongly suggest waiting till 38 weeks if at all possible before induction/c-section. It's not worth the risk to them and the stress of recovering from birth and travelling to and from the NICU.
  7. rayceryin12

    rayceryin12 Well-Known Member

    I agree. My dr wouldn't schedule anything until 38 weeks. We had no NICU time.
  8. miss_bossy18

    miss_bossy18 Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    It's standard of care to offer elective induction of mono-di twins anywhere from 35-37 weeks.
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  9. twinkler

    twinkler Well-Known Member

    38 weeks is generally considered term for twins in medical circles. I was offered induction at 36 weeks which I declined and was then booked in at 37.4 weeks but had my girls at 37.1 by emergency c/s and both of them spent time in NICU for issues totally unrelated to prematurity.There are no guarantees on NICU time.
  10. jn18

    jn18 Member

    So my dad and my OB recommended getting a cane! So i set my pride aside and got helps a bit, but still find it sooooo difficult to walk around even if its getting from bed to bathroom. I feel so guilty for having my husband do everything! (housework, taking care of all our toddler's needs and mine). He's been doing nightly massages on my right hip, leg and back and that helps a tiny bit (at least helps us to connect :)

    Someone else recommended the Chiro route too, i've never used one before but willing to give it a try if it can help me get through a few more weeks.

    I would ideally like to go as long as babies are ok and ready to come out--but my OB scared me at this week's visit by saying she had to deliver a set of mono-di twins and one was a still born and she feels it was because baby was in for too long and outcomes worsen for the babies, especially for this type of twin, then went on to talk about recent research, etc.

    left me feeling very unsure....
  11. astewart0610

    astewart0610 Well-Known Member

    I must agree also, as I'm sure everyone remembers I was in all kinds of pain the last few months. I am a rather small woman and the twin pregnancy was tough. The best you can do is relax as much as possible, stay off your feet. I had my boys at 37+4 and had no NICU time but were both monitored like premies due to being 5.3 and 5.7 lbs. I went into labor but my doc was planning for me to go another week. I wouldn't suggest induction before 38 wks. It's such a better feeling once it is all said and done to have your babies come home with you healthy. My boys were only two and a half weeks early and it still made a difference when it came to eating and sleeping ect. They are 9 weeks now and sleep for about 6-7 hrs at night other than that they are up to eat every 3 hrs on the dot. We had a bit of vomitting and eating issues with them the first month and the doc did say it was probably due to them being a few weeks early. I wanna say congrats to making it this far I know how hard it is!!! Keep em cooking momma and try to rest as MUCH as possible. I have to say I have an older daughter and there is nothing that compares to the work and sleep deprivation of twins!
  12. jn18

    jn18 Member

    Thanks for the encouragement to stick it out a bit longer! Its hard to go against the pressure from medical professionals who say 36 is ideal for delivery of mono-do twins and then scare you with everything that could go wrong. I want the babies to develop as much as they can and to reduce nicu time and early arrival complications. At the same time, I want its to be more natural when they are ready to come out even though my body is telling me its had enough. The inability to walk around, sit and get up and pains of being in the same position for too long are sometimes unbearable. Now i'm experiencing some lower back aches and increased BHs on top of it all. Last U/S babies were head down and seeming to be close to 6 lbs! My toddler is picking up on how mommy cant do much with her anymore and it makes me sad.
    Hoping things turn out eel and my pains won't deter a vaginal birth.
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