packing a diaper bag

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Brown Eyed Gurl, Apr 30, 2008.

  1. Brown Eyed Gurl

    Brown Eyed Gurl Well-Known Member

    ok so I know gas drops diaper rash medicine all that nick knack stuff but how many diapers and outfits do you need to keep with you?
  2. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    I would usually keep one outfit in for each of them when they were little, now I don't.

    As for diapers when they were young I kept at least 10 diapers in the diaper bag.
  3. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    I kept two bags. One bag I kept fully stocked in the car, complete with a change of clothes, extra diapers and wipes, ointments, Tylenol (never needed gas drops), extra plastic bags, bibs, etc.

    In my main bag I carried with me, I kept just the basics. I mean really, if you are spending an hour or two in the mall, do you REALLY need a bag the size of TX with you? No! If you have a blow out, just go to the car! So in this main bag I carried:

    1) hats
    2) sunscreen (we started at 3 mos per advice of our pedi)
    3) 2 diapers for each child
    4) bibs
    5) wipes
    6) two empty bottles
    7) two bottles of water
    8) pre-measured forumla dispenser
    9) baggies (those blue scented baggies for dirty diapers are a must)
    10) a couple toys
    11) binkies
    12) onesies
    13) socks (in case their barefeet got cold)
    14) two receiving blankets

    Like I said, most of it stayed in the car. But having a prepacked bag in the car was great. I still do that, even now that my kids are potty trained. I dip into the bag at least twice a week!!!
  4. TFine

    TFine Well-Known Member

    We kept and still keep 6 diapers each and 2 outfits each. I try to keep the 1 outfit gender neutral in case the other needs it. (we needed so much clothing as mine as major refluxers)

    I also kept 2 bottles each and a formula dispenser each.

    Hope that helps!
  5. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    I keep my car stocked like a traveling motel room I even keep an extra shirt for me in there!!. but in my diaper bag I normally have

    4 diapers
    1 outfit for each
    the formula dispenser when they were younger was a MUST plus a couple of bottles of water- nowdays it is 2 sippie cups
    2 pairs of socks
    my travel thingy of wipes
    2 packs of fruit chews (nowdays!)
    when they were younger- lots of pacifiers although they never really took them!
    1 cloth diaper or receiving blanket just in case I have to breastfeed in public so I can use it as a cover OR in case of an unforseen mess (vomit usually!)

    the gas drops never worked for my kids - it was always better to just rub their bellies and move their little legs (like they were riding a bicycle!)

    I only put the diaper rash stuff in the bag if we are going to be gone for an extended period of time OR if I have had to use it before we left the house. same with the Tylenol (or if we are going for shots).

    now in my other diaper bag AKA my purse
    I have:
    fruit chews (ya never know when you will have an emergency a fruit chew will fix!!)
    1 diaper because I am notorious for just running in and leaving the diaper bag in the car-
    a sample pack of wipes from Lasinoh (it is tiny!)
    their "keys" they are old keys that I cleaned for them to play with
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