
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by paulacraft1, May 15, 2009.

  1. paulacraft1

    paulacraft1 Well-Known Member

    Ok so just thinking about the pacifiers and wondering at what age did you get rid of them and how did you do it exactly? Gradually or cold turkey?
  2. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We still have ours, but only at nighttime and naptime.
  3. Brownie110

    Brownie110 Well-Known Member

    Gut good question!!! anxious to see what other people do.......I stopped mine during the day....but they use them for nap and bedtime.....I dont know what to do....or when to do it....

    QUOTE(becasquared @ May 15 2009, 12:52 PM) [snapback]1315090[/snapback]
    We still have ours, but only at nighttime and naptime.

    Gut good question!!! anxious to see what other people do.......I stopped mine during the day....but they use them for nap and bedtime.....I dont know what to do....or when to do it....

    QUOTE(becasquared @ May 15 2009, 12:52 PM) [snapback]1315090[/snapback]
    We still have ours, but only at nighttime and naptime.
  4. AimeeS

    AimeeS Well-Known Member

    I need help w/ this too - my pedi said at 2 we'll worry about it (6/5/09) and i'm freaking out about it. do you just go cold turkey?
  5. Bridgett

    Bridgett Well-Known Member

    A friend told me that around 18 months she cut the end of the pacifiers off with scissors and then her baby didn't want it anymore. Another friend recently did the same thing. Both said it worked really well and they were surprised how easy it was for them. Seems to easy but I think I might try before we start potty training so we're just dealing with one thing at a time. We've got a little time. I'm dreading both.
  6. plattsandra103

    plattsandra103 Well-Known Member

    We still have ours, but only at nighttime and naptime

    yep that's us too.
  7. KYsweetheart

    KYsweetheart Well-Known Member

    Katie still has hers... getting rid of them isn't a big issue here.
  8. maybell

    maybell Well-Known Member

    I've never let them just have them all day... but they do gt them for night, naps and if we're out and about and they are in the carseats and its naptime... oh, and church... they're only just 12 months, and I'm not sure when I will start freaking out about it... but it does get a little obnoxious when they lose them at night ... most of the time they go right back to sleep when they get it back...

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(spinhermie @ May 15 2009, 05:18 PM) [snapback]1315458[/snapback]
    yep that's us too.

    us too.
  10. b/gtwinmom07

    b/gtwinmom07 Well-Known Member

    We did ours at 18 months cold turkey. We told them they were all gone and they cried for a couple of days (we only gave them at nap/bedtime since they were 8 months old) and then they eventually got over it. DD doesn't like change so she still asks for it every once in a while, I say you are big girl and don't need it and then I move on from that room or conversation and redirect her and she is fine. Some people have babies born in their family and use that to have the children give it to the new baby. I heard of someone I think on here, not sure took a flight out of state and buried them somewhere like a buriel. There are different things you can do based on your kids personality.
  11. twinboys07

    twinboys07 Well-Known Member

    I've been dreading the day I have to take away Jackson's pacifier. He has a severe addiction! He has actually begun holding his pacifier in his hand more often than in his mouth, so I am hopeful that it will become a different kind of comfort mechanism for him and that he will self-wean from using it in his mouth. hehe A mom can always hope!

    I feel for anyone trying to wean their child from a pacifier. It's so scary.
  12. meganguttman

    meganguttman Well-Known Member

    Ryan weaned himself, but will still sometimes take Jake's away from him just to be a snot. Jake was only using it for nap and bedtime, but now whenever we go upstairs he digs it out of his crib and walks around with it and his Ookie (aka lovey). I'm not in any hurry to get rid of it. It is not allowed downstairs though and he knows it. Before we go downstairs he has to put everything back in his crib. Then he claps. :wub:
  13. mich17

    mich17 Well-Known Member

    I took the twins away at 13 months. Cold turkey. I wasn't in a hurry to take away Cody's though. The Dr wanted it gone at 18 months. He only had it in his crib & car seat & of course at the Dr for shots. When I put him down at night I replaced it with a stuffed scooby doo. He never had anything else in his crib besides his burp rag. Night time was good. The next day at nap he refused to sleep, but it went well after that.
  14. sharerc

    sharerc Well-Known Member

    Mine still have them at naps and night time. I don't plan on getting rid of them completely until 2 years.

    With my DD, she was the same. Had them pretty much all day until she was 12 months, then just when she was sleeping. On her 2nd birthday, I started cutting the ends off of the binkies, one a day (we had A LOT of binkies). Everytime I cut one, I gave her that binky. She sucked on it. I asked her if it was broken. She said yes and I told her we have to throw away broken binkies. So we threw it away and she got a different one. The day of her last living binky, we did the same, threw it away. It was broken and she knew the routine. We looked and found there were no more binkies. She went to get it out of the trash. It still didn't work so she threw it back in the trash. She took a nap and took a few minutes to fall asleep but everything was just fine. This just happened to be the same day we moved her to a full size bed. Only big girls without binkies sleep in big beds. Anyway, I'll do the same with the girls. Not sure about the beds though. I plan on keeping them in the crib as long as possible!
  15. ejradcliffe

    ejradcliffe Well-Known Member

    With DS1, he would fall asleep with it but spit it out very soon after. I encouraged a "lovey" for a few weeks then took the paci away at 11 months cold turkey and didn't have any problems. He slept with his teddy (the lovey I encouraged) for years. With DD1, we put it off b/c she was little and always seemed to be sick... we tried at 13 months but gave up quickly. She only had it at nap and bedtime. We tried at 2 and had a horrible week or so... caved and gave it back to her. We tried cutting off the end...didn't work. She would scream and scream...really horrible. By 3 I didn't care so much because it was truly her only means of self-soothing....the dentist had plenty to say. AT 3 1/2 when the twins were born we tried the "give them to the new babies" approach...she was not at all into that, and had some issues with losing her place as the baby so we didn't push it. At 4 we decided enough was enough... tried the "night night fairy" (she called it a "night night") who would come leave a gift if she left the pacifiers (she only had two by then) out. She loved the idea of it during the day but was not happy by bedtime. One day she lost her last remaining one and fell asleep for nap anyway... we found it later but hid it and continued to say it was lost. She had probably 3 bad nights but now, only a year later (she just turned 5) she doesn't really remember being addicted to the damn thing! Of course, she is a terrible sleeper...

    The twins never really liked pacifiers and we never pushed it... they are 18 months and we don't have to worry about breaking that habitl!!!! If I could do it again with DD1, I would take it away before 1. Hope it goes smoothly whatever you decide!
  16. eatcelery

    eatcelery Well-Known Member

    All of a sudden at different times out of the blue both of my twins rejected the pacifier on their own. It was like one day they loved it and the next they rejected it completely. Maybe yours will too.
  17. mairoge

    mairoge Well-Known Member

    I got rid of mines at three and a half months. I wanted them to be off of pacifiers before I went back to work at five months. It only took a few days to get them use to it.
  18. gottagiggle&twins

    gottagiggle&twins Well-Known Member

    Just took theirs away this weekend. I talked about it for weeks, that at the end of the month we would be giving their pacis away to babies. When the time came, I had a decorative gift bag and I had them collect their pacis (they only used them in bed, so they were scattered around in their room) and put them in the bag so we could give them to babies that need them.

    I was prepared for it to be awful, but so far, so good. They talk about the pacis went to the babies, but they don't fuss for them. It is taking them a little longer to fall asleep but they aren't crying. I consider it a success :D

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    I can't stand seeing kids running around with them in their mouths during play, but other than that I have no problem with them. My oldest dd had hers until about age three for sleep and in the car. It really doesn't seem like an issue to me. IMO we get them hooked, so why take them away too soon? Limiting to appropriate times seems to be all that is important. My twins can have them until close to age 3 if they still want them.
  20. j_and_j_twins

    j_and_j_twins Well-Known Member

    We had them for naps and bed up until about 2 1/2 then the way we got rid of them was we got a big tin and let them drop them in and we sent them away to the little babies, they were a little unsettled for a couple of days, but then they were fine, I was expecting a lot worse.
  21. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    Our pedi said she wouldn't even worry about it until they are 2, and I like that recommendation! They basically just use them at night and during naps. I know we have to break them of them eventually, but for me, it's not an issue that I am really concerned about. If they have pacis until they are 3, I might be okay with that. :D
  22. rrodman

    rrodman Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(mommymeg @ May 16 2009, 02:46 PM) [snapback]1316266[/snapback]
    Ryan weaned himself, but will still sometimes take Jake's away from him just to be a snot. Jake was only using it for nap and bedtime, but now whenever we go upstairs he digs it out of his crib and walks around with it and his Ookie (aka lovey). I'm not in any hurry to get rid of it. It is not allowed downstairs though and he knows it. Before we go downstairs he has to put everything back in his crib. Then he claps. :wub:

    Mine do the same thing - I absolutely love this! It's one of those rare moments that makes me feel like a great mom for teaching a 15 month old that it's good to put things away. I get a little misty every time. :wub:
  23. christie76

    christie76 Well-Known Member

    I'm getting ready to get rid of Ellie's in a couple of weeks. We have a trip coming up, so we figured after that would be the time. She only has it in the crib or carseat. She spits it out as soon as she falls asleep, so I'm hoping it won't be that bad. I'm doing it cold turkey. I figure it might be rough for a few days, but then she'll be fine. She adjusted to CIO pretty well, so I'm hoping taking away the binky won't be so bad. I'm going to replace the binky with a lovey. She's actually had the lovey since she was born, but has no interest in it. Hopefully, it will help soothe her. Now, Abby has her thumb. I have no idea what to do about that. You can't take the thumb away. That's going to be a lot harder as she gets older.

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(christie76 @ May 28 2009, 09:56 AM) [snapback]1331084[/snapback]
    I'm getting ready to get rid of Ellie's in a couple of weeks. We have a trip coming up, so we figured after that would be the time. She only has it in the crib or carseat. She spits it out as soon as she falls asleep, so I'm hoping it won't be that bad. I'm doing it cold turkey. I figure it might be rough for a few days, but then she'll be fine. She adjusted to CIO pretty well, so I'm hoping taking away the binky won't be so bad. I'm going to replace the binky with a lovey. She's actually had the lovey since she was born, but has no interest in it. Hopefully, it will help soothe her. Now, Abby has her thumb. I have no idea what to do about that. You can't take the thumb away. That's going to be a lot harder as she gets older.

    Breaking the thumb thing is very hard. My dd was nearly five, and we had to put a glove on her hand when she slept! lol
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