
Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Britten, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    I was blessed with easy babies, so this transition to toddlerhood is really throwing me off. I never felt this overwhelmed when they were infants!

    - I'm having trouble keeping them entertained all day every day.
    - I think they are trying to go down to one nap... and I'm not ready.
    - Mealtimes are so tough! I never know what to feed them. Last night I actually spent an hour
    making dinner - that they refused to eat. :(
    - They had their one-year check-up yesterday. Baylinn is in the 1 percentile for her weight. She weighs only
    16lbs 15oz. She actually lost a few ounces since her last visit. I have to supplement with pedisure, which
    she spits back out at me. The doctor doesn't think it's anything serious yet I can't help but worry.
    - DH is leaving for 5 days. For Vegas. For work. Why doesn't my SAHM career get ME a free stay at the Mirage?
    - DH has been working really hard....but so have I! I wish I could make him understand that I need breaks too -
    and by 'break' that doesn't mean a trip to wal-mart after the girls are in bed!

    I think that's it. I'm just feeling sorry for myself the last couple days. I know his trip is coming up and with no family here,
    I'm totally on my own until he gets back.

    For the first time in over a year I'm actually thinking of going back to work - just to get a break.
  2. Minette

    Minette Well-Known Member

    Just wanted to give you some :hug99:

    It does sound like you need a break. When DH gets back, he owes you one, big time.

    I'm not a SAHM and I have no idea what I'd do with my girls all day long, but FWIW, entertaining them did get a lot easier after about 15 months. They started to be way more interested in the world, and we could do a lot more things when they were both walking fairly well.
  3. rensejk

    rensejk Well-Known Member

    Oh I feel the same way even though my situation is completely different from yours. I work full-time outside the home and I also freelance part-time from home in addition. My DH is home with the kids now all day long (he is a teacher home on summer break), and when I am not at work he expects me to be completely in charge of the kids, and as soon as they go to bed, then I have to entertain HIM. My only "breaks" are Target and the grocery store too. And yes, sometimes work seems like a break, although we are experiencing major downsizing so it's been stressful lately.

    I just want to be ALONE!!! ALONE!!! In Vegas!!!


    Hugs to you and your DH owes you BIG TIME when he gets back.
  4. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    If I were you...and I'm not...I would HOLD ON TO THOSE NAPS!!! Just be consistent. You might need to juggle the time a little to get them back in the groove!! :hug99:

    Feeding: I once read that the 2nd year is for learning the process more than the content. At least while DH is gone, KEEP IT SIMPLE. Think frozen waffles, fruit, yogurt, cubed cheese, crackers, or shreds of cheese, eggs, grilled cheese (cut into bite size pieces). Keep it simple till you get your bearings back!!! :hug99:

    My husband travels M-F every week, so I understand the need for a break. I TAKE THEM. I don't WAIT for an OFFER of a BREAK (I did that for 18 - 24 mos. and it didn't yield results!) I PLAN stuff. If you have a recreation center that will take the kids, go to the rec. center and workout or swim or take a sauna or whatever floats your boat. Tell you DH that you are going to get your hair cut and schedule it for when he returns. (Give him a couple of hours at least before you bolt ;) ) You can't wait for the offer!! Do you like to take walks? GO! Get out and the exercise and sunshine and fresh air will do you good!! Think of what YOU want to do. Most guys aren't going to offer the break up on a platter, so you have to let him know what your plans are and do it!! A girls evening out will do you a world of good!!

    Start looking for a reliable babysitter. When you find one, schedule a night out for the TWO OF YOU!! :hug99: I Know how hard it is and I have spent many a day in tears thinking I was going to need 3 days in the lock up! So far I haven't managed that yet :D

  5. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    You got some great advice above. :hug99: And now for my two cents...

    My girls had disrupted naps at a year and I was convinced they wanted to drop one, but yet they weren't settling into a new routine. So I kept putting them into their cribs at 9 and 1, every day, for an hour whether they slept or not. It was just a phase and they went back to sleeping during both naps for another couple of months.

    Another TS'er gave a great piece of advice. She makes them dinner and if they don't want to eat, they get a handful of Multrigrain Cheerios. I have adopted this also. I just make sure that the rest of the day is balanced with yogurt, fruit, milk, lots of nutritious stuff like that.

    Is there another way to give Pediasure? Could it be made into something fun like a smoothie?

    As for activities, think outside the box. Put a beach towel on the kitchen floor, fill up a couple of glass bowls with some water, give them some plastic serving spoons and let them have a ball!! Or what about starting with playdough?

    Good luck while he's away. You can do this. :hug99:
  6. Britten

    Britten Well-Known Member

    Thanks everyone.

    DH must've seen the screws coming loose because we ordered pizza for dinner! :D

    I invited some friends over for a scrapbooking night - the night after DH gets back. :) It will give me something fun to plan for and look forward to while he's gone.

    I do 95% of the work when it comes to the girls anyway since DH works full-time and they go to bed at 7:30 and don't get up until 7:30. It's not so much that I can't handle him being gone, it's just that he gets to be gone and I never get that kind of a break!

    Thanks again....I'm already feeling better!
  7. KCMichigan

    KCMichigan Well-Known Member

    :hug99: See if you can stock up on some cheapie ideas for entertainment...at a year mine liked:

    plastic cups (they would stack them, roll them, etc)
    tissues (pull all otu of the box, stuff back in....)
    Pom Pom balls (large ones)
    tupperware to play with
    little people animals
    plastic food (large peices only)
    water play (bowl of water and lots of towels!)
    small 1 ring pool
    ride on cars
    dance music

    I , too, woudl try to keep the naps...if nothing else make it a rest time. Keep food simple- we did a lot of cubed cheese, bread, PUFFS, and pasta at that age. It is more exploration than anything else.

    See if your DD will take any other flavor Pediasure- mine didnt like anythign but the strawberry, or add yogurt/milk/ice cream to it to make it yummy.....also we've done Carnation breakfast in their milk.

    Enjoy your scrapbook night!

  8. koozie

    koozie Well-Known Member

    It IS hard, we all know. I too am a SAHM and have them from 7:30 am until 6;30 pm alone. We have family less than 10 minutes away but none of them will help. Not even when the kids nap so I can go to the grocery store. I feel your pain.
    You've gotten some great ideas. Here are a few more:
    * Michelle has it right when it comes to dinner: if mine don't eat a new thing I made, they get cheerios with milk. (they must eat their veggie though.) It works very well and we only have to resort to this about once a week
    * You must find someone to help you. We joined the YMCA where daycare is free, 7 days a week, 2 hours a day if you want. So we go 3 days a week; I get to work out, shower, WASH MY HAIR, and they play. It's worth every penny! ($89 / month, but they also let people join for $38 / month if their income is under a certain amount.)
    * call neighbors and ask for a hour to watch the kids so you can get out. I do. Lots have said yes; a few never called me back. But at least I tried! I also trade sitting with friends. It's a great playdate for the kids and you get a break.
    * Playgrounds! Sometimes we go, and I say to myself "we are staying for at least one hour." And we do.
    * walks, walks, walks. Point out things as you go. My kids have recently learned flags, police cars, school buses, birds, grass, flowers, fences, etc. I let them touch these things too if possible.
    * Library story time
    * crayons, soccer balls outside, Petco trips (so they can see animals), HS football fields so they can just run around (bring a few balls too)

    Best of luck!
  9. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't worry too much about the pediasure - at your DD's age, my DD was the same size and percentile - at 2 she's now 22 lbs and up to the 10th percentile...also you can also get Carnation Instant Breakfast to mix into her milk tons of protein and much cheaper than pediasure...the pedi was NOT concerned at ALL - and I've asked him several times if I need to give her any type of food supplement (since my kids are pretty piss poor eaters) and he keeps telling me no - toddlers will NOT starve!
  10. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Glad you are already feeling better!! Sometimes just getting it OUT makes a difference doesn't it?! :hug99:
  11. JenniferBrz

    JenniferBrz Well-Known Member

    Hi there!! Wow I hope you are feeling better. Overwhelmed is my FIRST name. Some people lately said I was so poised and articulate :itwins: :rotflmbo: :rotflmbo: Do I have them fooled. I swear I thought of this little guys when I heard that twice in one day!!! OK so - I work full time- about 6 hours outside the house- the rest after my gang goes to bed. My dh watches them during the day I have 3 pm on... SOOOO.. here is the kicker. I am going to Vegas on Monday for work!! To funny. I wonder if your DH and I are at the same conference. (doubt it) anyway, the flip side- I AM DREADING GOING!! Yes a long break I need BAD/REALLY BAD. I like you have the kids to myself from 7-9 am then 3-9 pm and all weekend. I do have more of a break than you- but its work. ID MUCH rather be with the kids. If I could stay home I would in a heartbeat!! I am so sad that I have to leave. I wil worry, stress (about the kids), have work stress and work worries- be super tired- we are "on" from 7 am to 10 pm each night. Anyway- I guess the grass is always greener. I know some mom's that LOVE these meetings- just for that reason to get away. ME NO WAY. In fact most people know I have twins and a 4 yr old and say, "I bet your glad to have a break" I want to slap them! As hard as it is I would never choose to be away from my kids. That's just me- 6 hours away M-TH is enough for me!!

    Hang in there. I'll be thinking of you lucky enough to be home with your kids and you can think of me lucky enough to be in vegas :D

    And my DD just turned 2 she is 21lbs.. As long as she is trending the right way and her growth curve is good its ok. Look at ther overall curve since birth. It gives a better pitcure
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