Overnight diaper leaks are driving me crazy!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bruleeloop-TS, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. bruleeloop-TS

    bruleeloop-TS Member

    I have 16 month old twin boys who sleep at least 12 hours a night. Yes, I know how VERY lucky I am. :rolleyes: But diaper leaks have become a big problem. Daytime is great. We use Pampers Baby Dry and they work fine. I even can use Parents' Choice as long as I change them frequently.

    They sleep on their stomachs mostly, so the leak is in the front at the waistband. I do point "it" down, but that doesn't make much difference. Some mornings their fleece jammies just feel a little damp to the touch, but many mornings they are soaked so badly that I even have to change their sheet.

    Here's what I've tried:
    Huggies Overnights-Help a little, but not enough to justify the price. Trust me, if they really worked I would gladly pay for them!
    The next size up diapers-Currently they are in size 4 and size 5 comes up higher on their waist. Again, this helps some.
    Plastic pants like you use with cloth diapers-Helped some, but gave both boys a rash. Stopped that right away.

    Is there a solution??? I wish I could get more diaper in the front. I feel bad for them when they get so wet (and, selfishly, I get tired of changing sheets).

  2. charlieshuman

    charlieshuman Member

    Have you ever heard of diaper doublers? I havent tried them yet, but am considering it as we too have leaks, but the whole diaper insides (gel like beads) from the diaper will leak everywhere, all over the crib, etc. We use Luvs, mainly because of cost. We did switch to size 5 for nighttime and that seems to be helping. I actually dont think we have had a leak since we went to 5's at night last week. Anyway, I had a friend use the diaper doublers (sold at Toys r us, not sure where else) and it's an insert you stick in the diaper, reminds me of a maxipad and my friend said it really helped with leaks. I dont think they are that expensive, you can do a web search on them, which I just did. Might want to try that. I think I will.
  3. agolden

    agolden Well-Known Member

    I'm in the exact same place (age and everything). I don't think they sell diaper doublers in Canada. At least, I haven't been able to find them. They are at the very bottom of the weight range for #4s so it seems weird to put them in 5s but I'll give it a try.
  4. summerfun

    summerfun Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Hmm, not sure. We have always used Huggies Overnites and mine sleep 12 hours as well, and we've never had any leaks. :unknw: Are they drinking a lot before bedtime? Maybe try the diaper doubles as PP suggested. Hope you find something that works.
  5. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    have you tried the overnights in a size larger? I love the overnights because they hold so much I swear when I take them off in the morning they weigh as much as the kids do and they never ever leak...
  6. seamusnicholas

    seamusnicholas Well-Known Member

    The only think that worked for us were the Diaper Doublers with the Huggies Overnights.
  7. bruleeloop-TS

    bruleeloop-TS Member

    Thank you to everyone for the suggestions! Maybe I will try the next size up Huggies Overnights. It's worth a try. The size 5 Pampers worked better than the size 5 Huggies Snug and Dry. One of those came apart at the waist for one of my boys last night and he woke up with those beads all inside his PJs! I have been using Snug and Dry for a week or so because I got them on sale, otherwise I would have just bought more size 5 Pampers.
    I will keep doublers in mind though.
  8. bridgeport

    bridgeport Well-Known Member

    Been there - you upsize the Huggies Overnites AND add a diaper doubler. The doublers are only $3.00 for 30, so you're not paying much for a lot of extra absorption. Be sure you tuck the doubler in so the top of it is just inside the diaper - if it sticks outside, then it will draw the moisture out and back onto their pjs. The upsized diaper also helps the doubler fit better.

    Our boys seemed to go through a phase from about 10 months to about 17 months, where we needed to go this route, and never had a leak. Then we started noticing that the diapers weren't completely full anymore, so we could lose the doublers. Now we still need the overnites, but not the doublers. But when we were where you are, it's the only thing that worked.
  9. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    Here another vote for huggies overnights one size up. My DS weighs 23 pounds and wears a size 4 during the day but needs the size 5 overnights not to leak at night, it's insane!!! I also find that I have to put it up higher in the front as well, I think it's b/c he's a tummy sleeper too.

    This is totally a boy thing, I have never ever ever had problems with DD's diaper leaking.
  10. JennaPa

    JennaPa Well-Known Member

    One size up Huggies Overnites does the job for us. I had to laugh at the PP who said hold more than the kids weigh :rotflmbo: Annalise is a peanut and her diaper in the morning is HUGE! :rotflmbo:
  11. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    What are their weights? I've always had my boys in diapers that should be too big in terms of what it says on the side of the package. But big diapers work well for us. In fact I just bought some size 7s for night and there's no way my boys are 41 lbs (as it says on the package). I think you should go up a size or two. No harm in trying. That's what works for us.
  12. Pookeysue

    Pookeysue Well-Known Member

    We have always had problems with leaks when we tried Pampers Baby dry. We switched to Cruisers and they dont leak in those. For a long time we did size 4 during the day and size 5 at night. We have started leaking in size 5, so I am looking at the next size.

    Good Luck!!
  13. bruleeloop-TS

    bruleeloop-TS Member

    Thanks everyone! I bought a pack of Huggies Overnights size 4 today. When they run out (or sooner if needed) I'll buy a pack of 5s.

    My boys weigh about 23-24 pounds, so they are at the beginning of the size 4 range. But I actually put them in size 4 for daytime months ago. Maybe it is time to go up. I hope the Overnights size 5s work out better than the Snug and Dry size 5s.

    I'll also look into the doublers. Only $3.00 for 30 is good, especially if it eliminates some laundry!
  14. bruleeloop-TS

    bruleeloop-TS Member

    OK...So I drove 30 minutes to the nearest Babies R Us to buy some Diaper Doublers because that was the only place I could find that carried them. We have been using them along with Huggies Overnights since Sunday and they are working great.

    I decided to call the phone number on the package to ask where else I can buy Diaper Doublers and the lady told me that THEY HAVE STOPPED MAKING THEM. Now what????

    I know they make other disposable liners, mainly for cotton diapers. I think the Kushies brand makes biodegradable ones on a roll or something. Has anyone tried these?

    Desparate Mom In Baltimore
  15. AmynTony

    AmynTony Well-Known Member

    I know some people that will use a large overnight maxi pad instead of a doubler (kinda the same principal)...is there a Wegmans in your area? I know the Wegmans here carries them...
  16. CHJH

    CHJH Well-Known Member

    Those Kushies ones on the roll are basically just to catch the poop so you can put it into the toilet easily when using cloth diapers, as far as I can tell. They're not really doublers.
  17. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    A little late but thought I would give some input. We used to use diaper doublers (yes, very much like large maxi pads) w/ Huggies Overnights. I found them at the local Food Lion. Months ago I had to switch due to leaks also. We are currently using Huggies Overnights (size 5) w/ a Training pant over it. I know you mentioned that you tried a plastic pant, but wasnt' sure if it was the same. We use Gerber (I think Target or Walmart) training pants w/ the cotton lining inside. I also have to make sure the diaper is tucked in at the top or we will have a mess. The diaper is still full and sometimes the training pant is wet, but doesn't usually leak (98% no leaks).
    Good luck.
  18. angeez78@hotmail.com

    [email protected] Well-Known Member

    Did you try going up a size from what they were during the day in the Huggies overnites? I love them, DS wore a 4 in Luvs and we bought a 5 in the overnites. GL!
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