Overly Crabby!

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by witmuch, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    Aubrey is dealing with teething and she has been running a low grade fever the past two days....I can handle this. But Avarey is my whiner and everytime she sees me picking up Aubrey she breaks out in a screaming fit until I put Aubrey down and pick her up or unless I hold them both at the same time.

    Aubrey has never really been feeling yucky like this before. She has run fevers but this thing that Avarey is going through is driving me nuts. I ignore her for about 5 minutes to see if she will calm down. Sometimes it works and sometimes it won't.

    I know that they are both teething and they have their issues but how in the world did any of you deal with the one being jealous when the other one sick/feeling yucky?

    So far I have just ignored the jealousy but this is turning into a major screamfest that can sometimes last an hour or more. I have gotten to the point where if I have to pick up Aubrey, I will move Avarey to her bed with something to drink so that I can get Aubrey taken care of. It works until I walk out of the room--lol.

    Both have been extremely crabby as well since they have started standing with everything. A couple steps have been taken but nothing really condsidered walking. Could this be frustration about not walking yet?

    Anyway, thanks for the tips!
  2. MichelleL

    MichelleL Well-Known Member

    Oh yes, my girls used to get very cranky right around the time they were about to bust out another milestone. It's so hard to comfort one when another is jealous. :hug99: I used to try my best to sit on the floor and snuggle both if one got jealous. I would sit with my legs stretched out with a girl on each leg.
  3. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Can you sit on the floor with both?

    Thankfully I have one needy one and one super independent one, so I haven't had to deal with the jealousy issue.
  4. witmuch

    witmuch Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(becasquared @ Jun 3 2008, 11:31 AM) [snapback]806991[/snapback]
    Can you sit on the floor with both?

    Thankfully I have one needy one and one super independent one, so I haven't had to deal with the jealousy issue.

    I try to go into their room with them to play and it's like they are trying to outdo each other sometimes. I have sat there with one on each leg many times but it ends up being a hitting match between them. Once they start hitting each other I put them down for naps and that usually settles that. I even lay there on the floor and let them crawl all over me and play tickle games and such. They really love mommy time. My husband, the past couple of days, will come and take one if they both start fussing about each other. That helps me so much because then they are getting equal attention. I don't play favorites, they just think I do when I am holding the other one--lol

    At first mine were like yours, super independent and one needy. Now they are both independent until the other one is being held :rolleyes: .
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