Over the Counter Meds?

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by nadana77, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    We need HELP!
    Our Ped. is out of town until next week there's not a nurse avail and both of our twins are sick with colds/runny noses & now they are starting to have alittle cough too! (I have had this cold too!)We have been giving them Children's Ben. at night for the past three nights but, that doesn't seem to be helping to clear it up. I know that alot of the Meds are not recommended for kids under 6. Does anyone have suggestions or advise they could lend. If you give your kids over the counter meds what do you usually give?

  2. ehm

    ehm Banned

    Ok so don't laugh, put Vic's on their feet then cover their feet. I know I know but it works for us. I also use one of those Vapor plug ins that goes in the wall socket. If I knew they would keep their heads at one side of the crib (assuming they are in cribs?) then I would put something under legs of the crib to lift their head up a little.

    Hope everyone is feeling better soon!!
  3. naomi02

    naomi02 Well-Known Member

    Our pedi is mostly against cold meds for kids......when they were sick she said extra Vit C, saline drops & run that humidifier constantly (it really helps!) When they were really bad, I'd give them some Motrin.
  4. Mel1012

    Mel1012 Member

    My girls just got over their colds - yea! Our pedi recommended Triaminic. I gave 2.5 ml which I think is 1/2 teaspoon every 4-6 hours. My girls are 12 months and weigh almost 20 pounds. We also used humidifier at night, and suctioned out their noses every few hours. There are several different kinds of Triaminic. We used Cold and Cough, both day time and night time versions.
  5. MrsBQ02

    MrsBQ02 Well-Known Member

    We won't do cough meds, but I'll give half the recommended dosage of plain children's sudafed if I can tell their either really really stuffed up or the drainage is causing bad coughing. This was based on the nurse's rec of 1/2 tsp, so I give about a 1/4. Maybe I don't give enough to do much good, but I'm so nervous about giving them meds in general! Benedryl will dry it up, but if it's thick, you want it to be loosened so they can breathe and it can get out of their system. Hope your little ones feel better soon! We're just now getting over a NASTY bug here!
  6. ktfan

    ktfan Well-Known Member

    I've found the plug ins work way better than decongestants for little ones. Now that they are three, we will give cold meds if they are really a mess but I try the plug ins and humidfier first.
  7. Becky02

    Becky02 Well-Known Member

    We usually run the humidifier if they are sick. I don't like to give meds but my dh does so sometimes they get triaminic (depending on what they have we give them different ones but usually stick with the orange since that's what our dr recommended). I have also put vic on their chest and rubbed it in to help them breathe (if they are really congested and having trouble sleeping at night or nap). They have a baby vic that is safe for infants and smaller children but it's hard to find. I don't know if it works but I like to think it does.
  8. nadana77

    nadana77 Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the suggestions we had a restless night so, I hope that today that they aren't tooo whinny!
    I'll do anything at this point they are soo snotty and fussy!
  9. hikerkira

    hikerkira Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Mel1012 @ Sep 11 2008, 10:00 PM) [snapback]976246[/snapback]
    My girls just got over their colds - yea! Our pedi recommended Triaminic. I gave 2.5 ml which I think is 1/2 teaspoon every 4-6 hours. My girls are 12 months and weigh almost 20 pounds. We also used humidifier at night, and suctioned out their noses every few hours. There are several different kinds of Triaminic. We used Cold and Cough, both day time and night time versions.

    Us here too, but I think we use Robatussin. I remember when they were "recalling" childrens'
    meds, it was mostly due to parents giving too much. Our pharmacist said as long as we use them correctly it was OK.
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