Outgrowing Miracle Blanket

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by jkendall, Jun 3, 2008.

  1. jkendall

    jkendall Well-Known Member

    My DS is outgrowing his miracle blanket :( I love the miracle blanket. It really really helps both of them sleep. But DS still has a little bit of a "startle" reflex, so I am afraid to unswaddle him at night just yet. He probably will startle himself awake. Are there blankets just like the miracle blanket that can wrap bigger babies (that aren't velcro --he gets out of those too easily)?
  2. sarastenzel

    sarastenzel Member

    My girls needed to be swaddled at night until about 6 months, but they too outgrew the miracle blanket. I used the "Double Swaddle." I googled it a while back and discovered a blog that describes this method well. The double swaddle utilizes the same principles as the miracle blanket. Basically you lay two swaddling blankets (you can choose the size of the blankets based on the age/size of your baby) on top of one another, both with the top corner folded down. Put the baby on top of the blankets. The top blanket should be wrapped over the arms and under the back, just like the inner flaps of the miracle blanket. The bottom blanket can now be wrapped around the baby like a "regular" swaddle, just like the outer flaps of the miracle blanket. This method worked for us for a while until the girls liked to roll over and startled less.

  3. Kyrstyn

    Kyrstyn Well-Known Member

    Once my girls outgrew their swaddlers, and spent all of their time and energy fighting or sneaking out of their swaddle I gave it up cold turkey(at about 4 months adjusted). It took about 2-3 days for them to "get" it, but its no problem now. I am happy I was able to do away with the swaddling now, because I was worried about it being too hot for the summer.
  4. Joanna Smolko

    Joanna Smolko Well-Known Member

    Kiddopatomus (sp.?) makes a large size swaddler. Mine are about to outgrow the small size (they're pretty small for their age). But they're rolling now, and it makes me nervous. So we had talked about getting the larger size, but instead we decided to start weaning them off the swaddlers.

    Good luck!
  5. smiley_ca1

    smiley_ca1 Well-Known Member

    Is he outgrowing length wise? 'cause you can just swaddle his arms and not his legs. That'd still help with the startle reflex.

    My DH would sometimes do the double blanket swaddle the pp mentioned. They've now been swaddle free since 6 months.
  6. Jillianstwins

    Jillianstwins Well-Known Member

    Hi, just like pp said, use your miracle blanket with just the arms swaddled and leave the legs out. Our little man at 4 months weighed 16lbs and was too long for his Miracle Blanket, so we just started leaving his legs out and he did just fine. He too, would startle easy and it still worked with his legs out. You will be fine, just try it and trust your momma instincts too. :) xojillian
  7. MamaKimberlee

    MamaKimberlee Well-Known Member

    My biggest baby (HUGE!) was my longest swaddler. I actually used a grown up sheet to swaddle. Worked for months. I swaddled her all summer - till she was 7 months! Sounds crazy, but she loved it!
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