outgrowing infant car seats

Discussion in 'The First Year' started by Dianna, Jul 11, 2008.

  1. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Ok just was reading Tamara's questions about carseats/stroller....made me think...the boys just turned 4 months...when do I start shopping for new car seats? My mom is buying them. We will pick them out and she will send up money for them...will they be outgrowing the infant ones soon? Do I start shopping for a new stroller some time soon too? We use a snap and go now, so once out of the car seats won't be using that either. Am I all of a sudden panicking for no good reason??LOL

  2. pigsocks

    pigsocks Well-Known Member

    I just started looking for new car seats for my girls that are 4.5 months old. I figure they won't need them until around 7 or 8 months.
  3. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    It depends on what type of seat you have. We have Snugrides and I think the size limits are 22 pounds and 29 inches or something like that. My girls are about 11.5 pounds and 24 inches now, so I think we have quite a long time before we outgrow them. I won't start researching/looking for new seats until they get to be about 18 pounds. My guess is that will be close to a year old for us.
  4. Chillers

    Chillers Well-Known Member

    It really does depend on your kiddos! My girls made it to a year in their infant seats...and outgrew them due to height not weight!
  5. xavier2001

    xavier2001 Well-Known Member

    We bought convertible carseats when they were 8 months and used both for awhile, at 9 months we are pretty much using the convertible seats only as DS is uncomfortable in the infant seat. DD would have made it a full year in the infant seat though, she's a peanut.

    I would wait until they are having a good sale and buy them and install them whenver they outgrow the others.
  6. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    We just switched to convertible car seats at the eight month mark b/c Nikola was at the limit for height and weight requirements.
  7. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    We didn't use infant seats but had to move from the lowest strap slot to the middle in their convertibles at 5 months and that corresponded with them being too tall for most infant seats even though they were nowhere near the weight limit. It really depends on the kid. I have some long-bodied boys. My friend didn't have to switch her daughter until she hit the weight limit around 12 months.
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