Our twins, girl & boy's name

Discussion in 'Pregnancy Help' started by Sullyirishtwins, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    It is fun looking back and see what you all have came up with for twins'.

    Originality I was going to name "Linnea Nicole" all of this time but then I erased that one afraid no one will be able to correct the spelling of her name. Our 2nd choice was going to be Kerianna but then I didn't want nick names 'Keri". And lastly, I was going through my mother's stuff after she passed away. I found her bible and didn't know she had names for her grandchildren. She came up with a lot of letters beginning with A or D's. She wrote in; "Orianna".

    We decided then why don't we take the O off and then leave it as "Rianna Jean". My daughter's middle name is coming from my DH's mother who also is deceased (Sandra Jean). BUT here the problem for us people think her name is Brianna while I had to say, No it is begin with R as Rianna. While it is a beauitful and unique name but it is a HASSLE to repeat the correction of misspelling and pronunication at times. Even at the hospital made a mistake on her birth certificate thinking it was "Brianna". Ugh! (At the time I never had thought how difficult it can be with that name because all I could think how 'beautiful and honor').

    If I had to go back, I would have had name her 'Janessa' along with her twin' brother, Justin. I would make sure you choose your twins' name carefully if you are going to plan on spelling it a bit differently or pronunciation.

    The twins' name is Rianna Jean & Justin Lawrence (Lawrence is name after both of our father share the same middle name)

    Good luck on your twins' delivery!
  2. TwinxesMom

    TwinxesMom Well-Known Member

    If we had it to do over again. Jesslyn would have been Gracelyn. My now xh forgot to meantion his gma's brother was named Jesse and his little girl is Jessica(only one year older than the twins). Luckily we don't have much to do with them so her being Jessy isn't as big a deal.
  3. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    The girls' names is very pretty because my middle name is Lynn. :)
  4. becasquared

    becasquared Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    We too went with family names but when we thought they were both boys, we had more leeway away from family names.

    We liked:
    Remo (Of course his middle name would have been William)
    William Robert (Go by Billy-Bob!)

    And for girl once we found out that Alice was a girl, we had Claire and Meredith in the mix. . .
  5. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    There is not a whole lot of girls' name with 'Alice'. I have not heard too many names with 'Alice' around here. It'll be nice if that she'll have a unique name if her classroom doesn't share the same name as your daughter's name. I would prefer that way - don't you? :)

    I like names that are a bit different than the 'common names'. I know my son's name is Justin is a common name. But my DH did not want to have some sort of unique name such as Jaxton and etc. Also, my DH did not wanted another 'John' bin the family as he broke the rule as long as it has a letter 'J' in the family.

    If we did had twins' boys it would have been Justin Lawrence and Josh Patrick.
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