our trip to the ER

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by ruthjulia, Apr 24, 2008.

  1. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    i guess i should have seen it coming, but i didn't, not at all. today, at the grocery store, the kids were in their usual spots - cameron up front and alisha in back. she usually asks to get out and in and will walk part of the time, ride part of the time, but she always asks and i lift her in and out. it's never been an issue before. but today, as i turned my back for literally the 5 seconds it took me to grab some string cheese off the rack, alisha climbed out of the cart and fell RIGHT ON HER HEAD on the cement floor. when i saw her she was flat on her face, but she said she hit the top of her head. she was hysterical, of course, and it took a while to calm her down, but i kept asking her where it hurt and to show me and i was trying to feel for a bump or something. we checked right out (dh is still appalled that i bought the groceries vs just leaving right then to go to the ER). and when she calmed down i asked her a bunch of questions to make sure she was lucid. but she kept wanting to close her eyes and sleep. now, they didn't nap today (another post in and of it's own), so i get she was tired but the closing her eyes was freaking me out. so i called the pediatrician, who told me to go to the ER just to be sure. I stopped at home (which also appalled DH) to get her ice packs and snacks for both and to put the milk in the fridge - but home is right on the way to the ER, and i was home less than 2 mins - still, DH yelled at me for it. anyway, they said she is fine. she didn't lose consciousness or throw up and there is no hematoma, or even a bump (she has a hard head!). i have to wake her up twice tonight to make sure she rouses easily, and if she vomitted or acted abnormally i was supposed to call them. i also have to call the pedi in the morning to see if they want to see her.

    so of course dh now says they are not allowed at the grocery store any more (he is so like that - everything is extreme and black or white to him).

    i feel horrible, but she is totally fine, thank goodness. just another day at the davis household!!!
  2. Heathermomof5

    Heathermomof5 Well-Known Member

    It happened to us when my 9yr old was 2. We had to have a catscan but he too was fine! I am sorry that happened! I am glad she is ok!! I am sorry your dh yelled at you - I guess that was just his reaction to a scary situation, but he should know you had it under control :hug99:
  3. Jennifer P

    Jennifer P Well-Known Member

    That happened to us...except for the fact that Meridith wasn't trying to get out...it was mommy being an idiot. I pulled the cart back too fast and she flipped out and hit her head on the ground.

    Ever since then, when they wanted (or I did) to ride in the cart, I made them stand at the top of the cart by the handle and I put my arm around them like I was giving them a big hug from behind them. That way, they had no chance of falling out. A few months later, they were wanting to walk around and not stand in the cart.
  4. avd1995

    avd1995 Well-Known Member

    Poor Alisha :hug99:

    I am glad she is ok. I am sorry your husband did not agree with you. But you handled the situation fine.
  5. double-or-nothing

    double-or-nothing Well-Known Member

    Well, thank goodness, she is ok! It can happen to anyone but it's a good reminder that these accidents do happen and more frequently than people realize. I understand your dh's reaction which as pp said is more likely just from him being scared about what could have been. However, I do think that he should trust your mommy instincts and realize that if you had thought it was more serious, or Alisha was acting at all out of the norm after the fall that you would have droped the world to take immediate action to take care of her. You obviously used your judgement and based on the situation that was right in front of you (and not in front of dh) you did what you did and would probably do it exactly the same way again if the same circumstances had presented themselves. It's easy for people to judge and say, OMG, I would have dropped everything and run to the ER immediately! To be honest, I thought it at first but then thought about it some more and realized that you are her mommy and made your decisions based on the situation at hand. She is fine and obviously, you did right by her.
  6. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Happened to us too when Josie was 2. Fell right on the concrete at home depot. Terrified the crap out of me and dh and one of those noises I will never forget the sound of. She acted totally normal so we called the ped but never brought her in. I am totally anal about the carts now.
  7. melissao

    melissao Well-Known Member

    Poor baby :( I'm glad she's ok!!!

    Mine flipped their stroller over once at the store and both landed on their heads. It was awful. I had to fill out an incident report, etc. It was awful!
  8. Oneplus2more

    Oneplus2more Well-Known Member

    :hug99: I'm sorry! I'm glad she is ok!!
  9. sharongl

    sharongl Well-Known Member

    Glad she is OK. Marcus fell on his head at BRU with my mom and I just there! We didn't even call the ped--he has hit his head so many times, I think we are immune to it--the only time I did take him in was when he had actually passed out.

    Those little noggins are hard!!!
  10. Sullyirishtwins

    Sullyirishtwins Well-Known Member

    My son Justin (14 mos) fell out of the cart when I turn my head for a few seconds but caught him before he landed onto the metal bottom part of the cart. He had a thick winter jacket/hood. The hood sort of save him from getting bang real bad and with me grabbing his coat. I freak out! He did cried but calm down quickly.

    From that day forward, I teach both of them if they are in the cart and not in front they have to sit down with no standing up! I say it over and over every store I take them too.....they finally got tired of it. I bring their toys/snack in the cart to keep them busy. Of course they still tried to stand up when cart is not moving but I normally stand on the side now and sometimes hold their shirt.

    I still wish they had double seat cart! Ugh

    I'm glad she's okay!
    D, w/Rianna and Justin
  11. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(ruthjulia @ Apr 24 2008, 06:09 PM) [snapback]738043[/snapback]
    so of course dh now says they are not allowed at the grocery store any more (he is so like that - everything is extreme and black or white to him).

    UGH... my Dh is the EXACT same way.. men...

    But I am so sorry you had such a scary experience. I saw a kid tip a whole cart over one time full, right on top of himself AFTER he smashed his face of the floor... it was scary! Glad things seem to be okay, keep us updated.
  12. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    OMG, I'm glad she is OK!!

    I hate DH second-guessing me too. It really doesn't help!
  13. Jordari

    Jordari Well-Known Member

    So scary!

    I guess DH will be doing all the shopping from now on, huh? ;)
  14. Leighann

    Leighann Well-Known Member

    :hug99: How scary, but glad to hear she is ok. How did last night go?

    This happened to my SIL and her (then) 2 year old son at Target. So scary.
  15. rubyturquoise

    rubyturquoise Well-Known Member

    Oh, I'm so glad she's okay!

    Men will react like that, though, especially if they weren't there. When DS1 was 10 mos he got his fingertip caught in a closing door. XH freaked out completely. I wasn't dressed, and DS1 was in a cloth diaper. I wanted to take 5 mins--it clearly wasn't a life-threatening injury--and put him in a disposable and throw on something but pjs, but he was down at the car, screaming "MOVE MOVE MOVE!" So off we went. We were there for hours. They sewed the little bit of his fingertip back together and said he would lose the nail for a while. Meanwhile, they had NO diapers in his size in the ER, and, as it turned out, none in the children's ward. I had no diaper bag, because XH wouldn't allow me to stop and get one. So finally they managed to come up with this huge girl diaper (this was back when diapers differentiated by sex) from another ward. Of course we weren't a true emergency, so we weren't rushed right back or anything. I could easily have taken the five minutes, like you did, and everything would have been fine. :hug99:
  16. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I'm glad she's ok! Their heads are super hard!
  17. ruthjulia

    ruthjulia Well-Known Member

    you guys are making me feel so much better. i know it was an accident, but it helps to hear that it's happened to other people too. i am definitely going to make them walk or sit (vs standing in the cart) from now on. that is, if dh ever lets me take them anywhere again :rolleyes:.

    i spoke to the pedi who said they didn't need to see her, and she's totally fine - i woke her a few times last night, and she is acting normal today as well.

    thanks for the support!
  18. debid

    debid Well-Known Member

    How scary! I've witnessed a cart accident and the sound when they hit the floor is awful. I'm glad she's OK.
  19. lianyla

    lianyla Well-Known Member

    I'm glad she is okay.

    Incidentally, this reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Elaine was waiting for a guy at the movie theater and got a phone call in the lobby of the theater that her date was in the ER after an accident and she goes to leave but stops to buy the candy ANYWAY!! Same thing!

    I'm glad she's fine.
  20. anicosia

    anicosia Well-Known Member

    Glad she's okay. You handled everything just fine.
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