Our Christmas Nightmare!

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by bridget nanette, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    We left on Friday the 22nd to go to my inlaws in St. Louis, then to my parents in Chicago. Unfortunately our Christmas didn't go as planned. Michael started with the stomach flu...power puking in our car (on our 16 hour drive to the midwest). After trying to clean him up 4 different times in the gas station bathrooms (ewww ick!) and trying to clean the puke off of the ceiling in our SUV, I begged DH to pull over and spend a night in a hotel.

    So I was up all night with Michael as he puked his little guts out, then he had diahrea.

    We decided to press on and get to my MIL and FIL. Then Mikayla started puking and puking. (20 times or more) Then I got it, DH got it, brother in law got it, FIL got it. Michael started up with it again, and by that time, the babies weren't doing well at all. We went to the hospital. They were severely dehydrated, with a Co2 level of 12

    They transferred us by ambulance to Cardinal Glennan hospital (WONDERFUL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL!) I highly recommend it if you ever get stuck in St. Louis with ill children.

    After 3 days later the babies finally came out. We got presents from the hospital and even the little girl scout troup.

    The babies have never been so sick. We are still on the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast).

    I hope everyone else had a better xmas!

  2. bridget nanette

    bridget nanette Well-Known Member

    We left on Friday the 22nd to go to my inlaws in St. Louis, then to my parents in Chicago. Unfortunately our Christmas didn't go as planned. Michael started with the stomach flu...power puking in our car (on our 16 hour drive to the midwest). After trying to clean him up 4 different times in the gas station bathrooms (ewww ick!) and trying to clean the puke off of the ceiling in our SUV, I begged DH to pull over and spend a night in a hotel.

    So I was up all night with Michael as he puked his little guts out, then he had diahrea.

    We decided to press on and get to my MIL and FIL. Then Mikayla started puking and puking. (20 times or more) Then I got it, DH got it, brother in law got it, FIL got it. Michael started up with it again, and by that time, the babies weren't doing well at all. We went to the hospital. They were severely dehydrated, with a Co2 level of 12

    They transferred us by ambulance to Cardinal Glennan hospital (WONDERFUL CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL!) I highly recommend it if you ever get stuck in St. Louis with ill children.

    After 3 days later the babies finally came out. We got presents from the hospital and even the little girl scout troup.

    The babies have never been so sick. We are still on the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast).

    I hope everyone else had a better xmas!

  3. kerilynh

    kerilynh Well-Known Member

    Oh I am so sorry to hear about your christmas. I hope everyone is over it. My boys had it the week before and spread it around to everyone else here. But luckily we had it gone by christmas. Glad to hear the kids are feeing better.

  4. Jill R.

    Jill R. Well-Known Member

    What a crappy way to spend Christmas! I hope you're all feeling better now.
  5. EllenJamie

    EllenJamie Well-Known Member

    I am SOOOOOOO sorry to hear that you and your family have been sick. My MIL had that and we did not see her at Christmas because we did not want to risk the babies getting what she had. I hope all is well and you have a Happy New YEars! [​IMG]
  6. bensona

    bensona Well-Known Member

    that is just awful. that is my biggest nightmare and to have it on the road. yikes. even worse. we all had it over mother's day a few years ago. it went through 12+ members of my family.
  7. Snittens

    Snittens Well-Known Member

    Oh no! How awful! [​IMG] Glad everyone is doing better. I can't even imagine going through that, and at Christmas and not even at home.
  8. Moodyzblu

    Moodyzblu Well-Known Member

    Wow .. what a nightmare !! Any idea what it was ? Was it just a bad virus ? I hope everyone is ok now. I have one that started vomiting today .. so far he's vomited 3 times. Ugh .. gonna be a long night.
  9. Tam1969

    Tam1969 Well-Known Member

    [​IMG]That's horrible! I hope everyone is doing better now. I had the stomach flu last week. It was a Christmas that I would love to forget.
  10. lrothrock1

    lrothrock1 Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry to hear of your Christmas! Glad to know that everyone is doing better. Wow, what a story!
  11. kerrmommy

    kerrmommy Well-Known Member

    Oh...awful...please tell me your getting the car detailed as a present to yourself.

    I had the bug on my DS's 1st Christmas, then my DH. We weren't traveling though. I think I may send this post to all my in-laws who wonder why we do not travel to see them during the holidays.

    I sure hope you are all better soon and that you are able to celebrate a belated holiday.
  12. a1cbrandy

    a1cbrandy Well-Known Member

    Oh man..how horrible. [​IMG] Did they tell you what it was? It sounds like the Rotavirus to me. [​IMG] We had it last November..and I got it too. It was horrible.

    I hope you are all feeling better by the time 2007 comes around.

  13. Jennie-OH

    Jennie-OH Well-Known Member

    Oh no! I'm so sorry about that. I hope everyone is feeling better very soon. Sounds like rotavirus to me too. Poor babies - and poor parents.
  14. 4jsinPA

    4jsinPA Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    OMG!! How scary....I hope everyone is okay now!!! Not a good way to spend the holidays!! You were brave parents to keep going on.
  15. twoin2005

    twoin2005 Well-Known Member

    Originally posted by Jill R.:
    What a crappy way to spend Christmas!

    No pun intended, I am sure!!! [​IMG]

    I am SOOOO sorry that you spent your Christmas this way. What a let-down, I am sure. Hopefully everyone is on the mend and that the new year brings good health to you all!!!!
  16. FirstTimeMom814

    FirstTimeMom814 Well-Known Member

    I am so sorry you had such a rough trip. I hope everyone is feeling better soon.
  17. doms_3_roses

    doms_3_roses Well-Known Member

    Wow, I'm so sorry - that is horrible! I just couldn't imagine. I'm sorry your trip to St. Louis was so bad. I do agree with you though about Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital. It is wonderful - although no hospital is wonderful to be in during Christmas. I hope everyone recovered well. [​IMG] to you and your family.
  18. blessedby2

    blessedby2 Well-Known Member

    Oh my!!! I'm glad to hear you are all feeling better and out of the hospital!
  19. Susanna+3

    Susanna+3 Well-Known Member

    I can't even imagine trying to clean that out while on a road trip. Dd puked in the carseat two weeks ago...and it took several hours plus two loads of wash to clean everything up.. thank God we were on the way to my mom's who lives only 20 minutes away.... No way would I have made it on a long trip! We've had several bad holidays around here with rotovirus...and my sister and I have a pact that if any of our kids are puking their guts out within ten days of christmas that the holidays are off! It can take that long for the rotovirus to die while sitting on your kitchen counter or your toilet seat...
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