Our attempts to get a decent holiday pic

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Beth*J, Nov 30, 2009.

  1. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    I needn't have worried about what color tights to put the girls in (see previous posting). What I should have worried about was how to get them to sit still for one freaking second! :rolleyes: Anyway, we got one picture that doesn't have someone running away or screaming, but neither are looking at the camera. We'll try for a better one soon, but we might have to settle for this one. I emailed a copy to my mom and she wrote back to me that I really need to take care of Annelise's fingers (on the left) because the ones she sucks are so raw, they must really hurt. Ha. I had to email her back and tell her...No, really, it's not blood...it's chocolate from the M&Ms I was using to try to bribe them to sit together.
  2. kingeomer

    kingeomer Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    Even though they were not looking at the camera, they are absolutely adorable and I :wub: their dresses. We had a difficult time getting our two to sit still and together for our Christmas pictures. I am surprised that we got the pics we got.
  3. Beth*J

    Beth*J Well-Known Member

    Funny thing about the dresses: They were given to us as a gift when the girls were about a month old and 3.5 pounds. I remember looking at them and thinking, "These are never going to fit them. And, if they do ever fit them, it will be the wrong season." Well, I lucked out. I forgot I had them, looked all over for affordable Christmas dress, found nothing I liked, came home with dresses I hated and then found these in the back of their closet. I can't believe they fit them at the right time of year!
  4. bekkiz

    bekkiz Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I had the bright idea of trying to take a picture of the boys outdoors on the one nice day we've had recently. Um, yeah, all but one of the 100 pictures we took is them running in different directions. The one of them standing still is cute, but they aren't looking at the camera. Oh well, it sort of shows how our life is right now--always on the move!
  5. jjzollman

    jjzollman Well-Known Member

    That's a really cute pic, Beth! :wub: And I love the dresses, too.

    We got an awesome pic of my three boys and my cousin's kids (5 kids under 5, see my avi) and I just know when it comes time to get a pic of just my 3 boys for our Christmas card, I'm not going to have any luck! :lol: And my mom is sending out the pic in my avi as her Christmas card, so I have to get something!

    I think your pic is super cute - and I can't believe how much your girls have grown - and how much hair they have! They are adorable!!
  6. Becca34

    Becca34 Well-Known Member

    Your girls are so cute that I don't think anyone will care that they're not looking! And oh yeah, been there, done that with kids who just. won't. cooperate. It does get better, although our good pictures this year were kind of a fluke.

    And, too funny about the M&M's!
  7. jenanne

    jenanne Well-Known Member

    I think that's adorable!! They look so pretty :) And yes, gorgeous dresses. One thing I do is put silly things on my head to get them to look at me while I'm taking a pic, it's easier of course if someone else can be the clown. They love absurdities at this age, like the other day I used the baby hair brush to brush my mom's hair and got a great pic!
  8. cjk2002

    cjk2002 Well-Known Member

    I think it's a cute picture. I have no hope that I will be able to get a picture of them together this year. Even last year it did not happen.

    This is what I did last year and I plan on doing something similar this year. If I'm lucky enough to get them together, I will most likely get a 3 opening card and have them together and seperate.

    Another idea is to have someone blow bubbles behind you as your taking the picture. You might get lucky and have a few of them show up in the picture.
  9. cheriek

    cheriek Well-Known Member

    so cute! the photo is adorable! not looking together is just part of the charm! im always happy if their are no tears in the shot LOL
  10. waitingpaitently20

    waitingpaitently20 Well-Known Member

    that's adorable. What if you try giving them a bunch of nonbreakable ornament bulbs to play with so they will sit their for a sec.
  11. DATJMom

    DATJMom Well-Known Member

    They are so big Beth. It's a great shot!
  12. ladybutterflyrose

    ladybutterflyrose Well-Known Member

    Beth, they are so cute! :wub: If you do not want to go with this pic and do not get another one you like, I would go with Judy's suggestion of having an individual pic of each on a card. GL!.
  13. Dianna

    Dianna Well-Known Member

    Very cute picture!
  14. LMW1015

    LMW1015 Well-Known Member

    Beth they are just beautiful! :) They have grown up so much. :) I was in the same group as you (on Ovusoft) when you got pregnant with them. I just can't believe how big they are now! I think it's a great picture! We went and got Walker and Jocelyn's one year photos last week and we got some great individual shots but none together where they were looking at the camera. They were ALL over the place. We couldn't keep them sitting for nothing! LOL I guess it doesn't get much better huh? ;) Anyway - great pic!!!
  15. Bridgett

    Bridgett Well-Known Member

    Beth, they are just beautiful! We are getting their holiday pics this Friday morning. I'd rather have a root canal....No fun at all!
    We are planning on giving them new Christmas stuffed animals at the photo shoot so hopefully that will help some.

    The only way we could get a good pic at their last photo shoot was to tell them to play Ring Around the Rosie - ha ha, it worked.
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