Our attempt at transitioning converting their cribs to beds.

Discussion in 'The Toddler Years(1-3)' started by Faith00, Mar 25, 2008.

  1. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    Ok, I just have to post this because so many of you have been there, are there, or will be there in the future! My boys are almost 2 1/2 yrs old. They are CRAZY silly...they think our house is an obstacle course and a gymnasium.
    We have cribs tents on because obviously they kept climbing out...we've had those for about 6 mos. They pretty much destroyed them, but I have a dear friend who was able to sew and repair them for me. HOWEVER, this is now a hole in the mesh in each one now. So, I'm really thinking we need to transition. This morning I took off the tents and the fronts of their beds. They were in there w/ me and getting up in the beds saying "night night." Needless to say that didn't last long. They thought it was a new playground as they were both doing back flips out of the converted cribs. (they do this off of our couch too...not really because I want them to...more because it's less dangerous than the other things they try) I take them out of their room, after explaining we sleep in beds not do flips and climb. By naptime they both go lay down but not for long. I thought I was going to lose my mind, so I put the cribs back together and the tents back on. They are now asleep in their cribs.
    I have seriously never seen kids who climb on EVERYTHING! Just yesterday, they decided to clean out the toybox and stand up on the sides (while empty mind you) and jump into it. Well, that isn't so user friendly as it tips when empty.

    Ok, thanks for reading...I don't really know what to do. We are getting ready to move in May and I know they won't sleep in a PNP. So I was hoping to transition beforehand. Is it possible that they would do any better if I took the mattresses and put them on the floor w/o the crib frame??

    Have a good day!! :rolleyes:

  2. Amy A

    Amy A Well-Known Member

    My boys are just like you'res. Let me warn you, you SHOULD NOT just take off the side of the crib and leave it as is. I never did this because I realized as soon as I looked at it, that they would jump on the "bed" and the mattress would slide right off. We did lower the crib rails half way, but they just kept getting out and playing/fighting, they even pushed their cribs around the room. So then we removed the wheels. But they still wouldn't sleep (were up till about mn every night, and were not napping at this point - so they got about 7 hours of sleep -insane). Plus I was afraid when they were jumping that they would fall out. We finally just put the crib mattresses on the floor and took everything out of their room. Then put a childproof door knob on the door to keep them in their room. Well, they figured out how to get that off. So we switched the lock to the outside of the door (door knob locks) and locked them in. And they pushed their crib mattresses all over the place. Finally our only option was to seperate them and get them twin mattresses to put on the floor (so they couldn't move them around). I had kept thining that they would get used to each other, but they never did. Seperate rooms was the best thing we did, even though it ment putting one on the lower level. So they only had the mattress on the floor and blankets in their rooms, that's it. They did manage to get the shades off the windows a few times, but that was about it. They also slept with their lights on (with a low watt bulb) because I couldn't leave a night light plugged in (they would break it). They now go to sleep well, and have real beds now too, along with a few toys in the rooms and their dressers too. They still play for a bit before they go to sleep, but I don't mind. Just as long as they stay in their room and eventually go to bed. Augh, boys!!
  3. cclott

    cclott Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Amy A @ Mar 25 2008, 06:08 PM) [snapback]686367[/snapback]
    My boys are just like you'res. Let me warn you, you SHOULD NOT just take off the side of the crib and leave it as is. I never did this because I realized as soon as I looked at it, that they would jump on the "bed" and the mattress would slide right off. We did lower the crib rails half way, but they just kept getting out and playing/fighting, they even pushed their cribs around the room. So then we removed the wheels. But they still wouldn't sleep (were up till about mn every night, and were not napping at this point - so they got about 7 hours of sleep -insane). Plus I was afraid when they were jumping that they would fall out. We finally just put the crib mattresses on the floor and took everything out of their room. Then put a childproof door knob on the door to keep them in their room. Well, they figured out how to get that off. So we switched the lock to the outside of the door (door knob locks) and locked them in. And they pushed their crib mattresses all over the place. Finally our only option was to seperate them and get them twin mattresses to put on the floor (so they couldn't move them around). I had kept thining that they would get used to each other, but they never did. Seperate rooms was the best thing we did, even though it ment putting one on the lower level. So they only had the mattress on the floor and blankets in their rooms, that's it. They did manage to get the shades off the windows a few times, but that was about it. They also slept with their lights on (with a low watt bulb) because I couldn't leave a night light plugged in (they would break it). They now go to sleep well, and have real beds now too, along with a few toys in the rooms and their dressers too. They still play for a bit before they go to sleep, but I don't mind. Just as long as they stay in their room and eventually go to bed. Augh, boys!!

    Good Lord!!! Now I am terrified of transitioning to toddler beds!!! Glad that is a little ways off for me!!
  4. lotus

    lotus Well-Known Member

    We have cribs that convert to toddler beds. They started climbing out when they turned two, so converted their beds to the toddler beds. It was quite the nightmare as they were constantly getting out of their beds at naptime and playing with each other. I was afraid that they would hurt themselves jumping out and my active sleepers even rolled off the bed a few times when they were asleep.

    I ended up separating them, and put their crib mattresses on the floor. I emptied their rooms and put adjustable gates at the door (they don't like the door closed, this way they can see out, but can't get out). I have trouble getting them to stay in their beds, especially at naptime, but they run around in their empty room for awhile get bored and go to sleep. After a few months, they don't spend so much time running around and get to sleep pretty quickly now.

    Initially they would roll off their beds a lot while sleeping, but I've noticed this happening less and less. I plan on transitioning them to twin beds when they turn 3.
  5. Faith00

    Faith00 Well-Known Member

    Amy, OMG! I can totally visualize and relate to what you had to do. We still haven't come to a decision on what to do. Right now separating them isn't an option, although I am considering how I can make it work. DH wants to get nicer twin beds. I tried to explain that I just don't see that as an option until they learn to stay in a bed. We are still tossing around three options...crib mattresses on the floor, car toddler beds (used...thought they might stay in them since they look fun), or a full size mattress (we have an old/used one for guests) on the floor (you got me thinking it might be heavy enough they can't move it).
    For those that separated their twins AND emptied the rooms...where did you put the extra furniture...a dresser is what we have. I guess I could just stick it in another room but I don't really have room to store it somewhere.

    Thanks for the responses AND suggestions. VERY helpful!!

  6. dfaut

    dfaut 30,000-Post Club

    Alicia!! Sorry, but that was FUNNY!!!

    Ok, now when I remember my OWN personal H3LL with the transition - I feel your pain completely!!! :hug99:

    I actually DO think that taking the mattresses and frames out of there (and any dressers or whatever - locking the closet!) putting them in there without any climbing might help them to settle faster! I don't really know.... :hug99: GOOD LUCK!!
  7. brianamurnion

    brianamurnion Well-Known Member

    QUOTE(Amy A @ Mar 25 2008, 12:08 PM) [snapback]686367[/snapback]
    My boys are just like you'res. Let me warn you, you SHOULD NOT just take off the side of the crib and leave it as is. I never did this because I realized as soon as I looked at it, that they would jump on the "bed" and the mattress would slide right off. We did lower the crib rails half way, but they just kept getting out and playing/fighting, they even pushed their cribs around the room. So then we removed the wheels. But they still wouldn't sleep (were up till about mn every night, and were not napping at this point - so they got about 7 hours of sleep -insane). Plus I was afraid when they were jumping that they would fall out. We finally just put the crib mattresses on the floor and took everything out of their room. Then put a childproof door knob on the door to keep them in their room. Well, they figured out how to get that off. So we switched the lock to the outside of the door (door knob locks) and locked them in. And they pushed their crib mattresses all over the place. Finally our only option was to seperate them and get them twin mattresses to put on the floor (so they couldn't move them around). I had kept thining that they would get used to each other, but they never did. Seperate rooms was the best thing we did, even though it ment putting one on the lower level. So they only had the mattress on the floor and blankets in their rooms, that's it. They did manage to get the shades off the windows a few times, but that was about it. They also slept with their lights on (with a low watt bulb) because I couldn't leave a night light plugged in (they would break it). They now go to sleep well, and have real beds now too, along with a few toys in the rooms and their dressers too. They still play for a bit before they go to sleep, but I don't mind. Just as long as they stay in their room and eventually go to bed. Augh, boys!!

    Dont take this wrong ladies... but I am sending a quick little prayer of Thanks up to the Lord as I read these posts! I totally understand now why God gave me five girls! :D Good luck in all you do!
  8. akameme

    akameme Well-Known Member TS Moderator

    oh....my ....gosh!!

    you know how the fy folks read this board and get scared, this is SCARING THE C^^P out of me....and i thought potty training was going to be bad.

    they are both climbing into stuff, i just had to take a bookshelf out of their room.

    we are screwed if we don't get a 4 bedroom house!!!
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